Tuesday was the girls’ first day of school! They looked so cute.

After they left, I bathed Ammon and Clarissa in the bath and felt so sad. Mary and Lydia are growing up, and Ammon and Clarissa won’t be such cute babies forever. With that in mind, we spent the morning playing and reading books, and then we headed to the farm at Thanksgiving Point to meet up with Emily and Chloe.
We had a great time at the farm. The weather was absolutely PERFECT. Ammon and Chloe loved feeding the animals, even though a big goat stole Ammon’s popcorn! They also loved the pony rides, of course.
After pony rides, Clarissa was done, so we headed home to eat, play a bit more, and then take naps. I felt so happy and blessed the whole day.
After school, Mary said it was the best day of her life. She made friends and Mrs. Issa loves her. Lydia said her day was terrible because her two friends, Grace and Arielle, played together and left her out. I was thrilled to hear that Lydia was sure to invite the new girl to sit by her at lunch and play with her at recess, although I guess the new girl, another Lydia, is shy. Lydia (my Lydia) has such a kind heart.
Lydia also said she learned a lesson. If you think you don’t like someone, spend time with them, and you’ll learn they are an interesting person! I guess she spent time with someone she had deemed not fun last year, and she found out yesterday that that person is, indeed, interesting.
Then we had music practice. It was the first day practicing in our new school routine, and both girls were tired and prone to screaming and, in Lydia’s case, crying. But we made it through!
Abe came home, grilled the Thai chicken and veggies I had marinating in the fridge, and we all had dinner. After that, I took the girls school shopping. It was incredibly frustrating because I didn’t have any lists, although apparently all of the other parents have lists somehow?! But Lydia was insistent that she needed certain things by tomorrow, so off we went.
Then we came home, put the kids down, and went straight to bed. It was a long, beautiful day!