Today was my FAVORITE day of the whole entire trip. I absolutely loved Germany, and spending a day there with Anthony, Malika and their kids was the greatest. No amount of blog raving will do the day justice–it included delicious food, a great museum/furniture store, fun for the kids in the form of an incredible slide, and a swim in the Rhine!!! That could not be topped.
The fabulously comfortable chair Malika told us about. pretending to have a board meeting. The slide! The kids and dads went down a lot.
After the Vitra design stop, went to a giant slide. The kids went nuts for it, especially Ammon and Clarissa. Clarissa was scared at first and hilariously screamed the whole way down. This video is of her second way down (she’s on Abe’s lap):
The kids also played a little at a playground in Vitra.
Then we drove to a nearby German town for lunch and cake. Afterward we took a short walk on a nearby hill leading to a forest and then picked flowers at a nearby flower-field that sold pick-your-own flowers.
picking raspberries by the road. wonderful fountain. on our after lunch walk. picking gladiolas to bring home. Malika arranging flowers. Malika’s arrangement matches her dad’s artwork on the walls.
Then Malika and I took the bus down to where people get into the river. It was the highlight of the whole trip for me. The weather was absolutely perfect. I love being in natural water, and that I was in the Rhine made it all the more exciting. Also I enjoy talking with Malika so much. She is so intelligent and wise, and I learn so much from her. It was just the greatest float!

At home Abe and Anthony were playing games with the kids and eating pizza. After our swim we had some pizza and then I took pictures of some of the books on their bookshelf so I could remember to check them out when we got home. I also took pictures of Anthony and Malika’s books.
The kids made grape juice from their vines. Tasting the juice.
Our kids adored Emile and Amalia, and they could not stop talking about them for the rest of the trip. I loved seeing the circle of friendship continue. This was the true highlight of the trip for me–the best day in a series of truly incredible days!
This is Abe interjecting here. Tonight after the kids went down, Anthony and I went on a run at night through the forest. We stayed on the wider paths and the moon was nearly full, so lighting worked out even though it was night. It felt like old times as we used to run together. We talked and got caught up on life. After running we went back to his place and sat on the porch and talked all about life, facing death, religion, my spiritual journey, Anthony’s journey in Switzerland and his trying to decide if he wants to make more friends and more. It was a solid heart-to-heart and it left me loving him even more than before (if that’s possible). Anthony is such a good dude, and I can’t believe I’ve had the gift of having his close friendship since first grade. My time with him tonight was super special and a highlight of the trip for me.