In the morning I made borscht in preparation for Clark’s family’s arrival.
Then I took Basil on a walk. I found this loose piece of concrete that almost flipped up when I stepped on it, so I called the city about it and they fixed it the next day. That made me feel so proud of Orem. They were so responsive!
After dinner we took the kids to Menchie’s. Again.We put Clarissa in the day bed for the visit and she loved it.
Ammon has enjoyed acting like a ninja:
Ammon meditating before bed.
After everyone arrived at the house the kids stayed up late playing while the grown-ups chatted. My favorite part was watching Swathi literally light up while talking about her passion for hematology!
Ammon sometimes likes to eat breakfast under the table. I think it’s mostly or at least partially to avoid being irritated by siblings.Abe and Clarissa cuddling while I was about to go walk Basil. After ballroom we all went to Menchie’s for the first time in a long time. It was so yummy.Clarissa’s Valentine’s Day box
Abe got me these pretty flowers. That was pretty much the extent of our Valentine’s Day, which I enjoyed so much. It was a very low-key, easy day.Abe was enamored with how cute these two are and took a picture on the way to school.After school Abe went up and skied with the girls until after 9pm. They had the greatest time, which makes me so happy. I love seeing all the pictures of the three of them loving this sport together!
We arrived at Big Springs by 9am, which was a big accomplishment for us on a Sunday! It was totally iced over but still fun. I went ahead with Basil while Abe and the kids played behind in some trees. By the time I crossed a big meadow into the aspen forest, it was so beautiful. I wanted to keep going but realized I had the car keys and that if Abe or the kids got cold, they would be shivering.
After we hiked and did some errands, I went out to Death on the Nile with my friend Courtney. It was so fun I wondered why I don’t go to the movies more often. And then I remembered that I live in a gun-heavy part of a gun-heavy state, and I am scared of mass shootings. But we survived and had fun!
After the movie we had home church. Our pastor, Tyler, came, along with a local BYU student. She blew me away with her thoughtfulness, insight and loving-kindness. Abe and I adore providing safe shelter for people going through the difficult experience of faith transition, and it was an honor to hear her story.
After she left we hung out with Tyler and ate fondue and snacks until 8pm. Then Abe and I put down the kids and watched our new favorite show, Chef’s Table. It is so spectacular!
After staying up late finishing Don’t Look Up last night, Abe and I were inclined to sleep in. But our kids were not! So as a compromise we got out of the door in time to be first in line for Boozehounds’ opening…at 10am. Sadly, this felt like a major win for us.
Clarissa often likes to brush her own hair before getting help from a grown-up. Here she’s being silly 🙂We saw a massive wind farm as we entered Palm Springs
We loved Boozehounds! There were so many dogs that the kids loved petting and seeing, and the food was oh-so-amazing. It was Filipino food but I couldn’t exactly tell where the Filipino came in, other than the fact that my salad had an asian dressing. But every dish was just so good.
I had read that Palm Springs is a great place to order mixed drinks, so I ordered one with breakfast.
Either it has been so long that I drank that my body could barely handle it or the mixed drinks in California are a lot stiffer than in Utah. But after two sips I started feeling woozy. I completely stopped after four sips. But those four sips were delicious.
Then we spent the next two hours driving around trying to find a pool for the kids to swim in. The weather was beautiful and I regretted not just paying for an airbnb with a pool. I almost did and was just kicking myself the whole time.
We drove from the Ace Hotel to the Seguaro Hotel. Neither were currently available, but I did note that the Seguaro was dog friendly and chic. Lydia wants to come back to Palm Springs on her birthday and bring Basil to Boozehounds, so I will need a solution that is dog friendly and has a pool. Seguaro checks both boxes!
After we determined there were no pools or hot springs open to children right now, we went to town and tried to find some celebrity houses. But then I realized that Shields’ Date Farm closed their cafe in one hour, and we needed to get there if we wanted to try a date shake.
So we drove to Shield’s Date Farm, tried date shakes, walked around their biblical sculpture garden, admired their date trees, watched their movie, The Romance and Sex Life of Dates (actually a very, very tame movie about date propagation), and bought some dates. My only regret is that I did not get a coffee date shake. If we go again I am noting to self to try that next time.
Now that the trees are so high, and with technology advancements, mechanical platforms are currently used to help workers to the top of the trees.
female date palm95% of the dates made in the US are made in this valley.There were Christian statues throughout the gardens
Then we drove back to town and drove around the Palm Springs celebrity houses. The kids were so enthusiastic and interested, even though they had no idea who most of the famous people were. We all did know Lucille Ball, though, and they were so excited to see her house!
Zsa Zsa Gabor’s former place. Won Ms Hungary in 1936, had 7 husbands (her sister married one x-husband). Nat King Cole’s former placeElvis & Priscilla’s honeymoon hideaway home during 1966 and 1967Elvis’ Palm Springs home later in his life. When he died, the only homes he owned were this and Graceland.I think daughter of a cosmetics mogul lived here.Lily loved the triangle-shaped entry-waysMary Martin’s former place (played Peter Pan)I think this is Frank Sinatra’s former homeLucille Ball’s former placeLucille Ball’s former placeLucille Ball’s former place
Then we drove to the aerial tram and rode that to the top, where we ate dinner. The tram was such a surprise. I expected it to be a normal ski lift, but it is much closer to a Disney ride. The floor rotates, the person operating the tram seems to function like a DJ, and on our ride everyone sang and danced along to the songs in the tram. It was really fun.
At the top we ate at the restaurant, which would have been a severe disappointment had we not been grateful to just learn for ourselves that that is an experience we need not repeat. The food was not up to trip standards, but it was still fun to eat it together.
Then we drove home to blog. The kids all fell asleep en route, and I just chugged a lot of Nyquil so that I can follow their excellent example.
We loved eating dates in the car! Lily’s favorite was the the Blonde date, and her least favorite was the Deglet Noor date. Ammon was so cute in the car and said something to the effect of, “mom, I am so so sorry to yuck your yum, but I like the Deglet Noor the best.”
Abe and I treasure every trip we have taken together, no matter how short, small or humble, and so far this trip ranks wonderfully for novelty, fun, and refreshment.
Today I spent almost the whole day resting in bed. I still don’t have my voice back and I was completely exhausted. I feel like when I review the blog at random, fifty percent of the time I click on a day when it reads, “I spent the whole day in bed because I was sick and tired.” Maybe that’s a sign I should lay off the sugar or be more consistent about vitamins or something.
At any rate I did rouse myself to tidy, fold laundry, and do some chores at various points in the day, and I finished reading The Anatomy of Peace and the novel, Less. At the end of the day I sat down Mary and Lydia and tried for the umpteenth time to teach them how to crochet. I haven’t crocheted myself in years so I was also re-teaching myself, and in the process might have let fly a few too many swear words in the heat of it all. (At any given moment Lydia was impatiently charging ahead with her–incorrect–technique and demanding to know what to do next, Mary was struggling with step one, and I was trying to re-watch the tutorial to see where we all went wrong.)
In the morning I came out of the bedroom to see Abe printing out the coloring pages Clarissa pointed out. I took a picture because it was so adorable to hear her say, “Dad, you are SO AMAZING!!” because whatever she pointed to magically printed out for her to color.
Gazing adoringly at Abe after he printed out her coloring pages.
Abe’s day included of a two-hour long zoom call with his AXB group of friends. They had their annual secret Santa gift exchange and monthly chat, which sounded very fun. There was a lot of laughter and Abe seemed to be in a better mood after that. He has felt very tired and worn down, and the fact that I have laryngitis just adds to all he has to do. But he has been very kind and giving in spite of his fatigue and it was nice to hear him having so much fun with his friends.
His call came at the same time as morning church, but he zoomed in to the local afternoon meeting. Some people in the CoC still attend their LDS wards because they have a spouse or kids still going there, and I guess one of our local CoC people had a pretty rough day at her ward that she wanted to process with the group. I have had a lot of positive experiences in LDS chapels lately (listening to my post-Mormon friend Courtney sing in her home ward, and then accompanying Courtney for the funeral service of her father-in-law were both very positive experiences), but listening to Abe relate what the lesson was in the LDS church today was frankly upsetting. I felt grateful to have my whole family safely out.
Here is Clarissa stuck in the footrest. Abe thought it was funny.Abe also played Chutes and Ladders with Ammon and Clarissa
Mary made Dorie Greenspan’s World Peace Cookies today. I did not help a bit, and they tasted amazing. We ate all of the pretty ones but Abe got a picture with the last batch of the, er, less pretty–but oh-so-tasty!!–ones below.
Mary also made a fairy house for the hall table.
I think Abe and I are going to take an easy walk around the block with Basil after the kids go down and either watch TV or read books until 10:30pm hits.
This morning we woke up to the sound of snow and hail outside. Clark and Swathi alerted us it was blizzarding in Seattle, but we still packed and drove to Salt Lake because we did not see any evidence that our flight had cancelled.
When we were pulling up to Karin’s house we received a notification that the flight had just cancelled. So we chatted a minute with Karin and headed back home, stopping en route at Spitz.
Once home Abe and I handed the kids their “brain cookers” (i.e. screens) and headed to our new favorite spot in the basement to finish off The Witcher series. We are both under the weather and it was really nice to just lie there doing nothing.
The kids are actually burnt out on screens and spent a lot of that time running around the house. When we were finished we came upstairs to discover Ammon and Clarissa had scratched up a ton of walls with the tip of a metal toy. Sigh.
And Abe made the kids dinner while I sit here catching up on the blog. After dinner the kids gave us another dance show. Abe has it on video. So cute.
In the morning Tom, Suzanne, and Jere joined us for brunch. We didn’t realize we would even be in town for this so Abe and I scrambled to improvise a menu. All of the stores except Walgreens were closed so it was, er, very carb heavy. But everyone seemed to have a good time!
three generational shotAfter brunch everyone opened gifts from Tom and Suzanne. Clarissa was over the moon with her Polly Pocket unicorn castle. We all thought it was the most fitting gift for her, and it was fun to hear her periodically exclaim, “I love this gift!!”
After we cleaned up we let the kids play with all of their toys while we retreated to the basement to our new daybed and watched The Witcher. It was so cozy and lazy, which is exactly what I have wanted.
In the late afternoon the older girls and I headed to my mom’s and visited with her. I gave her a little foot massage while the girls chatted and showed her dances. I also set up her Netflix. I hope she finds some good shows that give her some fun.
In the evening Ammon and Clarissa entertained us with the best dances they had practiced during the day. And then everyone but me (who was exhausted on the couch, taking pictures) had a dance party. It was very entertaining to watch.
After we put the kids to bed we watched more of The Witcher. I know we say this about every series, but it might be our favorite of all time. We just love it.
Because our flight to Seattle was scheduled for Dec 25, we celebrated our Christmas on the 24th this year. The kids woke up to the presents the older girls and I had set out the night before.
Before breakfast Abe took Clarissa to Harmon’s to get some things to make French Toast for us and my mom (to whom we delivered some later).
No one was allowed to open presents until Mary got out of bed (she was the last one up). Here is a video of everyone getting her out of bed.
Here are the letters to and from Santa! (As always, written and burnt by Abe, a tradition started as far back as Grandfather Darais with his kids.)
Basil got a stocking full of treats, including this doggy candy cane.
Clarissa was battling some blood boogers…Present opening chaos.
Clarissa got some lip stick that she tried out on me.The kids found out we are going to France in the summer. The younger two appear more excited than the older two. Mary gave me the cutest little album.In the afternoon the girls and I visited my mom and gave her a foot massage.Meanwhile Abe was at home making salmon for dinner with Ammon.
Abe and I were still recovering emotionally from our fight on the 23rd, so we were very tired this day. I spent half of the day in bed sleeping honestly. And then Abe came down and we talked until we felt so much better. Well, the stress ended up with Abe being sick almost all day, but he did five neti pot sessions to help him recover. Between that and our talk he was feeling better by the end of the day, when we just collapsed in front of The Witcher.
After work Abe and the kids had a little dance party.
We drove up to Karin and Jay in Ogden for dinner and gift exchanges.
Abe, the older girls, and I were up until almost 2am putting out presents. The drive from Ogden was more than an hour each way in the dark and the rain, and so we did not get home until late.
Since I am trying to record the entirety of our family’s life on here as authentically as possible, I’ll just say today was not the best day for us. Abe and I had a huge fight. Aell, mostly I was the one upset until Abe decided an hour and a half in that he could finally see where I was coming from.
We don’t usually have serious or upsetting disagreements–and lately we have felt especially in sync, so this day was very unsettling and painful. We did get to a better place before we went to bed, but it was still a very rough day. Abe, who was perfectly healthy at the beginning of our disagreement, ended it with a severe cold. So I think the stress of listening to me spout off was physically triggering. I wish I did not have a temper. But I am grateful Abe is always very kind and forgiving when it gets the best of me. He had a lot to forgive today, I’ll tell you that!