Author: Lydia Darais
Protected: First Day In New York!
A completely awesome day!
Today we woke up, and had amazing pears. Then we started walking Fira. The first fifteen were minutes were steep uphill the side of a road, but it got better after that. On the walk to Fira we had an amazing view of the volcano in Santorini that erupted a long time ago. Then at the edge of the town Fira, we ate brunch.

So, after we ate brunch me and Mary bought gifts for most of our friends, and Mary, Clarissa and I got evil eye bracelets. Evil eyes protect you from bad people, and they bring good luck. We also got ice cream, I got the Lemon Sorbet and it was delicious. We got all of these amazing things in a series of twisting alleyways that were colorful and fun. After we did that we took a taxi to the ferry. There were so many people trying to cram onto the fairy that the security person could only let one family in at a time, but we all got on. The fairy ride took longer than it was supposed to because it was windy, and the waves were huge. The whole ferry ride the ferry made a weird rattling sound. We docked safely though, but it was a nightmare walking to the restaurant. It was really, really windy. We did eat a good meal partly because we sat inside the restaurant, but the food was really good. Then we bought some cookies and drove to our villa. When we were inside our Villa I face-timed Emerson while the rest of my family finished watching the Willoughby’s. Then we all went to bed.
Mom’s photos
Just throwing some more photos on here that hadn’t uploaded when Lydia blogged. Thank you so much for blogging, Lydia!
Also, here is a video that shows the Port at Santorini, and how steep the road is that we went up and down on.