Sunny Sunday

If I have to be sick, I want every day to be like this. It was sunny and glorious, and even though I spent most of church feeling miserable and so sorry for myself, the rest of the day was terrific. Thanks to Abe’s efforts and the kids’ long naps, there was lots of down-time. I even started reading the next Fablehaven book, and it’s proving to be much better than the first one.

Here are today’s pictures:

We ate dinner outside again. It was so nice I forgot I was sick for a little bit.
We ate dinner outside again. It was so nice I forgot I was sick for a little bit.


I was sitting at the table eating and marveling at how green everything is. I just love, love, love verdant scenes.
I was sitting at the table eating and marveling at how green everything is. I just love, love, love verdant scenes.
Lydia still has not figured out how to glide on her balance bike, but that doesn't stop her from walking around on it.
Lydia still has not figured out how to glide on her balance bike, but that doesn’t stop her from walking around on it.
Abe was dying to trace the girls' outlines and color them in, but the girls were scared. So he finally begged us to trace him. Here's Lydia coloring Abe's outline.
Abe was dying to trace the girls’ outlines and color them in, but the girls were scared. So he finally begged us to trace him. Here’s Lydia coloring Abe’s outline.
And then she danced on it.
And then she danced on it.
Abe felt proud.
Abe felt proud.
Whenever Mary wants praise, she just folds her arms like she's going to pray. We all go nuts.
Whenever Mary wants praise, she just folds her arms like she’s going to pray. We all go nuts.
After all the fun with Daddy's outline, Mary wanted in.
After all the fun with Daddy’s outline, Mary wanted in.
And, of course, so did Lydia.
And, of course, so did Lydia.
Then it was chase outside.
Then it was chase outside.

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Then we returned inside and wondered how to spend the rest of the evening. At that very moment, who should call but Clark and Swathi! We Skyped with them for an hour. That’s always a highlight of my week. As soon as we said good-bye to them, the doorbell rang. It was Suzanne!

Suzanne came over for a visit.
Suzanne came over for a visit.
The girls both wanted turns on her lap.
The girls both wanted turns on her lap.
Mary spent approximately an hour picking out cards from our various piles, sorting them, and handing them to all of us.
Mary spent approximately an hour picking out cards from our various piles, sorting them, and handing them to all of us.
Handing Suzanne a card.
Handing Suzanne a card.
Returning from card distribution duty with a sense of satisfaction.
Returning from card distribution duty with a sense of satisfaction.

And I have Suzanne to thank for the decongestants I am about to take. Here’s hoping for a great night’s sleep!

Happy Easter!

I have a ton of cute pictures from Easter, so we’ll just get to the good stuff right away:

IMG_7403 IMG_7406 IMG_7411 IMG_7417Then after church and naps, we headed to the Miners’ for dinner and their Easter egg hunt. That was egg hunt #5 of the season for the girls.

The girls posed with a bunny and had a little scuffle  about who got to hold the bunny....
The girls posed with a bunny and had a little scuffle about who got to hold the bunny….

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...Mary won that fight.
…Mary won that fight.
I made rolls again to bring to the dinner.  (This was the small pan.)
I made rolls again to bring to the dinner. (This was the small pan.)

Egg hunt:

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Frankie, the dog, wasn’t interested in the eraser Mary repeatedly offered. But he didn’t mind being petted. That was great, since Mary spent a lot of time chasing him down to pet. Lydia prefers to keep a very healthy distance from dogs.

Then we came home, Skyped with Clark and Swathi, talked with my mom, picked up the house, and now will hopefully get a jump start on early bed time for the week. Happy Easter!

Sunday Dinner pics

Not much happened today. Mary made it through twenty minutes of nursery unattended, but for the rest of the time Abe and I traded off being there. In Sunday School we talked about the Exodus and the Passover, although the discussion turned into the whys and hows of suffering.

When I was trying to teach Lydia the 23rd Psalm, I looked up a discourse on youtube given by a Jewish rabbi explaining his interpretation of the psalm. He pointed out that the rod and the staff have different meanings; the rod is a correcter and the staff is a comforter, and yet both are said to “comfort me” in the psalm. I had always glossed over that line thinking that the rod and staff were just synonyms and the repetition was poetic. Anyway, ever since I watched that video, I have adopted the verse, “Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me” as a mantra whenever I’m feeling upset by a given situation. It helps a lot, and that line came to mine when we were discussing the hows of suffering.

Abe taught a wonderful lesson on the Sacrament today, although I wasn’t there to witness it. He loves the new teaching style and says the trick is this: the less the teacher talks, the greater everyone seems to think the lesson went. When I passed by his room on my way to Relief Society, Abe was standing at the front silently while the class broke up into pairs to discuss a question he asked them. It sounded like a lot of active discussions were taking place, and that always spurs learning. The only thing I don’t like about Abe being an Elder’s Quorum teacher is that I never get to hear his lessons. I wish I could.

Our new home teachers came over to visit us after church, and it was great getting to know them better. One of them is a professional down tester. He says most of the down he tests is good quality, but he’s found sticks, cigarette butts, beaks, and bird feet in the down before. Yikes! Makes me want to buy synthetic pillows…

Then I made rolls and we went to Tom and Suzanne’s for dinner. I took a lot of pictures while we were there:

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And then these two that Abe took a couple days ago that I didn’t see until just now:

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Grandma Darais’s funeral

The pictures from today are on my phone, and that’s in the car. So sorry, Grandma! We’ll be better tomorrow.

This morning I went to school and helped prepare food for a charity event. I cooked so slowly and messed up the mousse so many times that eventually I had to call it quits because I was going to be late to Grandma Darais’s funeral. It was an exercise in humiliation.

The funeral was absolutely beautiful, though. I couldn’t imagine a single thing about the funeral itself that I would change. Six of her seven children gave talks, and about twelve of her twenty-something grandchildren also spoke. I accompanied one of her daughters-in-law for a musical number, and two professional violinists played a beautiful number as well. If I could do it over, though, I would get a babysitter so I could actually hear the talks. What I heard was wonderful, but the girls were out of their minds with over-stimulation/fatigue, and I had my hands full chasing them all over the church (obviously, I took them out of the chapel, but they had the run of the rest of the church…).  I am glad the funeral was taped and transcribed, and I can not wait to watch and read what I missed. Grandma Darais was incredibly inspiring, and Abe and I sat in the car a long time after getting home (the girls were asleep) and discussed the clarity of perspective Grandma Darais’s life and death have provided for our own lives. Apart from loving her, we also admire her immensely. She’s on my personal hero list.

Also, funeral potatoes and green jello are real, and they actually serve them at funerals. I have eaten funeral potatoes since coming to Utah, but I didn’t realize their nickname was based in any sort of reality. Nor did I imagine that people actually ate green jello at LDS funerals–but they really do! I felt ridiculously Mormon sitting in a chapel in Provo eating funeral potatoes and watching the girls eat green jello.

I’m going to go daydream now. I’m tired from chasing the girls. Abe is going to play video games with his brothers, who are in town for the funeral.

sick Sunday

Abe and I both woke up sick again. Boooo. But even though Abe was up all night coughing, he somehow still had energy to take both girls to church. For my part, I was feeling queasy and exhausted, so I stayed home. Apparently, at the end of church Lydia called her cat on the phone and continued to chat with him for the next twenty minutes:

“Hi cat! Oh, yeah? Uh-huh. Okaaay, because we’re cwossing the street now. Oh-oh-oh-oh!! Yep! Talk to you later!” (etc.)

Abe then went back to church to get trained on the new teaching style the church is promoting. He came home sooooo excited. Teachers are now only supposed to talk eight minutes or less, so the classes will be driven by questions and discussion. Our only regret is that we love listening to our Sunday School teacher, Larry Perkins. He asks a lot of questions, but he also tells wonderful stories that illustrate doctrine so beautifully. We could listen to well more than eight minutes of him. In almost every other case, though, we’re excited for the change.

I stayed home and read some commentary on the New Testament and then switched over to watching a ton of interviews surrounding Elizabeth Smart. I checked out her memoir yesterday and could not put it down–I finished it at 11pm last night, and all morning I could not get her story out of my head. She is such a beautiful, resilient person, and I admire her strength, courage, and example in making a difference for others. I would now count her among my top heroes, and I could not tear myself away from all of the interviews on Youtube.

The vindictive part of me also enjoyed watching Brian David Mitchell get interrogated by a Salt Lake City Police Detective and an FBI officer. I didn’t watch the whole thing, but the Salt Lake detective was obviously LDS and knew his scriptures; when Mitchell tried to pull his pseudo-religious crap out, the detective called him on it in a way that made me want to stand up and applaud. I’ve always had trouble with the idea that some people are evil through and through, but after reading about Brian David Mitchell and Wanda Barzee (who fed her children their pet rabbit for dinner and smiled while they ate it), I have finally decided that there are people who are completely shut off to anything good.

Back to the events of today. Abe played with the girls all day. He crafted with them, took them to the park, fed them, and played chase-and-throw-the-babies. He told me that today he felt like a kid again, and that he never anticipated how fun being a parent would be. I think it’s fun because he makes it so fun. He’s such a terrific dad. And husband. And person. I’m a fan.

Even though I basically lay in bed all day, I still feel sick and tired, so I will wrap up. I didn’t take any pictures today, and I don’t think Abe did either. I also can’t remember the last time I showered, so I’m going to go take care of that now…

Last day with mom–a pretty one, at that!

Today we all slept in after yesterday’s birthday festivities–and it didn’t adversely affect our punctuality at church, since today is BOTH daylight savings and stake conference. For stake conference, our stake meets at the Tabernacle at Temple Square, which is an incredible experience. Sitting in that historic building by itself would have been wonderful, but having served my mission at Temple Square, I felt an added measure of enjoyment.

Abe discreetly took this during conference.
A discreet shot of conference.


Mary slept on a bench for  the first part of conference.
Mary slept on a bench for the first part of conference.

One of our speakers was 102 years old, and she was the granddaughter of both President Heber J. Grant and Joseph Fielding Smith. She herself was the General Young Women’s president at one point and was the impetus behind the restoration/building of many church buildings, including the Beehive House, the original Joseph Smith Farm in Palmyra, and the Church History Museum. She told some wonderful stories from her life, and we were all impressed that at 102 years old she could still “rally the faithful.”

But my favorite part of conference was when we learned about our new “forty days of holiness” program. For the next forty days, members of our stake will read through the entire four gospels and 3 Nephi in anticipation of Easter. It’s kind of like Lent, only we’ll be reading about seven pages of scriptures a day instead of giving up something. I am so excited to get started, so I’ll post pictures and start already!

Eventually, the girls couldn't handle conference, so Abe took them outside and let them play on the square.
Eventually, the girls couldn’t handle conference, so Abe took them outside and let them play on the square.
Mary wanted to push Lydia home.
Mary wanted to push Lydia home.
She made it pretty far.
She made it pretty far.
We took a walk after dinner, and the girls fell asleep.
We took a walk after dinner, and the girls fell asleep.
It's been an exciting weekend.
It’s been an exciting weekend.

Most of all, we will miss my mom soooooooooo much. But we know she’s going to another happy spot, and we are happy she and Grandma have each other for company. We love you, Grandma!! We’ll give Mom lots of hugs and kisses tomorrow to give to you when she gets back.

Mary has a new word!

Today at church we talked about Abraham’s sacrifice and what that means. During the course of the discussion, the importance of personal revelation came up. One woman made a comment dismissing the importance of revelation, and I could almost see Abe’s allergic reaction to her words. He controlled himself and didn’t allow himself to respond, but afterward we spent a long time discussing how grateful we are for personal revelation.

Then Abe bore his testimony in church. Lydia was perfectly behaved and sat quietly on the bench the whole time, but I missed most of what he said because I was chasing Mary around the halls the whole time. She has a lot of energy.

This afternoon my lovely visiting teacher, Erika, came over. I always feel bad because I talk to her for such long periods of time, but she is just so fun to talk to.

After she left, Anique called and invited us on a walk to a playground. Mary had just woken up, and it was too early to break our fast, so the timing was awesome.

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The girls had so much fun playing, and Anique and I spent the whole walk back talking about food. I get so hungry on fast Sunday that I was literally drooling while we talked. It was a little embarrassing. We made plans to start a monthly lunch date. I’m so excited.

Then we went home, ate dinner and Face Timed with Clark and Swathi. They amused Mary with funny faces and listened patiently to Lydia ramble on about whatever was on her mind. Then I talked their ears off about the culture at culinary school and the drama of preschool hunting. At one point, I laughed so hard I cried. That felt fantastic.

Then we played with the girls until Tom and Suzanne came over for a visit.

They all had "princess hair," including Abe and the cat.
They all had “princess hair,” including Abe and the cat.

It was so fun to see Tom and Suzanne. Suzanne taught the Sunday School lesson in her ward today, and it was interesting to hear where her ward went in the Abraham discussion.

And now Mary is crying because she doesn’t want to go to bed. She’s saying a new word! “Daddy! Dad! Daddy!”  Awwww…Abe can’t resist and is going to her. I wish she would learn “Mama” one of these days…sniffle.

**I’m adding these last pictures a day later because I just now received them from Abe’s phone:

mary in fridge mary and noodle princess tent

Outside pics and a happy dinner

We kept Lydia and Mary home for all of church except Sacrament since Lydia was still sick. After church, we came home and napped (and joked about how much our family naps–except Lydia, of course).

I took these after Abe and I got up. We took Lydia outside because it was a beautiful day.

Drawing in the dirt.
Drawing in the dirt.
Lydia spontaneously lay down and soaked up the sun.
Lydia spontaneously lay down and soaked up the sun.


Checking out deer poop in our yard.
Checking out deer poop in our yard.
Driving Daddy in the car.
Driving Daddy in the car.
Checking out how the sun roof works.
Checking out how the sun roof works.

Then we woke Mary up so we could go to dinner at the Andersons’. Paige made the most delicious meal I have eaten in so. so. so. long. I am still thinking about it. And we enjoyed meeting their friends, Shad and Jenna. Shad told us all about the new fantasy novel he’s writing, and we are excited to read it when it gets published. We had a ton of fun–it made our whole Sunday feel happy.

Then we came home and might try to catch the closing ceremony of the Olympics before going to bed. Abe asked me if I felt rested (after our many naps) and ready for the week. The fact that I don’t want the week to start made him exclaim that I must be slowly dying if I’m not recovered after the excessive amount of rest this weekend offered. The more likely story is that I’m a wimp who’s behind in homework, housework, and piano practice, and I don’t want the consequences of my procrastination to catch up to me this week.

Abe, on the other hand, feels great and ready to work. He gets significantly less sleep than I do, so I don’t understand. But I love his new job for making him so happy, and I’m glad that at least one of us doesn’t dread Monday!

Loads and loads and loads of laundry (and some other stuff)

This morning I took the girls to the park for our ward play group.

Mary noticed her shoe strap had come undone.
Mary noticed her shoe strap had come undone. Also, the girls LOVE to hold hands whenever we go anywhere.
Lydia helped fix Mary's shoe strap while Mary's negligent mother looked on and took a picture.
Lydia helped fix Mary’s shoe strap while Mary’s negligent mother looked on and took a picture. Also, see Lydia’s hair? That took me approximately forty minutes this morning. I saw a girl with this hair do yesterday and really wanted to try it on Lydia. Next time I will make her hair more wet before I attempt it.

The rest of the day was spent feeding kids, napping, reading my book, and folding approximately five huge loads of laundry (basically the girls’ entire wardrobe and more than half of our clothes, too).

Anique and I did our soup exchange yesterday, which was the greatest blessing because I had no time to cook tonight.

Then I went to my Relief Society meeting. I’m on the humanitarian division of the committee, and so we picked which organizations we’re going to help this year.

Then it was Smith’s for food, and now bed.

February Camping trip

We just came back from our St. George and Zion camping trip. I took ninety-five pictures, so I will try to whittle them down (somewhat) and just post the highlights here:

Our neighbors left us some chocolate covered strawberries on our back porch right before we left on our trip. Here's Mary chowing down at a gas station en route.
Our neighbors left us some chocolate covered strawberries on our back porch right before we left on our trip. Here’s Mary chowing down at a gas station en route. (Lydia just finished hers — with evident satisfaction.)
We borrowed Lydia's friend, Cole, for the afternoon and evening. The first thing we did was go to Abe's cousin's soccer game.
We borrowed Lydia’s friend, Cole, for the afternoon and evening. The first thing we did was go to Abe’s cousin’s soccer game.
Charlie won his game! Posing with the victor.
Charlie won his game! Posing with the victor.
Then we went back to our campground to set up tent. The kids shared a bag of chips, ran around, and even helped a bit.
Then we went back to our campground to set up tent. The kids shared a bag of chips, ran around, and even helped a bit.
Sharing chips.
Sharing chips.
Running around
Running around


Wanting to help.
Wanting to help.
It looked a little wonky because we didn't set up the vestibule properly. But it was huge! This is the first time we've used it, and we fit a queen sized air mattress AND a twin air mattress (I have a bad back) in there with plenty of room to spare.
It looked a little wonky because we didn’t set up the vestibule properly. But it was huge! This is the first time we’ve used it, and we fit a queen sized air mattress AND a twin air mattress (I have a bad back) in there with plenty of room to spare.
We bundled.
We bundled.
And hugged.
And hugged.
Happy and warm.
Happy and warm.


The next morning, eating granola bars and fruit.
The next morning, eating granola bars and fruit.

After breaking camp and attending Sacrament meeting, we went to Zion National Park.

Entering Zion National Park. The pictures do not do it justice at all. The majesty, splendor, and vast scale of the rock formations just took our breaths away.
Entering Zion National Park. The pictures do not do it justice at all. The majesty, splendor, and vast scale of the rock formations just took our breaths away.


Abe wears an adventure hat, and so Lydia does too. Here she is before hike #1 with a pine cone and leaf.
Abe wears an adventure hat, and so Lydia does too. Here she is before hike #1 with a pine cone and leaf.
Abe in his adventure hat. I have so many versions of this picture, and they are all so cute.
Abe in his adventure hat. I have so many versions of this picture, and they are all so cute.



Lydia and Daddy are so far ahead!
Lydia and Daddy are so far ahead!
Deciding to catch up.
Deciding to catch up.
Caught up.
Caught up.
Wanting Daddy to hold her hand.
Wanting Daddy to hold her hand.


Hand holding.
Hand holding.
Oops! I'm supposed to be taking pictures of the scenery!!
Oops! I’m supposed to be taking pictures of the scenery!!


Hike #2 (Weeping Rock).
Hike #2 (Weeping Rock).
Under the weeping rock.
Under the weeping rock.
Enjoying the view.
Enjoying the view.
Hike #3: The Lower Emerald Pool.
Hike #3: The Lower Emerald Pool.
Made it.
Made it.
On our return trip.
On our return trip.
This is what's behind where we're crouching in the last shot. The kind man who took our picture focused on the people instead of the view (hey! That sounds like someone I know!).
This is what’s behind where we’re crouching in the last shot. The kind man who took our picture focused on the people instead of the view (hey! That sounds like someone I know!).