Today was a good day for both me and Lily, but I think it is fair to say we are both exhausted. There was in incredible thunderstorm at 4 in the morning that was impressive, but also unfortunate as it shaved more time off of our already limited sleep.
Work went well for me. I’ve already hit my quota for the quarter which is nice, but I’ve already set my sites on next quarter and I’ve been working very hard. By the time I got home, I was completely pooped.
Lily had a good day, but she had her own mountains to climb. Lydia was in a particularly difficult mood today and Lily also woke up feeling sick and exhausted. She basically cleaned every square inch of our home yesterday so I’m not surprised she needed a little recovery today. The day did start out fun for her by having Rose and her children over for breakfast.
For dinner, we had Tom and Suzanne over for dinner and Lily did a repeat of her wonderful egg-salad sandwiches that she did yesterday. After dinner, we all went to the park. Enjoy the pictures!