massive make-up

Okay, so I got behind in New York. Thankfully, I haven’t taken any pictures for the past two days, so I only have to post from Monday and Tuesday!


Abe got in late on Sunday night (or early Monday morning…he walked in the apartment around 3 am).  We slept in a little in the morning and then took the train down to Central Park to watch a puppet show at the Swedish Cottage. They do old fashioned marionette puppet shows at the cottage, and the show we saw was called Bessie’s Big Shot. It was a cute little plot about a cow named Bessie who wants to join the circus. The plot was mostly an excuse for the show to use a lot of fascinating circus puppets, but we didn’t mind!


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Then we ate lunch at a Druze restaurant called Gazala’s. We loved our food.


Mary was tired from the puppet show.
Mary was tired from the puppet show.


Afterward, we went to the Natural History Museum. Our favorite room was the Hall of Large Mammals. That room is amazing. I could not believe the detail in those dioramas, the girls were fascinated. The room also made me grateful to live in the West because most of those gorgeous scenes took place in the west. All the road trips we need to make flitted through my mind as we walked through that hall.


Lydia’s favorite part of the museum was the skeleton in the evolution room. She demanded to sit in front of the skeleton for a full five minutes and then protested when we said it was time to move on. She has a skeleton app on her iPad, and it has made her very interested in skeletons.

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By the time we were done at the museum, we were pooped. We took the train home and I got a pedicure and a lot of long-overdue waxing done while Abe and my Mom watched the girls at home. When my pedicure was done, it was almost time for my high school friend, Lauren Merkley, to come over for dinner. She and her boyfriend joined us for sushi at Clark and Swathi’s apartment, and it was wonderful catching up. My only regret is that we didn’t have more time. I love Lauren.



I got up early on Tuesday to go to Times Square and try to get rush tickets to the musical, Beautiful: The Carol King Musical. My friend from high school, Jessie Mueller, is the star of the show and recently won a Tony award for her work on the show. While in line, I bumped into another high school/elementary school friend. It’s amazing how Jessie’s success brings people together–I’ve felt more connected to my high school class than I ever did in high school because it’s been so fun to watch everyone cheer Jessie on in Facebook. Jessie is such a marvelous person; she was the type of person who was nice to everybody and made everyone feel special. She also was so obviously talented even then.

Abe and I ended up waiting in line for cancellation tickets because I couldn’t get two tickets together in the morning. After a two hour wait, my feet were swollen, but we got tickets!

nycpic30Seeing Jessie perform was extraordinary. It probably ranks as a life highlight–certainly, it’s my favorite performance of any kind of show I’ve ever attended. I still feel elated in my heart from the experience. Afterward, I got to see Jessie outside. That was a kind of “my cup runneth over” experience.


And it ran over more, because after the show Abe and I got the best gyros I have ever had in my life (and I have had gyros in Greece on multiple occasions) in Times Square. That was a happy night.

Skipping back to Tuesday afternoon, the most memorable thing we did was eat in Dominique Ansel bakery, home of the cronut. They were sold out of cronuts, but our lunch and dessert were amazing.

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We did some shopping in Soho and got rained on, so all of the rest of our plans got replaced with a subway home. I had already walked several miles from midtown to the West Village, not to mention all around Soho, so I was fine with going home by that point. The evening ended with the show, so no complaints.

We stepped into the Scholastica store right before the downpour.
We stepped into the Scholastica store right before the downpour.
On the way home.
On the way home.
Mary fell asleep on the way home.
Mary fell asleep on the way home.


Lydia also fell asleep on the way home. Abe set her up like this and she slept for three straight hours. No joke.
Lydia also fell asleep on the way home. Abe set her up like this and she slept for three straight hours. No joke.


The girls watched Frozen for the umpteenth time in the morning.


We ordered one last meal from Seamless, the NYC online take-out service. My yellow curry carried me through our flight until we got home. Tom and Suzanne picked us up, and we ended up getting Subway for dinner and eating outside. The weather was gorgeous, and we were happy to be home. It was a perfect trip and a perfect homecoming.

Thank-you, Clark and Swathi, for a fabulous trip. We love you so much. Thank-you, Mom, for being wonderful. The girls love you and already miss you so much. Thank-you, Grandma, for lending us Mom for the trip. We love you and only wish you could have been there, too!


The only thing of note today was that I gave Lydia an Elsa cape I had been saving until Christmas. I’ve decided to use it as a tool to help her share better. She can only wear it when she’s in the mood to share. I even have a motto: “You can wear it if you share it!” We’ll see if this helps. The whole day has been a series of tantrums and screaming fits. I think the girls are tired from the trip. I did go swimming this morning and then took the girls to story time at the library, but it’s been tantrums ever since.

Puerto Rico

Here are Abe’s photos from Puerto Rico!

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The church where Liem and Phuong got married is the oldest in Puerto Rico.
The church where Liem and Phuong got married is the oldest in Puerto Rico.


Now Abe and I are folding laundry…only I’m blogging instead. Back to the laundry!


Sorry to have been out of commission for so long! Friday was my birthday, and it was so fun-packed that I didn’t have any energy to blog by the end. The girls were so sweet to me all day. Lydia kept wishing me happy birthday and let me sleep in as a birthday present. I asked her if she could entertain herself so I could sleep longer on my birthday–selfish, I know, but she was so sweet! She went potty, brushed her teeth, and played quietly while I slept an extra hour. Mary also kept saying, “Happy! Happy!” to me all day long. That’s how she says “happy birthday.”

Lydia wanted to help Mary get dressed in the morning. Mary appreciated the help.
Lydia wanted to help Mary get dressed in the morning. Mary appreciated the help.
Lydia and I baked this on my birthday.
Lydia and I baked this on my birthday.
Mary spotted the cake upon awaking from her nap, and she refused to eat anything else.
Mary spotted the cake upon awaking from her nap, and she refused to eat anything else.


Abe and I used a groupon to go to Cucina Toscana for dinner, and it was wonderful. Suzanne was an angel and baby-sat for us all evening. We were so grateful!

beef carpaccio.
beef carpaccio.
house made gnocchi in a stupendous tomato sauce, and a mind-blowing spinach lemon ravioli and a mornay sauce.
house made gnocchi in a stupendous tomato sauce, and a mind-blowing spinach lemon ravioli and a mornay sauce.
a truly terrific Cesear.
a truly terrific Cesear.
Sea bass with calms and shrimp.
Sea bass with calms and shrimp.
duck with macerated figs and spinach
duck with macerated figs and spinach

On Saturday, I got up at 5:30 so I could go to yoga. Then I came home and we all went to the pool for a swim.

We got to the pool and realized it wasn't free swim time. The lifeguard was so kind and let us put the kids in a swim lesson that was going on --for free! Mary and Lydia both learned to float, jump in, and kick!
We got to the pool and realized it wasn’t free swim time. The lifeguard was so kind and let us put the kids in a swim lesson that was going on –for free! Mary and Lydia both learned to float, jump in, and kick!

Then we met up with Karin and Jay for lunch at Gourmandise. I have been dreaming about their creme brulee oatmeal ever since I got it when I went to breakfast with Aria a while back. Daydreams were fulfilled.

Mary cuddled with Karin for such a long time. We finally had to take her and try to make her eat something, but she looked pretty content here.
Mary cuddled with Karin for such a long time. We finally had to take her and try to make her eat something, but she looked pretty content here.
Jay relaxing at Gourmandise.
Jay relaxing at Gourmandise.
Lydia picked out this cookie after lunch. That's a mouse cookie. It's a chocolate truffle coated with ganache on a lemony cookie base with a bit of raspberry flling.
Lydia picked out this cookie after lunch. That’s a mouse cookie. It’s a chocolate truffle coated with ganache on a lemony cookie base with a bit of raspberry flling.
Mary eating her mouse cookie.
Mary eating her half of the mouse cookie.

Then we went grocery shopping, took a nap, and got ready for our dinner.

Mary "drove the car" with Abe while I grocery shopped.
Mary “drove the car” with Abe while I grocery shopped.

I made a ton of food, but whenever we have guests I always think we’re going to run out of food. Whenever my parents threw parties growing up, we would eat leftovers for weeks; my dad never wanted to run out of food at a party. I think I inherited my fear of running out of food from him. Anyway, I made Jamaican jerk steak, kasha (threw it out because I did it wrong and replaced it with cous cous), carrot salad, roasted veggies, balsamic blackberry gingered strawberries, corn on the cob, and chimichurri sauce. Candace brought Harmon’s bread and Emily brought a marvelous fruit salad. Unfortunately, I was having so much fun with everyone that I forgot to take pictures. Abe did manage to take a picture of the cake with his phone (Gourmandise had a Groupon for cake!):

Gourmandise had a Groupon for a birthday cake. This was a chocolate truffle raspberry cake. It was to die for.
Gourmandise had a Groupon for a birthday cake. This was a chocolate truffle raspberry cake. It was to die for.
The girls played outside before our party.
The girls played outside before our party.

june21pic5We had to set up an extra table for the party since we had seven grown-ups and five kids. While Abe was taking down the table, he sliced off a good portion of the padding on his finger. He cut off the flap with a scissors, and it’s still bleeding (a full twenty-four hours later). He spent most of last night in excruciating pain. I was up until midnight talking with Candace, and I didn’t realize how much pain Abe was in until he called me up because he was struggling so much. I felt so sorry for him! Today it’s not as painful, although we’re going to douse it in hydrogen peroxide soon, and I’m sure that will be torture for him. Say a prayer for Abe.

We got to church half an hour late today because I was prepping for our post-church picnic.

After church we had a picnic today with Ben, Candace, Cadence, Bentley, Aria, Stephen, and Balu.
After church we had a picnic today with Ben, Candace, Cadence, Bentley, Aria, Stephen, and Balu.
The girls loved playing while we ate.
The girls loved playing while we ate.

After our picnic, Candace and Ben drove back to Idaha. I hated to see them go and felt really lonely and sad with the house empty. I wish Candace lived closer.

I treated my sorrow with a nap, and when we woke up, the house still felt empty. We called Mike and Paige at that point and asked if they could come over to help us finish off the million pounds of leftover food in our fridge. They were wonderful and came. We spent hours discussing the disciplinary council of Kate Kelly and John Dehlin. It was really cathartic, and I felt like I learned a lot from the discussion.

Liv ate some pink paint today.
Liv ate some pink paint today.
Mary somehow got covered in marker while we were getting food out for dinner with the Andersons. Her face matched her dress.
Mary somehow got covered in marker while we were getting food out for dinner with the Andersons. Her face matched her dress.

Mike pointed out that Utah twilight lasts hours, and we enjoyed it all evening. It was a perfect night. This June has been so glorious.

A truly special day

Today was truly special in the Darais household.

First of all, our friends, Ben and Candice, are staying with us for a few nights and we absolutely love seeing them whenever we can.

Secondly, Lily got to see her idol, Martha Stewart, speak at a blogging convention and have the best buffet of her life. Candice planned to see Martha Stewart and had bought a ticket, but when Lily tried to buy a ticket, it was sold out.  Since what I do for a living is track down important people and get things from them, I thought I would try to intervene.  I eventually tracked someone important down who was super sweet and said they still had a few tickets.  Lily got to go and had an AMAZING TIME.  The buffet at the Grand America was the best she has ever had, and Martha Stewart was outstanding as always.  Martha gave tips about when she uses butter, lard and vinegar for different pie crusts.

Also, Lily got her present today from my parents which was a pressure cooker.  I hear she was very excited about that.  (She just got home and I haven’t had a chance to ask).

After work, I drove to meet my Lily, my dad and Suzanne, my cousins Isabella and Henry, and my girls.  We were all going to go to the new aquarium while Lily was at school.  Unfortunately the aquarium closed at six (oops!), but we all went to Wendy’s and then went to Thanksgiving point for the petting zoo.  Everyone had a great time!  Highlights were: The turkey that puffed itself bigger than I’ve ever seen a turkey go in order to impress a female. Lydia rode on a pony for one minute and then decided she was done and tried to jump off (I caught her fortunately). Baby goats (only two weeks old), butting heads with each other to play and playing king of the rock.  It was all very fun and the weather was perfect.



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bath and fruit day

Today was pretty uneventful. Abe and I were even more exhausted than usual, and neither of us has any idea why. At least, I don’t know why I am so exhausted–I get plenty of down time these days, and I definitely sleep more than Abe.

This morning I gave the girls a bath, and aside from doing their hair, feeding them, playing with them, and reading to them, I really didn’t do much else. I had big plans to go work out, but a big nap edged those out…

Lydia loved making Mary's hair white with bubbles.
Lydia loved making Mary’s hair white with bubbles.

IMG_8291Then at school tonight my class made a fruit platter:

IMG_8257 IMG_8258We got out hours early, which was especially nice since I had made myself practically sick from gorging on fruit and dip. I came home and had a long chat with Abe. Usually we just have five minutes of interaction on my school days, so it was nice to talk so much–it felt like a luxury.

Thank-you June

I honestly don’t know too much about Lily’s day because I only saw her for a couple of minutes.  My day went really well at work and I may even close some deals this quarter that I did not expect to.

At home, I enjoyed the beautiful June weather with the girls over dinner and then we painted and colored.  Lily had one of her last classes tonight for Latin cooking.  She absolutely loved her group tonight and her cake turned out fantastic. The other food pictures are from her team.


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A picnic, a final, and some really gross pictures

Lydia begged me to have a play date with Sophia today, and since Misty’s play group was having a picnic at noon, it worked out. Mary loves Sophia too, and after the play date on the way to the library she kept saying, “Mama, Fia!!” (“Mama, I saw Sophia today!”) They had fun.

IMG_0150 IMG_0151 IMG_0153Then I had my final for Garde Manger tonight. It was stressful because I was running late, but I managed to turn everything out, and the chef really liked it!

I made the tuna tartare canapes on the silver tray in front.
I made the tuna tartare canapes on the silver tray in front.
One of my beet salads.
One of my beet salads.
This was my sample plate for the chef. It looks sloppy, but I was running late because I was the only person who had to make forcemeat yesterday (I was gone when everyone else did that), so I got behind in my prep work. That's what my final chicken galantine looked like when sliced. There are also the two tuna tatare toasts, and some breakfast sausage. The sauce is a balsamic vinaigrette that I dipped my beets in.
This was my sample plate for the chef. It looks sloppy, but I was running late because I was the only person who had to make forcemeat yesterday (I was gone when everyone else did that), so I got behind in my prep work. That’s what my final chicken galantine looked like when sliced. There are also the two tuna tatare toasts, and some breakfast sausage. The sauce is a balsamic vinaigrette that I dipped my beets in.
Six of us made this food in an hour and a half. Well, we prepped yesterday, but still--it felt like a ton of work!
Six of us made this food in an hour and a half. Well, we prepped yesterday, but still–it felt like a ton of work!

Finally, I thought I would include pictures I forgot to post Saturday. While I made my practice galantine Saturday, I thought I’d take pictures to show how gross the process is:

This is what sausage looks like before it's cooked. Feel free to swear it off forever. We spread this nastiness on a chicken skin, throw internal garnishes in, roll it up, poach it, and then try to fry the sliminess away.
This is what sausage looks like before it’s cooked. Feel free to swear it off forever. We spread this nastiness on a chicken skin, throw internal garnishes in, roll it up, poach it, and then try to fry the sliminess away.
Chicken Galantine--who knew disgusting could reach such heights?
Chicken Galantine–who knew disgusting could reach such heights?

Tofu nuggets and more Saturday adventures

Today I dragged myself to cooking school, only to discover I was the only one there (at first). That meant I got to choose what I wanted to do, so I opted to make tofu nuggets. I love the kind that Trader Joe’s makes, but I’ve always assumed they were so synthetically crafted that they’d be impossible to reproduce. After today, I’m encouraged! My nuggets weren’t at all what you get at Trader Joe’s, but I think if I add some things (quinoa flakes? different kind of miso? Extra firm tofu?) they might taste a bit closer.

Here are mine:


When I got home, the girls ran to meet me.
When I got home, the girls ran to meet me. It was so sweet! I just loved coming home to these people/this picture.
I think I startled them by whipping out my ready camera. Next time I think I'll just run to them and give them hugs instead.
I think I startled them by whipping out my ready camera. Next time I think I’ll just run to them and give them hugs instead.
Eating the garbanzo beans I brought home from school.
Eating the garbanzo beans I brought home from school.
Again, Mary ran to me to give me a hug, and I pulled out the camera on the poor thing. I need to stop doing that, but she's just so cute!
Again, Mary ran to me to give me a hug, and I pulled out the camera on the poor thing. I need to stop doing that, but she’s just so cute!
We had an Amazon Local deal to The Blue Nile, and Ethiopian restaurant. Since we were out and about, we ate there for dinner.
We had an Amazon Local deal to The Blue Nile, an Ethiopian restaurant. Since we were out and about, we ate there for dinner.
Mary was so hungry she started eating the menu.
Mary was so hungry she started eating the menu.
Um, YUM.
Um, YUM.
Beets are a Darais family favorite. We had to order the kids extra.
Beets are a Darais family favorite. We had to order the kids extra. (Good thing they happened to be wearing pink!)
More beets!
More beets!
We are going through a Christian rock phase. Abe came home a couple months ago and wanted me to listen to "Wrecking Ball" by Miley Cyrus. I pulled up the YouTube video and was so appalled that we let that kind of garbage into our house that Abe swore off pop music completely. In its wake, he has listened to nothing but Christian rock. It has been the greatest thing ever for all of us! I feel the same kind of evangelical enthusiasm I felt when I was a teenager--a kind of high on God that is, at times, hard to recapture.
We are going through a Christian rock phase. Abe came home a couple months ago and wanted me to listen to “Wrecking Ball” by Miley Cyrus. I pulled up the YouTube video and was so appalled that we let that kind of garbage into our house (we have young girls in our home!!!) that Abe swore off pop music completely. In its wake, he has listened to nothing but Christian rock. It has been the greatest thing ever for all of us! I feel the same kind of evangelical enthusiasm I felt when I was a teenager–a kind of high on God that is, at times, hard to recapture.

Also, a HUGE shout-out to Abe for organizing the whole house today, top to bottom. We’ve been team-tagging this project ever since we got back from our trip, but yesterday and today I’ve been out of commission. Abe did an amazing job organizing everything, and the house looks absolutely incredible. Thanks, Honey! You are the bestest best best!!

4th Anniversary!

I am getting lazy! Just posting pictures due to the fact that I am sick and it is past midnight.

It's our anniversary today! Bob, the Anniversary Elf, always leaves us flowers and a letter. He chose my favorite flowers this time--peonies!!
It’s our anniversary today! Bob, the Anniversary Elf, always leaves us flowers and a letter. He chose my favorite flowers this time–peonies!!
Lydia had a really weepy day today. At one point, she refused to stand up. Mary went over and kneeled by her. She peered at Lydia's face really closely and then reached for Lydia's hand. She then stood up and tried to pull Lydia up! Lydia was immediately cheered and got up using Mary's help. I couldn't get that on camera, but I took this right afterward.
Lydia had a really weepy day today. At one point, she refused to stand up. Mary went over and kneeled by her. She peered at Lydia’s face really closely and then reached for Lydia’s hand. She then stood up and tried to pull Lydia up! Lydia was immediately cheered and got up using Mary’s help. I couldn’t get that on camera, but I took this right afterward.
I took Lydia outside to ride her bike while Mary napped.
I took Lydia outside to ride her bike while Mary napped.


Everything is lush now! Summer feels like it has arrived.
Everything is lush now! Summer feels like it has arrived.
Ron, our land lord, gave me these roses from the garden yesterday. He is such a sweetie.
Ron, our land lord, gave me these roses from the garden yesterday. He is such a sweetie.
Coconut sherry slush. (I had cooking school tonight--tonight was Jamaican themed).
Coconut sherry slush. (I had cooking school tonight–tonight was Jamaican themed).
Rice and beans with three really complicated recipes. They were the best rice and beans I've ever had, but still-rice and beans! Waaaay too much work for just that.
Rice and beans with three really complicated recipes. They were the best rice and beans I’ve ever had, but still-rice and beans! Waaaay too much work for just that.
I made these! They are fish fritters made with salt cod.
I made these! They are fish fritters made with salt cod.
I also made that nasty polenta/okra cake. Yuck! But  I didn't know a creative way around a recipe that called for you to mix okra into polenta. At least they didn't make us try to incorporate okra into a cupcake!
I also made that nasty polenta/okra cake. Yuck! But I didn’t know a creative way around a recipe that called for you to mix okra into polenta. At least they didn’t make us try to incorporate okra into a cupcake!
Abe took this while I was at school. We have a new rule now that we are home: Mary can have her binkies whenever she's in her pack 'n play, but no other time. Today she crawled into her pack 'n play at 11am and had zero desire to leave until well past 3 pm. She gets 2 binkies in her pack 'n play, and she seems to enjoy them both.
Abe took this while I was at school. We have a new rule now that we are home: Mary can have her binkies whenever she’s in her pack ‘n play, but no other time. Today she crawled into her pack ‘n play at 11am and had zero desire to leave until well past 3 pm. She gets 2 binkies in her pack ‘n play, and she seems to enjoy them both.

Planting Seedlings and plans for cheese

This morning, Mary slept-in until 10 AM.  It was amazing.  Lily took advantage of the time to clean the bathroom, wash, dry, fold and put away laundrey and get a lot of other things done.  When sleepy-headed Mary got up, Lily and the girls planted the seedlings that Aria gave us last night (see pictures from yesterday!).

[change in blog authors] Abe is exhausted from allergies, so he stopped blogging and it’s Lily now. I’m just going to throw up the pictures from today:

On our way to plant seedlings.
On our way to plant seedlings.
The girls with the seedlings.
The girls with the seedlings.

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Waving bye-bye to Abe and Mary before class (Lydia was asleep in the car). It was especially hard to leave Mary today--she was only awake three hours of the entire time I was with her! (And one of those hours we spent driving to school in the car.)
Waving bye-bye to Abe and Mary before class (Lydia was asleep in the car). It was especially hard to leave Mary today–she was only awake three hours of the entire time I was with her! (And one of those hours we spent driving to school in the car.)
I made cheese tonight. This is fromage blanc and mascarpone.
I made cheese tonight. This is fromage blanc and mascarpone.
I also formed mozzarella. We didn't make the curd, so I'm hoping we do that sometime in the future. I asked Chef if we could take cheese home, and he agreed. When he saw that I had packed six pounds of cheese, he made me put some back. Sorry, but it was really good!! I had great plans for that six pounds of cheese...
I also formed mozzarella. We didn’t make the curd, so I’m hoping we do that sometime in the future. I asked Chef if we could take cheese home, and he agreed. When he saw that I had packed six pounds of cheese, he made me put some back. Sorry, but it was really good!! I had great plans for that six pounds of cheese…

Cupcake competition, etc.

I am so exhausted I can barely function, but guess what? I won second place at the cupcake competition this morning! Since we had to use garlic, I made a garlic/chocolate gingerbread cupcake with cream cheese frosting and a garlic/ginger/walnut brittle on top. In my humble opinion, the cupcake turned out delicious! Actually, everyone did a great job. The winner had been practicing her cupcake for over a month, so I think she deserved to win (although I secretly liked mine better). Here are everyone’s cupcakes:

Mine! I used this recipe. I added blanched, minced garlic and ginger to the cupcake.  I can’t find the link I used for the brittle, but basically I found a garlic brittle recipe and added some ginger (both powdered and fresh, blanched and minced).
This is a chocolate garlic cupcake with hibiscus icing and an inside surprise of figs soaked in a port wine reduction.
This is a chocolate garlic cupcake with hibiscus icing and an inside surprise of figs soaked in a port wine reduction.
cornmeal cupcakes with saffron icing and avocado garnish.
cornmeal cupcakes with saffron icing and avocado garnish.
an ancho chile chocolate cupcake next to the winner, a basil cupcake soaked in a garlic simple syrup topped with blackberry icing, white chocolate and garlic brittle.
an ancho chile chocolate cupcake next to the winner, a basil cupcake soaked in a garlic simple syrup topped with blackberry icing, white chocolate and garlic brittle.
One of the cupcakes wasn't pictured, but it was a garlic chocolate mousse cupcake with a garlicky ganache. It was really garlicky, but very good!
One of the cupcakes wasn’t pictured, but it was a garlic chocolate mousse cupcake with a garlicky ganache. It was really garlicky, but very good!
The contenders ready for judgment.
The contenders ready for judgment.

Abe and the girls showed up at the end, but they didn’t let them in the kitchen. I gave them cupcakes to go outside and eat:

cupcake mary cupcake mary cupcake2 lydia eating cupcakeI won a James Beard Award winning cookbook on bread baking (can’t remember the title) and a bunch of things that I actually already own. But it was still so fun!

Here are the other activities of the day:

6 am Bikram Yoga; getting my mom’s car serviced/washed; errands at Target, the gas station, sprouts and Smith’s Garden Center; FHE; planting tomatoes as a family (almost all of the plants I planted earlier died from frost and, um, because I forgot to water them); cooking dinner; eating outside; cleaning the kitchen; bathing the girls; paying bills; tidying various parts of the house.

Here are the accompanying pictures:

Abe took a break from paying bills and played with Lydia. It was one of the happiest parts of his day.
Abe took a break from paying bills and played with Lydia. It was one of the happiest parts of his day.

lydia cooking for abe2 lydia playing with abe

Planting tomatoes. Lydia went really nuts with the hose and basically gave the entire exterior of our house a big shower.
Planting tomatoes. Lydia went really nuts with the hose and basically gave the entire exterior of our house a big shower.

Abe and I have been trying to watch a movie for months. We are both so tired–but we’re determined to finally watch one. I think we might to either Saving Mr. Banks or Lincoln. (Whichever’s shorter??)