Last minute packing

Playing chase with Isabella. Lydia refused to wear pants all day. To be honest, getting her to wear undies was a huge battle. She just wanted a naked day, I guess.
Playing chase with Isabella. Lydia refused to wear pants all day. To be honest, getting her to wear undies was a huge battle. She just wanted a naked day, I guess.

Pretending to do ballet before ballet. The minute Mary heard Lydia was going to ballet, she started dancing.

Pretending to do ballet before ballet. The minute Mary heard Lydia was going to ballet, she started dancing.

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They got free green cupcakes at Smith's.
They got free green cupcakes at Smith’s.

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This morning was pretty low-key: cleaning, reading, lounging, playing with kids, feeding kids, etc.

Isabella came over at 2 pm so I could go to yoga. By the time I came home, it was time to make dinner. I tried my new pressure cooker today and it worked! I read the manual yesterday and couldn’t find it today, so I kept hoping I wouldn’t accidentally blow the house up. When I turned the knob to “release pressure,” the sound was so startling that Mary screamed and we all ran out of the kitchen. That might take some getting used to.

Then we met up with our friends, the Skardas, and headed up to a campground in Big Cottonwood Canyon to make s’mores.

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I literally ate so many that I still have a stomachache. Carrie had the great idea of sandwiching the marshmallows between chocolate coated cookies. It was delicious.

Once again, the girls were too tired for a proper bed routine. I will tell Lydia to brush her teeth for five straight minutes tomorrow morning…

Fablehaven frenzy

I just finished the Fablehaven series, and I have to say, the author got better and better with each book. In the afterward, he says that himself. My mind is currently racing with the end-of-the-world battle, fairies, dragons, and all sorts of fun fantasy things, so it’s hard transitioning to what actually happened today.

Let’s see. I took the girls to the library for baby book club, and afterward the librarians gave all the kids ice cream. The girls ate theirs outside under the waterfall/fountain. I should have brought my camera because they were both pretty dainty about eating. Mary climbed on a chair, crossed her ankles, and licked pretty evenly. Every couple minutes she would extend a hand for me to wipe because the ice cream kept dripping down. Lydia loved being wiped down too, and I was so focused on them eating as cleanly as possible that I expended half a package of wipes to that almost impossible end.

After our library excursion, Mary took a nap while Lydia and I ate lunch. During her quiet time, I started finishing the last book of Fablehaven. Abe bought it for me yesterday when I found out that every single library copy in the entire system was checked out.

I struggled to control my temper again today with Lydia, but I keep praying for help. I feel like that’s helped me do a bit better on the front end and make faster, more effective repairs on the latter end, too. Today I definitely had repair work to do, but with God’s help (and with the frank forgiveness only three-year-olds can offer), it turned out okay.

After dinner, Abe took the girls on a walk to the playground while I read my book. Here are the pictures he sent me:

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Sibling Rivalry

Abe blogging here trying to make things a little easier on Lily since she is still very sick.  She is so sick that she drove to school tonight before her class to take care of a financial aid appointment and tell her teacher she would have to miss due to illness.  Apparently her teacher was not so forgiving during their conversation because she ended up staying for all of class.  She definitely has less flexibility because of all the class she missed due to our trip.  But, she just got home and I’m happy to report she made it through!

During the day, Lily read book 3 of Fablehaven, ate cupcakes with the girls outside for breakfast (reminding her of a Bill Cosby skit about chocolate cake) and babysat for Sarah (who has the most well-behaved kids in the world).  During class she had her knife skills test and she passed!

As far as my day, work is going very well, but the pace is very dizzying.  It’s not just my pace, it’s the company’s pace.  We are trying to double revenue and staff every year.  I started 5 months ago when the company had 400 people and now they have about 500 people.  Everyone everywhere is running around working as fast as possible to try to make history at building an extremely successful tech company.  Our quotas are aggressive and there is literally no time to come up for air.  I absolutely love it, but today I felt the strain of the pace a little more than usual, I think possibly because my allergies were kicking in.

At home I played with the girls.  Lily and I have put a lot of thought and prayer into Lydia because she has been such an emotional and behavioral mess lately.  She cries all the time and refuses to do anything we ask.  The challenge for Lily and I is to know how to respond (and to have the strength to respond the ways we think we should).  Well, tonight I didn’t get any major epiphanies about how to help Lydia, but I think I learned what all of her distress centers around.  Do you remember a few blog entries ago when Lily mentioned how with Mary’s new rule that she only gets binkies in her crib, she climbs in there multiple times a day sometimes for hours?  Well she did that tonight.  She climbed in and proceeded to read a book for twently minutes while she joyfully sucked her binky.  At that point (with Mary effectively removed from existence, trapped in her crib), Lydia became the most angelic well behaved girl.  She’d say please and thank you and oblige any time I told her we had to do something else or that play time was over.  I couldn’t believe it!  As soon as I retrieved Mary from her crib (she can climb in, but not out) Lydia resumed her screaming, crying and throwing toys.

I think I’m going to try to give Lydia a little Mary-free time each day.  I think she needs a little space!



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Lydia told me that she had a playdate with Nathan and he was very nice and she (Lydia) was super sweet
Lydia told me that she had a play date with Nathan and he was very nice and she (Lydia) was super sweet
Hannah talks really well just like Lydia and she's not even 2 yet!
Hannah talks really well just like Lydia and she’s not even 2 yet!

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Lily made the salad towards the front and spent the rest of the time on her knife cuts mid-term
Lily made the salad towards the front and spent the rest of the time on her knife cuts mid-term



Another sick day for me. I decided to skip school tonight in the hopes that by tomorrow, I’ll be a little better. I was better today than yesterday, so at least we’re headed in the right direction!

Because I was sick, we did not leave the house today. Thank goodness Mary took two naps! When she was awake, I spent a lot of time doing the usual: feeding the girls, reading to the girls, cooking with Lydia, baking with Lydia, and letting them play outside.

Well, Lydia didn’t play outside. She stayed in the front hall and screamed while Mary and I sat on the front stoop and examined ants and flower petals. I told Lydia she had to go potty before going outside, and she just didn’t want to. I probably should have relented, but I was not in the mood to clean up accidents, and she had gone so long without taking a trip to the bathroom that I felt sure she would have an accident if she didn’t go soon. Sometimes, I just don’t know how to handle Lydia–or I do know, but I don’t always make the most patient choice. It’s something I’m constantly praying on.

After Abe came home, we ate dinner outside, and then I retreated back to bed. The best thing about being sick is that I have recently become addicted to the Fablehaven  series, and even though I’m having trouble breathing and feel feverish, I forget all that while reading. The first book wasn’t great, but each book seems vastly better than the last.

I only took one picture today:

The girls spent quite a bit of time watching the garbage trucks this morning. There was also construction on the street, so that occupied them while I devoured Fablehaven (and took a picture). When I was little, we lived in Rome, and my dad made a big deal about the garbage trucks. We used to gather on the porch and cheer "refuti!" at the trucks whenever they came by. This felt kind of full circle--the girls thought the garbage trucks were some kind of parade.
The girls spent quite a bit of time watching the garbage trucks this morning. There was also construction on the street, so that occupied them while I devoured Fablehaven (and took a picture). When I was little, we lived in Rome, and my dad made a big deal about the garbage trucks. We used to gather on the porch and cheer “refuti!” at the trucks whenever they came by. This felt kind of full circle–the girls thought the garbage trucks were some kind of parade.

Also: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRANDMA!!! My dearest, sweetest grandmother turned 96 today. We love you so much, Grandma! Sloppies!!!! (That’s an inside joke…)

Sunny Sunday

If I have to be sick, I want every day to be like this. It was sunny and glorious, and even though I spent most of church feeling miserable and so sorry for myself, the rest of the day was terrific. Thanks to Abe’s efforts and the kids’ long naps, there was lots of down-time. I even started reading the next Fablehaven book, and it’s proving to be much better than the first one.

Here are today’s pictures:

We ate dinner outside again. It was so nice I forgot I was sick for a little bit.
We ate dinner outside again. It was so nice I forgot I was sick for a little bit.


I was sitting at the table eating and marveling at how green everything is. I just love, love, love verdant scenes.
I was sitting at the table eating and marveling at how green everything is. I just love, love, love verdant scenes.
Lydia still has not figured out how to glide on her balance bike, but that doesn't stop her from walking around on it.
Lydia still has not figured out how to glide on her balance bike, but that doesn’t stop her from walking around on it.
Abe was dying to trace the girls' outlines and color them in, but the girls were scared. So he finally begged us to trace him. Here's Lydia coloring Abe's outline.
Abe was dying to trace the girls’ outlines and color them in, but the girls were scared. So he finally begged us to trace him. Here’s Lydia coloring Abe’s outline.
And then she danced on it.
And then she danced on it.
Abe felt proud.
Abe felt proud.
Whenever Mary wants praise, she just folds her arms like she's going to pray. We all go nuts.
Whenever Mary wants praise, she just folds her arms like she’s going to pray. We all go nuts.
After all the fun with Daddy's outline, Mary wanted in.
After all the fun with Daddy’s outline, Mary wanted in.
And, of course, so did Lydia.
And, of course, so did Lydia.
Then it was chase outside.
Then it was chase outside.

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Then we returned inside and wondered how to spend the rest of the evening. At that very moment, who should call but Clark and Swathi! We Skyped with them for an hour. That’s always a highlight of my week. As soon as we said good-bye to them, the doorbell rang. It was Suzanne!

Suzanne came over for a visit.
Suzanne came over for a visit.
The girls both wanted turns on her lap.
The girls both wanted turns on her lap.
Mary spent approximately an hour picking out cards from our various piles, sorting them, and handing them to all of us.
Mary spent approximately an hour picking out cards from our various piles, sorting them, and handing them to all of us.
Handing Suzanne a card.
Handing Suzanne a card.
Returning from card distribution duty with a sense of satisfaction.
Returning from card distribution duty with a sense of satisfaction.

And I have Suzanne to thank for the decongestants I am about to take. Here’s hoping for a great night’s sleep!

Road trip catch-up!

We just got back last night from our long road trip to Illinois and back. Thirty plus hours in the car with two small children–without electronic entertainment, thanks to my rushed packing right before the trip–was a great adventure. We were surprised by how well both kids did in the car, especially since both were sick at various times.

Since I have innumerable pictures, I’m cutting straight to those:

Lydia running around getting her wiggles out before the trip.
Lydia running around getting her wiggles out before the trip.

IMG_7710On the way to Springfield, we stopped by Hannibal, the home of Mark Twain:

Blocking the model of a statue that was supposed to pay tribute to Twain. It was slated to be erected during the Depression, and because of its expense, it never got built.
Blocking the model of a statue that was supposed to pay tribute to Twain. It was slated to be erected during the Depression, and because of its expense, it never got built.
In Mark Twain's house.
In Mark Twain’s house.

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Mark Twain with a binky.
Mark Twain with a binky.
Our own Becky Thatcher.
Our own Becky Thatcher.
Tom Sawyer's white picket fence.
Tom Sawyer’s white picket fence.


In the museum.
In the museum.


That night we arrived in Springfield in time to catch the tail end of a family pizza party. I don’t have any pictures, but the girls were soooooooo happy to see my mom.

We stayed at the Presidential Abraham Lincoln Hotel, which is where my grandma always took us swimming whenever we visited her. I got up three hours before Abe and the girls, and after eating breakfast, I swam in the pool. It felt exactly the same as it did when I was little–they haven’t changed the decor one bit! The only thing missing was the sauna. Maybe it wasn’t safe enough, but I did feel nostalgic when I noticed it was gone.

Abe and the girls woke up at 10:30am, just in time to get Maid-Rite and head to the picnic. Maid-Rite is the nation’s first drive-thru; it’s also one of my favorite Springfield spots because we used to go there every time we visited Grandma.

At Maid-Rite, in the car.
At Maid-Rite, in the car.

IMG_0067At the picnic:


My cousin, Kathy, pushing Lydia on the swing. Lydia and her kids, Kole and Kaitlyn, became great friends.
My cousin, Kathy, pushing Lydia on the swing. Lydia and her kids, Kole and Kaitlyn, became great friends.

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Beth attending to the three dogs, Bella, Cooper, and Payton.
Beth attending to the three dogs, Bella, Cooper, and Payton.
Lydia showing Grandma her boo-boo.
Lydia showing Grandma her boo-boo.


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Frisbee with the cousins.
Frisbee with the cousins.

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Frisbee with cousins
Action shot.

Then we went back to the hotel so Abe and the girls could swim before dinner. At dinner, we took a lot of family pictures, all of which can be accessed here for the next couple weeks. After that, I’ll need to upload them from the CD which my mom is so kindly sending me. Thanks, mom!

Here are the pictures I did get:

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Taylor sang us a song, and Aunt Dee held the speakers.
Taylor sang us a song, and Aunt Dee held the speakers.


Parker sang "Never Mind, I'll Find Someone Like You" by Adele. He was amazing!
Parker sang “Never Mind, I’ll Find Someone Like You” by Adele. He was amazing!

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Abe joined the kids in serenading us with a resounding rendition of "Let it Go."
Abe joined the kids in serenading us with a resounding rendition of “Let it Go.”

IMG_7928 IMG_7931 IMG_7937Then Clark, Swathi, Abe, the girls and I took a walk to Abe’s Lincoln House. It was dark, so I didn’t take my camera. Too bad! The house was lit up and beautiful. It’s right downtown, so the walk wasn’t too demanding–which was great, considering we’d gorged ourselves at dinner.

But before our walk, I got a picture of Abe posing as Abe.


The next morning, we barely made it to church in time to hear my mom give a fantastic Relief Society lesson on love. (Well, I got to hear it. Abe and the girls can’t go to Relief Society.)

Then we headed to Grandma’s for lunch and some visiting. While there, Lydia suddenly came down with a 103 degree fever. As I cuddled her, Abe gave her medicine. Oops! She vomited that right up, all over me. Emma, pictured below, is my new favorite person. She was so great at helping me clean the vomit off in the bathroom. Seriously, whenever I have my next baby, I want her to be the nurse.

Emma and Grandma put on a great puppet show. Emma is one of my new favorite people. When Lydia got sick and happened to vomit all over me, I handed her off to Abe and headed to the bathroom to clean off. Emma came with me and helped the whole time--I now want her to help me deliver my next baby (whenever that happens!).
Emma and Grandma put on a great puppet show.

IMG_7949After saying hasty goodbyes, we headed off. Lydia slept until we arrived at a Dairy Queen, several hours later. She was feeling better, so we got her an ice cream cone.

Lydia gets very subdued and polite when ill. Here she is meditating (or waiting patiently--same thing?) outside of Dairy Queen.
Lydia gets very subdued and polite when ill. Here she is meditating (or waiting patiently–same thing?) outside of Dairy Queen.

That night, we stayed at Abe’s Aunt Bonnie’s lake house in rural Missouri. It was gorgeous.

The view from the porch.
The view from the porch.

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Aunt Bonnie's house.
Aunt Bonnie’s house.
Mary padding around chasing the cats the night we got in.
Mary padding around chasing the cats the night we got in.

The next day, we stopped in Independence, Missouri, to visit our church’s visitor center. The Independence temple lot is really important to Latter-Day Saints. The Community of Christ (formerly the Reformed Latter-Day Saint Church) owns most of the lot, and they’ve built their own temple on their portion. We visited that, too.

Inside a reconstructed log cabin.
Inside a reconstructed log cabin.
In front of the Christus. Lydia really wanted to touch Jesus' toe.
In front of the Christus. Lydia really wanted to touch Jesus’ toe.
The Community of Christ's temple.
The Community of Christ’s temple.
The inside of that spiral dome.
The inside of that spiral dome.
Mary wanted to be done touring.
Mary wanted to be done touring.

We spent the rest of the day driving. Kansas, in my opinion, is a little spooky. Since the land is flat and a lot of time there aren’t any trees in sight, it feels like you’re lost at sea. The sky is so big and oppressive. But, at the same time, it’s also pretty:


We got to Denver late that night, and in the morning, we completed our Grandparent Grand tour.

Visiting Grandma and Grandpa Forsythe.
Visiting Grandma and Grandpa Forsythe.


At Grandma and Grandpa Edmudson's house. The girls and I met them for the first time--so long overdue! We enjoyed them a lot.
At Grandma and Grandpa Edmudson’s house. The girls and I met them for the first time–so long overdue! We enjoyed them a lot.
William Norris Edmondson, Abe's great-grandfather.
William Norris Edmondson, Abe’s great-grandfather.
Abe's great grandparents, William Norris Edmondson and Mary Hazel Coulter.
Abe’s great grandparents, William Norris Edmondson and Mary Hazel Coulter.
Abe's grandpa and great-grandpa. Abe's grandpa was very sick with asthma his whole childhood, and no one expected him to survive.
Abe’s grandpa and great-grandpa. Abe’s grandpa was very sick with asthma his whole childhood, and no one expected him to survive.
I think this is a picture of Abe's great-grandparents, Jeremiah Couter and Amanda Staten.
I think this is a picture of Abe’s great-grandparents, Jeremiah Couter and Amanda Staten.
The family home back in Kentucky. Abe's grandpa came to Colorado in 1961, and his whole family stayed behind.
The family home back in Kentucky. Abe’s grandpa came to Colorado in 1961, and his whole family stayed behind.

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Karin, Grandpa Edmondson, Grandma Edmondson, Mary, Abe, Lydia, and me.
Karin, Grandpa Edmondson, Grandma Edmondson, Mary, Abe, Lydia, and me.

Then we drove home.

Driving out of Brighton, Colorado (where Abe's Grandma and Grandpa Edmondson live).
Driving out of Brighton, Colorado (where Abe’s Grandma and Grandpa Edmondson live).
This is hide and seek--NOT peek-a-boo. Did you know you could play hide-and-seek in a car?
This is hide and seek–NOT peek-a-boo. Did you know you could play hide-and-seek in a car?
Mary played with her feet most of the trip.
Mary played with her feet most of the trip.


Nearing Salt Lake. We love where we live. If only it could be a little closer to the family we just left!
Nearing Salt Lake. We love where we live. If only it could be a little closer to the family we just left!


Planting Seedlings and plans for cheese

This morning, Mary slept-in until 10 AM.  It was amazing.  Lily took advantage of the time to clean the bathroom, wash, dry, fold and put away laundrey and get a lot of other things done.  When sleepy-headed Mary got up, Lily and the girls planted the seedlings that Aria gave us last night (see pictures from yesterday!).

[change in blog authors] Abe is exhausted from allergies, so he stopped blogging and it’s Lily now. I’m just going to throw up the pictures from today:

On our way to plant seedlings.
On our way to plant seedlings.
The girls with the seedlings.
The girls with the seedlings.

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Waving bye-bye to Abe and Mary before class (Lydia was asleep in the car). It was especially hard to leave Mary today--she was only awake three hours of the entire time I was with her! (And one of those hours we spent driving to school in the car.)
Waving bye-bye to Abe and Mary before class (Lydia was asleep in the car). It was especially hard to leave Mary today–she was only awake three hours of the entire time I was with her! (And one of those hours we spent driving to school in the car.)
I made cheese tonight. This is fromage blanc and mascarpone.
I made cheese tonight. This is fromage blanc and mascarpone.
I also formed mozzarella. We didn't make the curd, so I'm hoping we do that sometime in the future. I asked Chef if we could take cheese home, and he agreed. When he saw that I had packed six pounds of cheese, he made me put some back. Sorry, but it was really good!! I had great plans for that six pounds of cheese...
I also formed mozzarella. We didn’t make the curd, so I’m hoping we do that sometime in the future. I asked Chef if we could take cheese home, and he agreed. When he saw that I had packed six pounds of cheese, he made me put some back. Sorry, but it was really good!! I had great plans for that six pounds of cheese…

A happy, warm, successful day

This morning Lydia and I made buckwheat muffins again. It’s a good thing, too, since I found out today the competition on Saturday is a cupcake competition, and one of the ingredients is garlic. I am thinking of revamping the buckwheat muffin and calling it a cupcake. Maybe I’ll pipe some onion/garlic jam in the middle and top it with some sort of honey frosting and toasted almonds. We’ll see.

After we made cupcakes, we headed out to meet Misty, Sophia and Max at the park for a play date/ picnic. While we were there, we also ran into Jen, Eldon, Natalie, Laddie and Spencer–a two for one play date!

IMG_0007 IMG_0001 IMG_0002 IMG_0003Then we went home for naps and such. After I fed the girls again, we headed to the car to go to school. Tonight I made spinach and cheese tamales. I was so excited because I got to partner up with the best student in class. I have observed her in awe all semester–she cooks so fast, so clean, and her food always tastes amazing. Sadly, she got sick half way through and had to go home. I was terrified to plate our food all by myself, but it turned out okay. I forgot to take a picture because I was so frazzled. Her ceviche and shredded meat dish turned out amazingly good.

But by far, the best news of the day is about Abe. Abe met his quota at work today, and the quarter is only half done! I was so proud of him and really grateful to God for the blessing. I have been praying a lot and feeling really close to God lately, and this felt like some direct divine communication. Yay, Abe!

Also, Mary is finally talking more. She is learning to say “please” instead of screaming in her high chair. Glory be, allelujah. I am always so charmed by her cuteness that it’s hard to get mad at her, but I won’t miss her screaming in her high chair one bit.

Quick Post

Today was a good day for everyone at the Darais house.  We haven’t been sleeping much, but in spite of that, God has given us strength to not only manage, but find great joy.

Lily got a TON of house work done, including accomplishing hours worth of laundrey washing, drying, folding, sorting and putting-away.  For a brief moment in the Darais home there was literally NOTHING that needed to be washed…….I know I wont sleep in the socks I’m currently wearing, so unfortunately the pile starts again tonight……

Lily read to the girls separately, read in her book about the Monart method of teaching your children to draw and she read in a book about how to teach your children to read.  She  said she felt very happy and close to God today.  What a wonderful and productive day!

I had a good day at work.  I was a little tired, but I kept my nose to the grind-stone.  Days usually come for two packages for me, successful days and learning days.  Today was more of a learning day, but I did learn and I believe success will come.  At home I had the most wonderful time with the girls.  They were both in super good moods and we all danced to K-Love together.  We went totally wild when our favorite song “Every Act of Love” by Jason Grey came on.  I was dancing while holding Mary and she screamed to indicate that she wanted to be set down…..when I set her down she proceeded to get her groove on and I thought it was hilarious! Days like this I am reminded why I’m so grateful to not have a job that takes my attention at home as well as at work.  I was completely engaged with the children and drinking from the cup of pure joy.


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