Category: Uncategorized
Protected: More bug bites, spirituality walk and legos with Ammon and Clarissa, Ammon’s ADHD
Protected: Magnetiles, Pullen Park, The Cowfish
Georgia’s Final Set-up and Home Happenings
Georgia’s Final Set-up: Today Lily and Clark spent time at Georgia’s place getting her all set up. They worked hard for several hours, and Georgia was working on her room too. By the end they had everything in good shape beyond some details that can happen later. It was a big effort!
Home Happenings: I took the day off of work today and had fun being around. Among other things, I monitored Clarissa and Meera’s purple potion making, exercised, folded laundrey, helped in the kitchen (Swathi was so helpful in the kitchen serving and cleaning!), working on our nonfunctioning waterfall pump, and the like. It was so fun to be around Swathi. She has such a fun energetic spirit that is nice to be around. She got some work done in the morning, but otherwise hung out with me and the kids and got ready for her flight tonight. We were sorry to see Clark and Swathi go today. I wish we had them longer (we didn’t even get to play Wingspan!), but a major focus of this trip was moving Georgia in and we are all so grateful that has been accomplished. We also got to have some good chat time. We are grateful we get Soren, Meera and Mani for another day! Also, we will get to see them all soon at Sruthi’s wedding in August (we just learned about it!) Life is good. While hanging out Swathi took this fun video of Lydia and Soren playing the same song at the same time: