The Secret Garden

Our yard reminds me of the secret garden in that there are many different paths, trees, plants, artifacts, rocks, nooks, birdhouses and places to sit and explore. The kids have loved exploring the yard and playing in. Lily anticipated that their imaginations would have a lot of fun in the yard, and today I caught it in action.

Moving In

Moving In: We have been very busy unloading containers, putting box contents where they belong, arranging furniture (with help from the movers), buying the furniture we lack and otherwise getting situated. The kids have had very distracted parents and have either been helping, been on screens, been playing in our incredibly enchanting yard, playing in their new spaces, and even building a giant fort (which may have been inspired by a Bluey episode). Here are some scenes from today:

Irregardless and Tons of Unpacking

Irregardless: Today we went to Irregardless as a family. We had been before when we visited Raleigh and we loved it. Lily and I loved it again so much that we went again a day or two later on a date night. Their Vegan Paea is to die for!

Tons of unpacking: The first of three Pack Rat containers arrived today. We had movers to help us unload it (and the next two as well). We were very busy processing all the boxes we unloaded. It was so fun to have the kids help. Here is Clarissa!

Arriving Home!

Today Lily and the kids arrived in Raleigh!

I think this is the Salt Lake airport, but I’m not 100% sure

We went straight home from the airport, ordered food and started to set up the house. It was very fun to all be in our new house. Lily and I just love it so much. I think that once it is set up and the kids transition to their new lives and the fun things here, they will be in love with the home and Raleigh also.

Arriving Home, and the Best Birthday Gift I have Ever Received, and Visiting Georgia

Arriving Home. Chris was a faster driver than me, and he was anxious to get back home so he got to the house around 2:00, dropped off the car and took an Uber to the airport. I got in around 3:30, and was so so grateful to be done driving. It was also fun to see Basil checking out his new space:

I also gave Lily, the kids and my dad and Suzanne a tour of the house. They were all together in preparation for Lily and the kids’ flight the next day. It was so nice of my dad and Suzanne to host them and take them to the airport! We thought what Basil did was funny when I didn’t let him follow me into the front yard during the tour:

The best birthday gift I ever received. Today for my birthday, Lily gave me a bound book with pictures of family and friends and notes to me from so many of my loved ones. It is the most touching thing I’ve ever received. I didn’t realized how hard turning 40 could be. I did feel sad and thought a lot about aging and my mortality. But this book was a ray of sunshine as I relived moments with so many people that I love. And people shared so much love in their notes. It is among the greatest treasures of my life. That book means so much to me, and I so grateful for such an incredible spouse who knew just how to touch me on my 40th birthday. Arriving in our new home, on my 40th birthday, and just sitting on the floor thumbing through pages of that book is a very sweet memory for me. Thank you Lily, you are the best companion ever!

Visiting Georgia. Also, Lily visited Georgia today. It’s going to be sad not seeing her as much before she moves out to Raleigh (she’s on a wait list), but I’m glad we could all see her so much recently! It’s also great that I’m back in Utah the first week of February so I can stop by.

St. Louis Arch, Nashville, Visiting Nanna

St. Louis Arch: Chris and I got in late to Kansas City, but still got an early start and hit the road. That allowed us to take a nice long break in St. Louis to see the St. Louis Arch and also eat at SugarFire. It was a nice long break from driving (and very much needed for me). Even though visibility at the top of the arch was almost zero, we still had a really good time (there was a lot of fog while driving today and I think yesterday as well). It was a great outing!

Outstanding BBQ

Nashville: Chis and I stayed at Nasvhille for the night. We stayed in a beautiful Hilton in downtown Nashville. I was so stimulated by the bustling scene, and I think Basil was when I walked him down the mainstreet after dinner with Chris. Chris and I had a great time eating and chatting at Wiskey River.

Visiting Georgia: Back at home the family visited Georgia again. Mary, Ammon and Clarissa enjoyed Georgia’s mechanically moving chair.

Dogs playing(ish), kids playing and more driving

Dogs playing(ish): This morning, Chris, Jen and I all worked while Loki and Basil played. Actually Basil felt done with playing almost as soon as he started, and after barking at Loki, he eventually went in his crate for protection. Being the ever-energetic golden doodle puppy that Loki meant, of course, that he was dissapointed. He really wanted to play with Basil!

We all took a lunch break and Chris and Jenn got delicious Mexican food while I walked the dogs. I left Basil in the car afterwards so he wouldn’t get snow slush around Chris and Jen’s house. Loki was sad that Basil was in the car and at one point got up on his hind legs to look inside longingly.

It was really fun chatting with Chris and Jen over my torta. Then Chris and I finished working and hit the road by around 3:30. I’m so gratefil Chris agreed to help me drive our second car across the country!

Kids Playing: Back at home people have been trying not to go crazy with almost every possession we own on it’s way to Raleigh. There certainly has been plenty of screen time, but the kids have done a great job using their imagination when they are tired of screens, or when Lily or I mandates a no-screen time. Here are some pictures and a video that Lily captured:

More driving: Chris and I drove for about 8 hours and stayed the night in Kansas City. We stopped for dinner at a nice diner in Hays, a college town in Kansas. Basis, again, was a perfect companion. I also had a great time chatting with Chris about music over dinner. He recently recommended the rapper NF to me and I want to check him out.

After driving, we drove another 4 hours and arrived late in Kansas City.

Starting the Drive East and Mary’s Patriotic Program, and Mary is sad to leave Utah

Starting the drive East: Today I left for the long drive East. There was light snow, but the weather was warm so the roads were just fine. Basil was the perfect travel buddy, and literally just sat calmly next to me the entire drive to Denver where I stayed the night at Chris and Jen’s. Here are two pictures of Basil and I still in Orem as well as a video of our stop in Rawlins Wyoming. I was sending Lydia updates about Basil throughout the trip.

Mary’s Patriotic Program: Tonight was Mary’s patriotic program and I was sad to miss it. She’s been talking about it, and really wanting Lily and I to go. She’s also been mentioning how “Oh My Darlin’ Clementine” is actually quite a dark song if you listen to all the lyrics. I’m so glad Lily could go!

Mary is sad to leave Utah: When I caught up with Lily at night, she told me that at Mary’s performance, her friend Charlotte gave her a scarf and a love note and drawing about how much she loves Mary. Sweet Mary was found later that night clutching those items as she sobbed in her bed. She is so sad to leave Utah. She has the most precious group of girlfriends and Mary leaving them is one of the things I’m most sad about in this whole move.


Wonderful Visits!

Visiting with Georgia: While I was working, Lily and the kids visited Georgia. Here are two pictures and a video from their visit:

Visiting with the Freestones: When I was done with work, the Freestones came over and we visited for two hours with them. It was a highlight of the whole week for me. Conversation flowed and the mutual excitment to spend time together was palpable. Lily and I had so much fun getting updates from the whole family and our kids love Emma, Katie and Eliza so much, and they had so much fun talking together. We also met Emma’s husband, who is super nice. What a treat to see them all tonight!