This morning I was very tired, but once I finally got out of bed, we all rolled out to the Farmer’s market. The market was so fun. There was a dog costume contest we got to watch (one dog had a Jack Sparrow costume), great food and smoothies, fun produce to buy and great weather. After the market, we dropped off a smoothie to our friend Lauren who lives in downtown Salt Lake.
Then we went to the Living Room trailhead where we met up with my dad and Suzanne. It was so fun to hike the trail with them! Not only did they bring great snacks including grapes from their vines, but they were awesome trail company. Also, my dad spent a lot of energy trying help calm Ammon down in a kind and graceful way. Ammon was losing his mind and sobbing because of the wasps on the trail (and there were a lot), and I was struggling to be creative on how to help him. My dad talked to him and told him a story of when he got stung and patiently encouraged him along the trail. It was very sweet to see. The weather and the scenery were all so gorgeous. Utah is so beautiful!

At home, we let the kids fend for themselves while Lily and I went on a date to Red Tacos, and we also got desert. It was so fun to have deep time with my Lily, my heart, especially since I’ve been traveling so much!