Today was a very happy day for me. A highlight in my whole year. Before I get into it though, here are some pretty pictures from a rainbow at home that I assume Lily took.
Today was special because I ran the Portland Marathon and got to hang out with Clark and everything just went perfectly. I slept great and woke up 5 minutes before my alarm. The weather was perfect, and I packed my nutrition without a hitch. My body felt great. I planned to stick with the 1:50 pacer (just a hair faster than my last practice run), but I was feeling so good that I stuck with the 1:40 pacer the entire race. My final time was 139:19. It felt so good to push my body and feel the results of my training. It was so fun to run with Clark. We ran the first half of the race together then he took off ahead of me. It was also so fun to see Portland through a half-marathon and to do it in perfect weather (fifties). The whole thing was magical and a treasured experience for me.
As if my day wasn’t magical enough, I then played at Top Golf with Clark and then even played a game of Wingspan with him at a gaming lounge. I had such a good time hanging out with him.

At night I relaxed, went on a walk, talked a lot with Lily, talked with Lydia and Mary (Lydia told me more about her Mistbourne book series) and watched TV. It was an incredible day. Here are some scenes from my walk.
Also, I’ve discovered the digital version of Wingspan, and I’m loving it! It has also clarified some rules for me, like you don’t tally the score every round!

I am so grateful for the way Lily has supported my training and running in this event today. She is such a perfect companion. Training and running for this half-marathon has helped to keep me happy and mentally/emotionally afloat during a very challenging year. Thank you honey for your goodness to me!!