Mani’s Food, Running with Clark, Chihuli Bridge, Washington Museum, Park.

Today was a good day. We’ve continued to eat Mani’s amazing food:

Also, I’ve been melting down from stress at work, but Clark and I had a fast run that was over 4 miles and at a 7:33 pace. It had a lot of hills and really made us work. We loved it!

While I was working and running, Lily was giving the kids an awesome day. I think she took all six kids to the park and ice-cream, and then dropped off everyone except Lydia and Clarissa, whom she took the Washington State Museum and Chihuli bridge.

In the evening, we had a wonderful dinner that Clark made.

Point Defiance Park, Olympia and Dinner/Ice-cream

Today Lily drove to Point Defiance Park to take a walk, and shortly into her walk she realized it was one of the most beautiful places she’d ever seen, and she cut her walk short, hustled back to the car, went back to the house and loaded all the kids (including Soren and Mira) in the car so she could take them. They spent the morning seeing the forest and the incredible beach. At the beach, there were kids digging for jelly fish. Ammon called them, “his crew” and he was so excited at their discoveries. Soon they gave him a shovel and Ammon got to dig too. It was so much fun for everyone! They even played jump-rope with the kelp!

After that, Lily dropped off Soren and Mira and took our kids to meet up with Julie and her family at Olympia National Park. They had a great time, pictures below!

Then Lily, Lydia and Clarissa went to ice-cream/dinner with Julie and her kids while Clark took Ammon, Soren, Mary and Mira to a park.

I arrived back from Dalles tired and stressed, but happy to see everyone. We sure have loved our visit so far!

Fun in Dallas/Tacoma!

Today I was in Dallas for a Healthcare Leadership offsite. Highlights were being with amazing people, getting some pseudo-cowboy boots and a belt as a gift, and having dinner at the Cowboy Club with the leaders in my region.

In Tacoma, Lily took the kids on a great outing to Point Defiance. There were fun slides and beautiful nature for them to enjoy.

The kids had a lot of fun playing back at the house. Here are two videos.

Also, the kids had fun cooking and baking back at the house. They made ginger carrot soup, avocado toast and birthday cupcakes.

Seattle Logistics

Lily went to Seattle today for her in-person appointment to get her Passport for our upcoming trip to Canada. I woke up at 4:40 to pack and leave for Dallas for a work leadership conference. The security line was so insane that I missed my flight. One lady, who also missed her flight, said she was two hours early. I was an hour and ten minutes early, and that clearly was not enough.

Lily was battling Seattle logistics of her own. Traffic moved very slowly and there was a semi-truck riding her so closely that it was seriously stressing her out. I felt bad for her, but I also couldn’t help, but chuckle a bit at her colorful language. It really only comes out to that degree in traffic, and it makes me laugh.

Lily got her passport without a hitch, and I made it to Dallas just fine. I enjoyed practicing principles from How to Win Friends and Influence People which we have all been listening to and I learned a ton about my Uber drivers. I felt very tired today, but I’m hoping for more energy tomorrow. I did have a great time eating BBQ with my fellow managers, and I also got a nice weights workout to put that protein to work.

When Lily arrived, she had a great time being with family, and Clark made hand-made pasta for everyone. We’ve also been admiring their beautiful piano which one of Swathi’s patients gave to her. Here is Soren playing, I assume with his teacher. He’s doing really well!

Swathi, Clark, Soren and Mira Arrive!

Today we woke up, had Mani’s delicious food for breakfast, and went to Bonney lake. Lily read a bunch of warnings about how cold the water was (even warnings that you could get shock from the cold) so she didn’t bring her swim-suit. That was really sad, because the water was amazing and warm. The kids and I swam, but I’m hoping Lily makes it back while I’m in Dallas, so she can enjoy the water also:

Back at that house, Clarissa enjoyed the hammock and we’ve all been enjoying the amazing view.

Then Clark, Swathi, Soren and Mira arrived and we all had so much fun visiting them. The kids disappeared and played for hours, and the grown-ups had fun chatting. It was great to hear about their trip to Croatia and Switzerland which they were just arriving from. I also got to go on a run with Clark which was a highlight of the entire day for me. Another major highlight was playing Wingspan with Lily and Clark after a delicious dinners. We’ve been having such a good time!

Mt Rainier

Today we woke up at the Holiday Inn, had breakfast and then hit the road. Before leaving, we caught a view of the gorgeous fields in Pendleton Oregon.

Around 3:00 we made it to Mt. Rainier. We were blown away by the view of Mt Rainier, and we were also stunned by the wildflowers. We wandered through the paradise area trails, and I think it was the most spectacular display of wildflowers that I have seen in my life. We had an incredible time. Lily says it is her new favorite National Park. It’d have to think about it, but it’s certainly up there for me, maybe top 5. It was an incredible visit.

Afterwards, we drove to Clark and Swathi’s. They hadn’t arrived home yet with Meera and Soren (they were still traveling back from a Croatia/Switzerland trip), but Mani was there and she fed us a delicious authentic Indian dinner.

Clarissa Biking, the Dentist, and Covid Boosters

Today we all went to the dentist and then got Covid boosters for the kids (apparently it’s no longer recommended for adults who have already been boosted). My boss just got back from a cruise and her husband got Covid, so that made me think to have the family get boosted. While waiting, we sang, “The Wellerman” while banging on Clarissa’s back like a drum:

A man at the dr.’s office commented on my beautiful family to me. I agree!

Also, this week, Clarissa learned how to start the bike on her own at Eli’s kid’s camp. I spent some time with her today having her show me her progress. I was so excited, and to celebrate, Lydia helped Clarissa order a new helmet, gloves and a bell which I had promised her for when she learned all the way.

Clarissa Learns To Start On Her Bike, And Fun With The Easton-Flakes

Today was a very intense day for me at work, but I was delighted to get a call from Lily telling me that at Eli’s kids camp, Clarissa learned how to start peddling by herself on her bike. I was thrilled and told her I’d ride a little with her on my lunch break the next day. Clarissa learned with me how to ride after I pushed her, but I’m so grateful to Eli for helping her to learn to start herself. What a great update!

Also, the Easton-Flake kids came over to our house today. We love them and we love having them over. It looks like they all had fun!

Fun with Anthony, Malika, Emil, and Amalia

Lily and I were delighted to learn that Anthony, Malika and their kids were available today to spend time with us. I worked today, but everyone else went to Tibble Fork and had an incredible time with the sand and inflatable boats. It wasn’t crowded and the water was cold, but that was a contrast to the very hot weather. They had an awesome time. I was beyond jealous that I missed it, but so happy for the time they all had.

Luckily for me, they were all able to hang out at our place when I got home from work. Even more luckily for me, we got to teach them our favorite of all favorite games, Wingspan while the kids had a blast running in and out of the house and playing together.

We love spending time with Anthony and Malika and their kids so much and are so grateful they shared this day with us!

Also, when Anthony and Malika and their kids left, Lily and I played picture charades with the kids, and then I played Apples to Apples with the older kids while Lily put down Clarissa.