Friday in San Diego and at home

Abe took a bunch of pictures of the kids at home while I was gone.

He took Ammon and Clarissa to visit Nana before picking up the girls from school.
In the meantime, Jean, Kage and I went ocean kayaking.
Jean had emotional turmoil after our attempt to make it past the breaking waves so we turned around. We had a great time visiting and chatting while waiting for Kage to come back.
Afterward we went to the Children’s Pool. I dozed in the sun while Kage and Jean got closer to the seals. I loved bird watching. There were so many brown pelicans, terns, and sandpipers around!

Thursday in San Diego and at home

I think these pictures are all out of order, but I am rushing to get this blog done so Abe and I can play Wingspan tonight instead of catch up on the blog!

I think Clarissa had a tantrum and fell asleep like this.
Abe was amused by her snoring/purring sounds
Jean, Kage and I went to Sunset Cliffs together.

The birds and sunset were so amazing and I captured some videos below to help me remember the beautiful scene.

This was the view from the condo in the morning. I loved people and dog watching from this balcony!
Ammon was a Ninja
Ammon is thrilled about his ever evolving dreidel skills.

Also, Abe worked hard and organized Clarissa’s closet and put away a mountain of laundry. Thank you, Abe!!

Wednesday at home and in San Diego

In the morning I flew to San Diego. Jean picked me up and it was so good to see her! After she picked me up we went to pick up her niece, Kage, who is a naval cop. We got to tour the naval base in Coronado, which was amazing. Then we picked up Zakaya, her other niece, and went to dinner in Little Italy. It was delicious.

At home Abe took a lot of cute pictures too!

As suggested by the caution sign, the kids spilled A LOT of strawberry shake. The staff needed to clean it with a mop, and they were so nice and gave Abe and the kids a new shake!

Ammon and Clarissa Cuteness

It is adorable the way Ammon and Clarissa pal around and goof off together. Today it appears one of the older daughters caught Ammon and Clarissa goofing together in the back seat of the car. I love this video (even though no one realized they were probably speaking too loudly into each others’ ears) because it’s a peak into the hours and hours of goofing off they do together. They can be so cute together!

In the evening, the Ammon and Clarissa cuteness continued when they performed a couple of dances for me.

A Fun Saturday with Friends

Today Todd and his kids, Kasey and Cora, came over for breakfast and we had the greatest time. Lily and I always love talking to Todd and the breakfast spread was delicious (pancakes/fruit, bacon (from Todd), eggs). The kids had an awesome time together. Ammon had a lot of fun making fairy houses in the backyard with Cora.

After our time with Todd and his kids, our kids prepared a tea party for us all. They did an amazing job. I think Lydia was responsible for most of it. She’s so good at making things eventful!

In the evening, I had the best time with the kids. The had built a massive fort, and I played in it with them. Then we pretended that we all went to an outing to the fair. I ended up being a bucking bronco, a twirling swing ride, and another ride where I carried the kids around (and Lydia was live advertisements along the way). Then we all rode the train and Lily joined us for that part. We pretended to be different characters getting on and off the train and it was really fun. We also had an America’s got talent performance as well as a ballet performance from Clarissa. It was all very fun!