Every Tuesday and Thursday Clarissa has no school. I love working from home on these days, but I also lament that I don’t take more time in the day to spend with her. Every moment with her is a gift and today I found more moments to be with her. I watched Bluey with her (which the whole family has been captivated by, and I found little segments of the day to spend moments with her, including this moment below. Clarissa often protests going to school, and doesn’t want to go. Today, I turned the tables on her, and made her act like the parent telling a protesting me why I needed to go to my work meeting.
Lily’s day started off really strong with a delightful outing shopping with her mom. Then at home Lily got tired, and didn’t get everything done she wanted, but she did read to and feed Clarissa, drop dinner off for a close friend (who is under a lot of stress right now) and work on her TSOS work. TSOS ends next week, and she’s looking forward to having more time and energy to spend on other things when that wraps up.
I played Pickleball with friends and grilled salmon for dinner. Right now Lily is helping Ammon with homework while I blog and catch up on my giant work pile. I’m hoping that we play wingspan tonight and I think we will! Also, here is a cute page from Ammon’s school journal: