Lily spent time 1:1 with Clarissa today, which Clarissa loved. They even played Barbies together. At one point, Lily told Clarissa she had to go, and Clarissa grabbed her face and said, “I love you soooo much!” Then Clarissa cried at night for Lily to tuck her in, which often happens on days when they spend deep time together.

Also, Ammon something adorable happened with Ammon today. After I got home from the office, I asked him how his day went. He said, “so good!!” He then told me with excitement about how today at school a bunch of kids wrote him love notes. I looked and there was a whole booklet of compliments to him from his classmates, and some other additional love. notes to boot. It was sweet to me to see just how much expressions of love mean to Ammon, and I’m sure to most anybody. It’s a good reminder to me to express love and compliments to those around me, especially Ammon!

I worked at home until after 7 and then read a book about Guinevere to Ammon and Clarissa and then had a quick dance party with them to this ice-freeze song that Ammon has been into.
Then I ran at the gym (which I loved) and had an amazing time playing Wingspan with Lily until after 11:00. Work was grueling, but the day ended very happily for me!