Today I woke up and played frisbee with a new frisbee group that I found. When I had my high-school reunion a month or so ago, we played frisbee just like we did in high-school and I was reminded about how much pure joy I get from playing ultimate frisbee. I found a group that plays in Saratoga Springs online, and I went today. It was absolutely everything that I had hoped for. They had some really great throwers and I caught some fantastic passes in full stride (an amazing sensation). I struggled with my throwing game, but I had a ton of fun being a receiver.
At home I worked on the house and the garage while Lily had really intense music practices with both Ammon and Mary. While doing house-work, I snapped this photo of the fun gourdes Lily bought for decoration.

Then Lydia practiced while I loaded all the bicycles. After music and house work until 3:00, we all went on a bike ride on the Jordan River trail. We had never biked the Jordan River trail, and we absolutely loved it. Lily and I felt it was one of our favorite trails we’d ever been on. Even though it was a little cold and windy, that didn’t dampen our spirits and we all had such an amazing time. Ammon and Mary are loving their new bikes, and it was fun to have Ammon and Clarissa with painted faces (from Lydia earlier in the day). Lily and I effused multiple times afterwards how much we loved the bike rides.

Then we all got Thai food at Baan Thai Cuisine & Bar in Lehi at the outlet malls. Clarissa was making cute faces while we waited for our food.

The food was superb, we all loved it. We then shopped the outlet malls and bought a new coat and fleece for Lydia and a new coat for Ammon.

While we were in stores, Ammon and Clarissa played hide and seek. It stressed me out a little bit, but I had to admit, it was also very cute. See below.

In the evening, Lily stayed up until almost 1:00 watching The Good Place with the girls. I watched until 11:30 or so and we all laughed so much. What an absolutely joyful Saturday today was.