Day 2 at Community of Christ Reunion

Today was another glorious day at the Community of Christ reunion. After breakfast, we attended an adult session of church while the kids had kid’s classes. The adult class was all about the vibrant discussion within the community of Christ right now about non-violence. It was a beautiful lesson about how the Community of Christ includes everyone in the direction of the church and about the current emphasis on discussing non-violence which is so important in today’s society.

The kids had a cool craft where they decorated bottles for their orange soda.

Then we had the main church meeting where we sang, had communion and listened to a sermon about taking action, and believing we can make a positive difference in the world (as opposed to being like the John Maher song that says we are waiting on the world to change).

Lunch was a delicious variety of Mexican food (all the food has been fantastic) and afterwards we had KP duty. It was so fun to do my part along side Lily, Lydia, Mary and other wonderful people (Ammon and Clarissa were off playing). I had a flashback to when I was the dish-boy at Gepetto’s and that made it extra fun for me.

After lunch was swim-time (super fun!) and then we hung out until after dinner just talking with people and loving everyone’s company. The kids wanted to stay soooooo badly, but I had a trip to New York the next day so we had to get me home. But Lily also enjoyed her time so much that she told the kids she would go back Monday, so we left the sleeping bags and some other things in the cabins with Lily planning to return with the kids. We have loved Reunion!!

Primrose Overlook and Community of Christ Reunion

I went to bed after midnight last night because I was working, but we woke early to meet Courtney on 800 N just after 7:30. Lily and I got as much rest as we could so once we got up, it was a mad dash to get everyone in the car, and no one had breakfast.

But the hike was so so so beautiful. Courtney took us to Primrose point and the kids all did very well (I did carry Clarissa a bunch, but she walked almost the whole way back). The whole loop was just under 4 miles. It was a bit mentally exhausting coaxing Clarissa along, but honestly, I loved every minute of it (and Clarissa is seriously so cute). The rest of the kids were truly great hikers.

We got some neat footage of a butterfly just before getting to the overlook.

The overlook was breathtaking, and the grandeur reminded us of being in Glacier.

On the way back we loved the sound and sight of the Aspen leaves quaking in the wind.

We also met a furry friend!

Also, the mountain flowers were breathtaking.

After the hike, Courtney showed us Icebox springs where you can drink mountain spring water that is coming right out of the ground. It was delicious!

Basil loved it too!

We are so grateful to Courtney for taking us on such a wonderful adventure!!

Because everyone hiked on an empty stomach, we treated everyone extra nice for lunch. We went to cafe Rio and then got Menchies. Yum! Menchies is one of my all-time favorite deserts. I love designing my desert just the way I like it 🙂

Then Lily and I went home. I quickly packed everything for the Community of Christ Reunion, and then we jumped in the car and headed to Camp Red Cliffe (up Ogden Canyon). We got Cup Bob to eat on the way.

Immediately when we arrived, there was the most beautiful Spirit. We stayed up talking with people until 10 PM. We met and became friends (or closer friends) with so many beautiful people, including one lady who was just divorced by her husband a few days ago (because she left the church). The bond and the spirit there was so strong. I love that community so much and I know it is my home. The kids all found friends to play with and played so happily while all the adults talked.

Group Therapy

Today we hosted Courtney, Rebekah and Tyler, Heidi, and their kids. Lily made the most wonderful dinner for everyone (bratworst, fruit salad, corn, Caprese salad). The group REALLY gelled, especially when Lily invited Rebeka to share her faith journey and then everyone else shared their in-turn. I felt so much love, acceptance, warmth and strength. Others might use different words to describe what I think we all felt, but to me it felt like God was surely present. Heidi also taught a values lesson to the kids about asking for help when you need it. We also all roasted s’mores. What a truly heart-warming evening it was. I really love that group of people.

Georgia’s Birthday

Today I had a very intense and stressful day back at the office. Meanwhile Lily was cooking like crazy at home. It was Georgia’s birthday today and she requested a family favorite: BBQ chicken Cobb Salad. Georgia came over mid-day and Lily told me everyone had the most wonderful time with her.

What a feast! It was so nice to have my mom and Jere join as well.

Jere stayed until around 10 chatting with us and playing with the kids. I caught a quick video of him outside with the kids because it was so touching to see him play with them. He also helped Ammon for 15 or so minutes on his spelling master swords game. What a great uncle!

It was so fun to all celebrate Georgia’s birthday today. I feel so grateful to have Georgia as a mother-in-law. One thing I have always deeply felt is her care for me and all my ups and downs. It’s a care that I draw strength from. She’s thoughtful, kind, loving and a fighter. Health has been challenging for her, but it’s so inspiring to see her smile through it all and still find ways every day to show love, be cheerful and uplift others. You are an angel Georgia and we love you! You are such a sweet presence and such a wonderful nana to our kids. We are all better for having you in our lives. Happy Birthday to the best Nana ever!

Last day in Mesa Verde

Today was the last day of our amazing Mesa Verde trip. Lily did such an incredible job planning everything.

We drove to the trail-head for Step House and Long House and had lunch.

It was a little rainy, so the kids played a new game Lily bought for them while we waited for things to clear up.

Then we set out for Step House

I begged Clarissa for a nice normal smile and this is what I got

After seeing Step House, we hiked to Long House where Lily scheduled a tour for us.

The kids had a lot of fun doing foot-races on the way.

In the link below, we are hiking the final segment to Long House.

Ammon has been over-the-top social on this trick. At one point he stopped a lady on the trail and insisted that she needed to see my magic trick where I can remove my thumb. It was awkward, but she stood there, and I showed it to her, lol. Ammon is talking to everybody all the time. At the hot springs, He had someone singing “Never Gonna Give you Up” by Rick Roll in the bathroom with him. He stops to say hi to everyone and tries to be every dog. It’s honestly too much because he’s always throwing himself into conversation with others whether they want it or not, and we’ve had to coach Ammon about thinking about what other people want and not just always demanding people’s attention all the time. But even though Ammon is learning how to reign it in, the reality is, it is such a beautiful trait to make friends everyone. Within minutes of arriving at the Long House, he found a five year old boy named Luke and they became friends and held hands. They had so much fun together, and as a result, Lily and I became friends with Luke’s parents and we all chatted on the way back to the car.

After Long House, we drove home. We surprised the kids by stopping at Pasta Jays in Moab, one of our all-time favorite spots!

On the way home we had almost an hour of lightning. It was hard to catch much on video, but some of the lighting bolts were breathtaking. It was like having another night of fireworks.

On the way home I finished listening to a Mormon Stories podcast about the great Salt Lake. Lily is so good at pushing great content my way. Before that Podcast, we all finished Book 1 of How to Train Your Dragon which as family favorite, and maybe even THE family favorite audio book. My favorite line in the whole book is when Gobber the Belch tells the young soon-to-be Hooligan Vikings to read a book to learn how to train their dragon, and one of the youngsters says, “but what if you can’t read?” Gobber quips back, “no boasting! Get some idiot to read it to you.” Lol, it still makes me laugh! It was such a wonderful trip.

An Awesome 4th of July in Colorado (and a surprise ending)

Today we woke up and made the incredibly scenic drive from Durango to Silverton.

We stopped at the top (Molas Pass Summit 10,910 ft) to check out the view.

In Silverton, we were delighted to learn that we arrived just in time for the parade. The parade was incredibly entertaining. They passed out candy (a recent trend I’ve noticed at parades), but the funny party is, they also had hoses and squirt guns and sprayed the audience, whether the audience wanted to be sprayed at all. They also fired muskets and had fighter jets. The whole thing was super eventful, and it really made our 4th of July fun.

We then went to Durango to walk around downtown and eat lunch

After lunch, we went to the Durango hot springs. Lily and I took turns going to the adult section while the other watched the kids. I passed out into a short and lovely nap with my feet dangling in one of the pools. Lily and I haven’t gotten the greatest sleep, so it felt delicious.

We then went back to downtown Durango to have dinner at a taco place. Clarissa fell asleep on the way. She was so heavy, but I just thought about how this may be one of the last times I carry my [no longer so] little girl in my arms fast asleep. That thought was enough for me to cherish the opportunity.

After dinner we got the most delicious ice cream at Cream Bean Berry. Lily and I agreed that their Colorado Cherry ice cream was the best one there (and one of the best we’d ever tasted. ever.)

We had the most wonderful day in Durango. We knew in advance the only drawback to our 4th of July plans was that we wouldn’t see any fireworks. The kids were disappointed in that aspect. But on the way home, we saw some fireworks going off. I turned into Mancos, where the fireworks were going off. The show lasted almost an hour, and I figure it costed half the city budget since the poplulation of Mancos is only about 1,350 people. We just happened to pull up to the exact field where we were launching the fireworks. They were right over our heads, and Lydia, Clarissa, Ammon and I were mesmorized. Mary and Lily were more concerned and watched from the car (though Mary did spend some time outside I think). It did start to get a bit crazy though when some of the fireworks touched down to the ground. At one point someone even ran to the field to put out a fire the fireworks had started (we were watching from the car at that point). You’ll see in a video below that after one firework that dropped sparks to the ground, Lily urgently requested we get in the car. I definitely think that was a good idea! We later found a spot that felt just as close, but was more safe. We all had the most wonderful night and multiple kids later reported the fireworks being one of their favorite parts of the whole trip. What an amazing day!!!!

Day 2 in Mesa Verde

We loved our campsite so much!!

Lily and I didn’t sleep a ton because of the wind and the rain at night, but our amazing $100 Walmart tent kept us bone dry inside. In the morning, we had the most amazing avocado toast. Lily really pulled all the stops food-wise on this trip. She was inspired by a recent camping cooking book she bought at the bookstore we explored on her birthday.

We then got our stamps at the visitor’s center and we got junior ranger books for the kids. They worked on their books while waiting for the dancing.

I love this statue so much. To me it captures the feeling, intensity, and energy involved of scaling a cliff. What a life it was for them!

We then saw a rain dance by some incredible Hopi dancers.

We then drove on the Mesa Top loop and listened to an audio tour that Lily downloaded in advance: Partway through the tour we had a wonderful picnic with food Lily had prepared:

This is a pit-house. It would have had a roof made of wood and adobe I think.

After the amazing Mesa Top Loop, we ate at a Mexican restaurant in Cortez.

After dinner, we hiked about 30 minutes on the Knife Edge trail near our campground. It was soooo windy, but still such an incredible and scenic hike. The kids had spent a lot of time in the car, so it was great for them to exercise as well.

Parts of the hike were super windy

At night, Lily and I both woke up at 3:45 AM didn’t sleep great after that (Lily maybe didn’t sleep at all), and our air-mat lost a bunch of air. But the tent and camping experience charmed us all. Before bed, all the kids either red books (older girls) or colored (younger kids) for a solid half hour, before getting tired and falling asleep. It was a very sweet tent scene and I love our children sooo much.

First Day in Mesa Verde

This morning I woke up and got some work done. Then Lily and I finished packing and we hit the road about 11.

The drive to Mesa Verde was very pretty and we especially enjoyed some clouds along the way.

In the car we listened to a Mormon Stories podcast about the Great Salt Lake dying as well we the second book in “How to Train your Dragon”. It was all about Hiccup finding Grimbeard the Ghastly’s treasure. We LOVE that series.

We arrived at our campsite around 6 and had plenty of time to set up camp, cook the amazing tinfoil dinners that Lily prepared, and eat. We also enjoyed cinnamon rolls and banana boats for desert!

Cinnamon rolls

It rained at night, but our tent (which we are so fond of) kept us dry!

Lydia’s Chem Camp, and Wonderful Play Time

Today Lily rested a lot to get over her sickness, and all the rest paid off. We think she’s turning a corner! Lily also took Lydia to her chemistry camp (With Emerson) and then went to Everbowl with Lydia afterwards.

I was very absorbed in my end-of-quarter deals and other workload and Mary, Ammon and Clarissa played adorably for a long time today. When Lydia got home, she joined the fun. The kids played so well together today (although Clarissa did have some moments). It was so heart-warming to see them all play together for hours.

Baking Impossible

Tonight we watched Baking Impossible as a family. Everyone loves this show. In fact one of my recent memories was Clarissa running to me while I was in the bathroom the other day and she was shouting something to the effect of, “Dad, dad, you got to see this, you go to see this!” She was watching Baking Impossible and was insistent that I watch a particularly exciting part. Lol.