Today the kids spent a lot of time playing. It was so adorable. The girls all dressed in matching outfits and wore pig tails and played together upstairs. Lily got some cute pictures and a video.
After playing, Mary worked on piano, and Ammon did a little to. Then Lydia had a harp lesson and Mary and Ammon went to a kids camp that Eli and some friends hosted to make money for the summer. After the kids camp, Eli came over to play. He entertained the kids with sock puppets and everyone had a lot of fun playing. Eli even made his own sock puppet in the craft room. We love Eli!
Eli also stayed for dinner. Lily made the most DELICIOUS mushroom soup. Also, Lily and I talked a lot about our future today, including things we are concerned about (such as the Great Salt Lake drying up and political instability) and where we may want to live long term.
At night, Lydia and Mary had the most amazing time playing dolls. I was filled with so much joy just watching their deep play time.
I was up very late because of a late nap I took. But it gave me a chance to blog our camping trip and watch some Spartacus, Blood and Sand.
In the morning, we were relatively efficient. I cooked oatmeal for everyone, and then Lily and I broke camp while the kids played. Clarissa had fun looking at the flower chart.
And all the kids had so much fun playing in the surrounding area while Lily and I broke camp. Ammon found a lean-to that someone built and he had so much fun pretending the shelter was his home. He told me he built it, “but not for real, just in the game” and he also told me this was the basement.
Then we all packed up and left. We were very efficient getting back. Clarissa told me all about the Master Swords spelling game on the Alexa, and she was so excited telling me about it that she just walked and walked and walked without complaining. We were back to the car in under an hour.
I wasn’t quite as diligent with wearing my head-net and long-sleeves as everyone else was. Everyone got bites, but I think I got the most.
On the ride home there was a man with an owl at Echo rest stop. He said the owl had been in yellowstone and Harry Potter. He let the kids pet the owl.
At home, Lily got everyone clean while I went and got Basil clean and picked up a menchies cake (and itch cream). At home we all had amazing soup that Lily made and a great salad and then watched a baking show together.
What a clean and cosey way to end our our weekend in the woods!
I was up past 1:00 last night packing for our trip to Tamarack lake. When I was a kid, my dad would take the family backpacking. Now that Clarissa is old enough, I’m fulfilling my dream of taking my family backpacking in the Unitas. We left by 10:00 and went through Wyoming to get to the Northeast side of the Uintas to go to Tamarack lake (near Spirit lake). I chose the East side because the mosquitos are supposed to be better there……
On the drive, Basil had an incredible time when we rolled down the window:
We had lunch near the trail-head. I had just figured out how to get my gopro to work so I was having a lot of fun with that. Here are some scenes from lunch:
When we arrived at the trail, we noticed two things. First, the mosquitos were completely out of control. Fortunately, I brought head-nets which is a trick I learned from my dad on one of our backpacking trips when the mosquitos were totally nuts.
Secondly, we noticed that Basil was literally in heaven. And his fluffy coat protected him from mosquitos! See Basil’s bliss below:
I have to really hand it to my family. Backpacking is not particularly comfortable for any of them, and Lily is still getting over a sinus infection. And even with the crazy mosquitos everyone still did a good job hiking and making fun memories.
We brought along a flower guide that Lily purchased during our birthday date in Park City (at a cute bookstore). It was fun identifying flowers such as the mountain marsh marigolds (if I remember correctly).
The hike was only 1.4 miles, but it felt like plenty, especially with the mosquito situation. Our campsite was AWESOME. There was a great place for the tent, multiple firepits, a lake view, and great play areas for the kids. Here is Lily taking a video of the camping area:
Here is some footage of the lake
First I got the fire going, and then we got the tent set up.
Once the tent was up, the kids played and laughed and giggled and recorded videos, much like they did last year after the tent got set up in Kolob canyon.
Playing a card game, I think it is called something like taco, goat, cheese, pizza, compliments of a Qualtrics gift box a year or two ago.
I took these pictures because I was enjoying the smoke in the sunlight
Also similar to Kolob canyon, I made Tuna noodle helper, which everyone loved:
Eating S’mores was definitely a highlight, and I really enjoyed sitting next to Ammon as we both polished off our second S’more.
Basil was required to wait outside the tent until it was bed-time (as he wasn’t super clean). He did his fair share of whining…poor guy.
At last it was time to all go to bed and yes, to invite Basil inside the tent.
We had so much fun being with Basil and trying to get him to use his doggy sleeping bag that Lydia picked out for him last year.
At night, I told the kids a story before going to bed. It was one of my better stories (Lydia was still thinking about it on the trail the next day), so I’ll capture the bone structure here:
There is a magic society where people have very extreme super powers. Some people can summon fire from the sun, some people can live forever etc. Anciently a strict government was set up to make sure there would be order amidst all this power. So there is a super controlling government and people are only allowed to use their powers in ways the government dictates. Everyone receives orders every day on what to use their power for to benefit their community. But if someone uses their power in any other way, they will go to jail and their are government guards, agents and messengers everywhere. Also, the government is super secret. There is a huge government building and nobody knows who is in it. Know one knows the guards are either. No one knows who makes the laws or who is in charge, they just receive rules and orders mysteriously from the messengers. The story is about a brother and a sister. The brother’s super power is he can create animals just by thinking about it. His jobs often involve stocking lakes with fish for people to eat. His sister, Sabrina, has a gift that she can make things smell really good and she has the unpleasant job of walking the dirty streets every day and making them smell better. Then one day she discovers she can also harness lightning (she finds out by shooting it accidentally at someone who was stealing bread and she just reached out to tell him to stop). She told her parents about her second gift. No one had ever had a second gift before. Her parents were part of a secret underground society that believed the government needed to change and be more healthy. More transparent and democratic. They told Sabrina to hide her power and not to tell anyone because the government would control it, and she might need it someday. Five years go by and then all the underground society people (who are also largely pacifist) decide to leave and start their own society. But the government guards catch them and stop them in the process. The people in the underground society now know they are marked and watched and they feel the government is going to tighten their watch on them. So they decide to make a move and attack the government building to try to take over the government. The underground society is beaten back by guards and they are about to lose when the brother and sister step in to action. Their parents told them to stay away for their safety, but they were watching everything. The boy creates ten grizzly bears that storm the government building and the sister shoots everyone with lightening. The beat everyone in the building, but then start searching for the central room where they figure the leader must be. The find the main command room and find an old man there. They are about to capture and bind him and he pleads for his life. He explains that when he took office 40 years ago, the leader who passed the office to him told him that the ways of the government were ancient and had been that way for thousands of years keeping order. The previous ruler explained to him that the secrecy, the strict controlling of powers, all of it was essential to keep order and he had to swear on his life to continue the government the way it had always been done. So the leader pledged his life to running the government the way it had always been done, but not that it was toppling, he admitted to the brother and sister, he had many concerns about the model, and he wanted to be a part of their team to find a better way to govern. Then the group of the underground society, the brother and sister and the old man all decided to form a new government. And I stopped there because I literally didn’t know what kind of a government would work with people that were so powerful. I still don’t know. If I were to keep writing the story, I think it would explore the tension there. Like maybe they would have a democracy and it would be crazy chaotic and there would be wars and problems, and the reader would need to ponder if that was the best model and better than the former…
Lily and I didn’t sleep much, especially since Lydia woke us up when she was having trouble falling asleep, and Clarissa crawled in our sleeping bag. But I was so happy. My heart felt full. I was camping and I was doing it with my favorite people. And even though Lily was not comfortable for most, or possibly all of the trip, she has effused constantly about how valuable the experience was for her and the kids, and I couldn’t be more grateful to share this day with everyone. Today was a great day! Oh, and it turns out mosquitos can also be nightmarish on the East side of the Uintas too…..
Lily worked her tail off cleaning the house and folding laundry today (while listening to a Mormon Stories pod-cast of a friend she made in Europe who is now a star in the new Hulu show “Mormon No More.”) I also worked super hard to try to get on top of my work load. While we were doing that, the kids played together incredibly well. They played a lot of Charades and we caught some videos to capture their play. Most of these are ones we took of Clarissa after everyone played because we wanted to recreate what they were doing and get some of it on camera.
The kids have been loving summer. Clarissa has been so cute and today she protested about going to bed because, “I love this day!”. She has said a variation of this recently and I’m so happy she is finding so much joy in her days.
Today we had dinner with our new friends from the Community of Christ, LeGrand, Rebecca and Tyler. Food was delicious and the company was so rich. They travel a lot for Tyler’s job. He runs a non-profit that builds and stocks libraries around the world. They just spent a month in Nepal. LeGrand is one of their friends who stays with them. We love them all so much and our kids had such a good time playing together as well:
After work, Lily and I celebrated her birthday at Grappa.
I got spaghetti (home-made noodles) and meatballs and Lily got eggplant parmesan. We sat outside and the weather was superb. Lily has been feeling fatigued from her sickness, but she rallied for our date and we had such a wonderful time together. We chatted a lot about different trips and family experiences we have shared.
After dinner, we walked up and down main street, and stopped into a bookstore where we browsed books for an hour and bought some as well.
I was so looking forward to the evening to get me away from work and have immersive time with my soul mate, and the evening was wonderful and nourishing for both of us. Happy Birthday Lily!
Today was the birthday for the love of my life. Ammon was so sweet that in the morning he prepared a breakfast for Lily, which you can see in this picture.
In the morning, Lily walked Basil and met a new friend, an older gentleman who was very nice and showed her all around his garden. She got great ideas!
After being inspired by yesterday’s salad, Lily decided to make a Nicoise salad after Basil’s walk. She had so much fun cooking. She has really been on a roll lately. In the past week, she has made eggplant rollitini, potato leak soup, yesterday’s cobb salad and now nicoise salad. She told me all her cooking lately has made her so happy and today was no exception.
I worked today, but stole some extra time to just be around and help clean kitchen messes and grill the tuna etc.
It was so fun having Clark around, and he made bread that was a hit for everyone.
The salad was sensational, as was the potato leak soup that Lily made. It also felt so festive, full and fun to have so many wonderful guests for Lily’s birthday. In addition to our household, we had Clark, Georgia, Amy, and her four kids. We all talked and had a wonderful time and enjoyed ice-cream cake for desert. We could hear the kids outside having a wonderful time while the grown-ups chatted inside.
I’m so grateful that Lily had such a wonderful birthday. I’m celebrating with her tomorrow at Grappa in Park City, but I’m so glad that Lily enjoyed cooking so much today, and I’m so grateful for all the guests who made things feel so special.
Lily, you are the love of my life, and I hope your 39th years is your best yet!!
It is hard to describe how happy of a day today was for me, but I will try. I envision Father’s day months in advance and look forward to it with anticipation. Lily and the family are so amazing to always accommodate my desires on this special day for me.
First, I went on a bike-ride up South Fork canyon, and had a great time both on the easy parts, and pushing hard up the hill (especially sprinting at the end to try to get up under 20 minutes).
Then I went fly fishing. I didn’t catch anything, but I talked to Jay afterwards and learned a few principles about splitshot and nymphing that will come in handy next time.
Both fishing and biking were so amazing. The weather was perfect and I saw birds, rabbit, and deer. It does my soul so much good to be in nature. I was over the moon.
While I was doing those things, Lily walked Basil and met a new friend who showed her his yard. Here are a couple of pictures she took.
Then I took the car to the car wash and also vacuumed it out. Then I went home and cleaned the garage. Lily was working double-time to clean the house and make it nice for the family. We both made amazing progress on the home.
Then Lily and I spent almost two hours prepping for a Cobb salad that I have been craving for months. It was so fun to cook with her and everything came out PERFECTLY.
It was SO fun and hearthy to be surrounded by Lily, the kids, my dad and Suzanne, Georgia and Clark on fathers day. Conversation flowed, and it was so wonderful to talk and all be together. Everyone gorged themselves because of how delicious everything was.
Then we gorged ourselves again with frozen yogurt cake from Menchies (I ate so much).
Then my dad read Harry Potter to all of us. I have incredible memories with my dad reading to me when I was a kid (we read Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, Princess Bride, books from Lion, Witch and The Wardrobe series etc). It was so fun to all sit together while my dad read. It was super nostalgic and meaningful for me to relive that memory and of course Harry Potter is always just so fun to listen to.
After everyone left, Lily and I helped the kids get to bed, we cleaned up and chatted a lot with Clark. We learned about how well his job is going, and the really smart people he has on his team. They are building data systems and models to help the State of Washington manage their investments. He’s really doing a great job there, I can tell.
Also, at night, the kids gave me the sweetest (and biggest!) Father’s day card ever. I was so touched!
I honestly can’t imagine a better day. It’s really a testament to my family, that I could have such a happy day today. They not only support my alone time fishing and biking, but they filled my heart with joy all the time I was around them. I was so great to add Dad, Suzanne, Clark and Georgia to the mix and I’m especially grateful for Lily and all the work she did today to make it all happen.
Today I woke up early to finish work, do the budget and exercise. I then walked Basil with Ammon which was so fun. After that, Lily and I worked in the garden for 3-4 hours and got so many things planted. We both loved gardening together so much!
Also, Lily made the most incredible eggplant rollatini. It was so satisfying to eat it, and all together as a family. It tasted delicious and really hit the spot after all the gardening work.
After that, I showered and ran some errands. I took Ammon’s bike to the shop to have a new tire tube put on it, I bought nymnpths for fishing tomorrw, went to Harmons for Cobb salad ingredients and went to Menchies for ice-cream cakes. Lydia was with me the whole time and it was really fun to pal around with her.
At home, I helped put the little kids down and then I stayed up until almost 1AM packing for our upcoming Uinta trip (Mary dropped off around 10, and Lydia around 11). It was a great day of getting things done and also being with family.
Also, the kids played a lot together today. Here are some pictures and videos of them.
Clark arrived today to help be a support during this time when Georgia is going through surgery. It is so wonderful to have him in town. It was especially good timing because Lily was feeling sick today and needed rest. Lily dropped Georgia off for surgery super early in the morning (around 5:30) and then picked Clark up from the aiport. Then Clark arrived when Georgia’s surgery was finished and stayed with her until she was discharged and then had dinner with her at Kneaders and took her home.
I helped around the house and walked Basil until around noon and then I got really focussed on work and didn’t finish until after midnight (I’m still waking up early tomorrow to do some more). Lily took their kids to swimming at 11 and also made incredibly delicious potato leak soup. I loved it so much! She also got some much needed rest given she’s feeling sick.
I’m so glad that Georgia’s surgery was successful, and also for Clark’s support at this time. Thank you Swathi for lending him to us for the weekend!
Also, early in the day after our piano tuner left, I admired how Ammon was expressing emotions, stories, and things he was imagining through the piano. I took a video: