Yesterday was so busy, and Lily and I have been feeling a bit underwater, so I took today off just to be at home with the family and also get some rejuvenation. I started the day with an 80 minute bike-ride which I loved. While biking, I decided a potential dream job for me is to be one of those people who goes on rides for ifit, or Peloton and streams it to an audience. I just am so in love with biking. I’d also love to get into fixing up bikes and giving them to people like I did with the bike church in Philadelphia during college. Oh daydreams for retirement 🙂
Ammon and Clarissa played with legos a lot today which we loved to see.

Lily and I worked a lot on the house after my bike ride. Lydia and Mary helped clean the upstairs. Then we had lunch and scratched off images on the national park chart that Lily bought for the family. We only made it half way through, but while scratching them off, we all reviewed blog posts on the TV to remind us of our trips together. I loved doing that so much!

Then Lily and I went to Michaels to restock the craft-room. After that we went to Lowe’s to look for some plants. While there, we found some steel tubs that are perfect for garden boxes. We made the splurge, and sprang for it as we both love gardening so much and Lily has been hoping to get more into gardening. It was a bit funny because I had to make 4 more trips to Lowes just to get all the bins, dirt, gravel (to level the area), and other items home (times like this I think a truck would be nice). While I was making all the trips to Lowe’s Lily spent time with Amy while the kids all played together. I wasn’t done until after 8, so Lily also put down all the kids.

Lily and I are soooo excited about our garden bins!!!

Also, Ammon lost a tooth today!

The girls made a nest for Mary to sleep in.