massive make-up

Okay, so I got behind in New York. Thankfully, I haven’t taken any pictures for the past two days, so I only have to post from Monday and Tuesday!


Abe got in late on Sunday night (or early Monday morning…he walked in the apartment around 3 am).  We slept in a little in the morning and then took the train down to Central Park to watch a puppet show at the Swedish Cottage. They do old fashioned marionette puppet shows at the cottage, and the show we saw was called Bessie’s Big Shot. It was a cute little plot about a cow named Bessie who wants to join the circus. The plot was mostly an excuse for the show to use a lot of fascinating circus puppets, but we didn’t mind!


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Then we ate lunch at a Druze restaurant called Gazala’s. We loved our food.


Mary was tired from the puppet show.
Mary was tired from the puppet show.


Afterward, we went to the Natural History Museum. Our favorite room was the Hall of Large Mammals. That room is amazing. I could not believe the detail in those dioramas, the girls were fascinated. The room also made me grateful to live in the West because most of those gorgeous scenes took place in the west. All the road trips we need to make flitted through my mind as we walked through that hall.


Lydia’s favorite part of the museum was the skeleton in the evolution room. She demanded to sit in front of the skeleton for a full five minutes and then protested when we said it was time to move on. She has a skeleton app on her iPad, and it has made her very interested in skeletons.

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By the time we were done at the museum, we were pooped. We took the train home and I got a pedicure and a lot of long-overdue waxing done while Abe and my Mom watched the girls at home. When my pedicure was done, it was almost time for my high school friend, Lauren Merkley, to come over for dinner. She and her boyfriend joined us for sushi at Clark and Swathi’s apartment, and it was wonderful catching up. My only regret is that we didn’t have more time. I love Lauren.



I got up early on Tuesday to go to Times Square and try to get rush tickets to the musical, Beautiful: The Carol King Musical. My friend from high school, Jessie Mueller, is the star of the show and recently won a Tony award for her work on the show. While in line, I bumped into another high school/elementary school friend. It’s amazing how Jessie’s success brings people together–I’ve felt more connected to my high school class than I ever did in high school because it’s been so fun to watch everyone cheer Jessie on in Facebook. Jessie is such a marvelous person; she was the type of person who was nice to everybody and made everyone feel special. She also was so obviously talented even then.

Abe and I ended up waiting in line for cancellation tickets because I couldn’t get two tickets together in the morning. After a two hour wait, my feet were swollen, but we got tickets!

nycpic30Seeing Jessie perform was extraordinary. It probably ranks as a life highlight–certainly, it’s my favorite performance of any kind of show I’ve ever attended. I still feel elated in my heart from the experience. Afterward, I got to see Jessie outside. That was a kind of “my cup runneth over” experience.


And it ran over more, because after the show Abe and I got the best gyros I have ever had in my life (and I have had gyros in Greece on multiple occasions) in Times Square. That was a happy night.

Skipping back to Tuesday afternoon, the most memorable thing we did was eat in Dominique Ansel bakery, home of the cronut. They were sold out of cronuts, but our lunch and dessert were amazing.

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We did some shopping in Soho and got rained on, so all of the rest of our plans got replaced with a subway home. I had already walked several miles from midtown to the West Village, not to mention all around Soho, so I was fine with going home by that point. The evening ended with the show, so no complaints.

We stepped into the Scholastica store right before the downpour.
We stepped into the Scholastica store right before the downpour.
On the way home.
On the way home.
Mary fell asleep on the way home.
Mary fell asleep on the way home.


Lydia also fell asleep on the way home. Abe set her up like this and she slept for three straight hours. No joke.
Lydia also fell asleep on the way home. Abe set her up like this and she slept for three straight hours. No joke.


The girls watched Frozen for the umpteenth time in the morning.


We ordered one last meal from Seamless, the NYC online take-out service. My yellow curry carried me through our flight until we got home. Tom and Suzanne picked us up, and we ended up getting Subway for dinner and eating outside. The weather was gorgeous, and we were happy to be home. It was a perfect trip and a perfect homecoming.

Thank-you, Clark and Swathi, for a fabulous trip. We love you so much. Thank-you, Mom, for being wonderful. The girls love you and already miss you so much. Thank-you, Grandma, for lending us Mom for the trip. We love you and only wish you could have been there, too!


The only thing of note today was that I gave Lydia an Elsa cape I had been saving until Christmas. I’ve decided to use it as a tool to help her share better. She can only wear it when she’s in the mood to share. I even have a motto: “You can wear it if you share it!” We’ll see if this helps. The whole day has been a series of tantrums and screaming fits. I think the girls are tired from the trip. I did go swimming this morning and then took the girls to story time at the library, but it’s been tantrums ever since.

Puerto Rico

Here are Abe’s photos from Puerto Rico!

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The church where Liem and Phuong got married is the oldest in Puerto Rico.
The church where Liem and Phuong got married is the oldest in Puerto Rico.


Now Abe and I are folding laundry…only I’m blogging instead. Back to the laundry!

lazy Sunday

Hi Grandma! The only thing we did today was go to church. Mom and I walked over an hour to get home, and we’ve been tired ever since. Now we’re having a movie marathon at home while waiting for Abe to arrive. His flight keeps getting delayed.

The girls have been eating on the floor here. This is right before church.
The girls have been eating on the floor here. This is right before church.
We walked through Fort Tryon Park (the one with the Cloisters) on the way home from church.
We walked through Fort Tryon Park (the one with the Cloisters) on the way home from church.
It doesn't feel like we're in New York City at all in the park.
It doesn’t feel like we’re in New York City at all in the park.
The Hudson.
The Hudson.
Clark and Swathi cooked us a feast with three different curries and homemade chapatis.
Clark and Swathi cooked us a feast with three different curries and homemade chapatis.


Movie marathon. Lydia needs to wear her glittery headband AND tiara to watch Frozen.
Movie marathon. Lydia needs to wear her glittery headband AND tiara to watch Frozen.


Beach Day

We went to Rockaway Beach in Queens today. It was so fun, but I didn’t put sunscreen and probably gave myself skin cancer.

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Clark built this sun cover for Mom. Everyone else had umbrellas, but Mom and Mary spent most of the time under our stroller/towel hut. They loved it!
Clark built this sun cover for Mom. Everyone else had umbrellas, but Mom and Mary spent most of the time under our stroller/towel hut. They loved it!

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Mary dancing after we changed her out of her swimsuit.
Mary dancing after we changed her out of her swimsuit.

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On our way to dinner at Saggio. It was delicious. My favorite was dessert: I had poached pears with fig gelato and a port wine reduction sauce. The girls gobbled it up (but not before I ate more than my share!).
On our way to dinner at Saggio. It was delicious. My favorite was dessert: I had poached pears with fig gelato and a port wine reduction sauce. The girls gobbled it up (but not before I ate more than my share!).

IMG_8431Grandma, Clark’s computer drives me nuts and Lydia is begging to go to bed. I wish I could write more, but blogging takes me so long on this computer that this will have to do. Love you, Grandma! Sorry to steal Mom from you–we think of you all the time!!

New York, NY!

We’re in New York! I didn’t blog yesterday, so this is a catch-up picture post. Yesterday Abe said good-bye to us as the girls and I took our flight to New York. Abe is going to Puerto Rico for a wedding, but he will join us on Sunday in New York.

The girls were PERFECT on the plane. I almost wish going by myself were harder so I could feel more authentically heroic...but luckily, the girls spared me the necessity of scrounging up some heroism.
The girls were PERFECT on the plane. I almost wish going by myself were harder so I could feel more authentically heroic…but luckily, the girls spared me the necessity of scrounging up some heroism.
Mary was awake most of the flight, but she fell asleep during the last hour of the flight.
Mary was awake most of the flight, but she fell asleep during the last hour of the flight.
When we arrived in New York, an airport worker gave me a free luggage cart because, he said, the girls were so cute and well-behaved. I was grateful, and, after their wonderful performance on the flight, was more than inclined to agree.
When we arrived in New York, an airport worker gave me a free luggage cart because, he said, the girls were so cute and well-behaved. I was grateful, and, after their wonderful performance on the flight, was more than inclined to agree.

We had a wonderful reunion with Nana:

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Tiaras and glittery headbands from Nana. They wanted to wear them all at once.
Tiaras and glittery headbands from Nana. They wanted to wear them all at once.

After dinner, we took a stroll to the park:

jul10pic2The girls had trouble getting to bed. They ended up sleeping with me, and I woke up to the sight of them curled up next to me. It was sweet.


We had trouble getting going, so we watched Frozen in bed before doing anything.
We had trouble getting going, so we watched Frozen in bed before doing anything.

Then we took a walk to The Cloisters with Mom.

The girls fell asleep on the way. (It was a forty-five minute walk).
The girls fell asleep on the way. (It was a forty-five minute walk).

IMG_8382 IMG_8383 IMG_8401 IMG_8400IMG_8393 IMG_8392 IMG_8387 IMG_8388 IMG_8391Then the girls played in a park:

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We watched Frozen twice today, and now Lydia is begging to go to sleep. Love you, Grandma! Wish you were here!!

Last minute packing

Playing chase with Isabella. Lydia refused to wear pants all day. To be honest, getting her to wear undies was a huge battle. She just wanted a naked day, I guess.
Playing chase with Isabella. Lydia refused to wear pants all day. To be honest, getting her to wear undies was a huge battle. She just wanted a naked day, I guess.

Pretending to do ballet before ballet. The minute Mary heard Lydia was going to ballet, she started dancing.

Pretending to do ballet before ballet. The minute Mary heard Lydia was going to ballet, she started dancing.

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They got free green cupcakes at Smith's.
They got free green cupcakes at Smith’s.

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This morning was pretty low-key: cleaning, reading, lounging, playing with kids, feeding kids, etc.

Isabella came over at 2 pm so I could go to yoga. By the time I came home, it was time to make dinner. I tried my new pressure cooker today and it worked! I read the manual yesterday and couldn’t find it today, so I kept hoping I wouldn’t accidentally blow the house up. When I turned the knob to “release pressure,” the sound was so startling that Mary screamed and we all ran out of the kitchen. That might take some getting used to.

Then we met up with our friends, the Skardas, and headed up to a campground in Big Cottonwood Canyon to make s’mores.

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I literally ate so many that I still have a stomachache. Carrie had the great idea of sandwiching the marshmallows between chocolate coated cookies. It was delicious.

Once again, the girls were too tired for a proper bed routine. I will tell Lydia to brush her teeth for five straight minutes tomorrow morning…

Happy Birthday, Clark!

Today was my brother’s birthday! Happy birthday, Clark! We’re so excited to celebrate the last year of your twenties with you in New York!

It was also a very busy day here at the Darais household. This morning I took the girls on a walk/run to the park.

The view as I ran. (There was a lot of uphill going on, and I was more than happy to stop and take a picture.)
The view as I ran. (There was a lot of uphill going on, and I was more than happy to stop and take a picture.)
Lydia picked a flower.
Lydia picked a flower.
Mary cooked me food.
Mary cooked me food.

jul7pic10After that, I took the girls home for lunch and naps.

Lydia said, "Mommy, take a picture of my tortilla!" ...So I did. I think she's used to me whipping out my camera for any little thing, and in this instance she simply beat me to it.
Lydia said, “Mommy, take a picture of my tortilla!” …So I did. I think she’s used to me whipping out my camera for any little thing, and in this instance she simply beat me to it. Of course I wanted a picture of her microwaved tortilla–my culinary school skills at work! 

Then we went to a fun pool in Bountiful with our friends Rose, Taina and Sev.

I locked my phone in the locker room so it wouldn't get stolen, but I took one picture before I did that. There was a giant pirate ship in the pool, and here are the girls gearing up to be pirates.
I locked my phone in the locker room so it wouldn’t get stolen, but I took one picture before I did that. There was a giant pirate ship in the pool, and here are the girls gearing up to be pirates.

We didn’t even have time to eat dinner by the time we got home. Abe and I simply packed the girls in the jogger, attached it to a bike and took off for the canyon. We got in five miles before the light gave out.


Their "dinner." Go, school, go!
Their “dinner.” I am hoping Lydia doesn’t wake in the middle of the night begging for food because she’s hungry…

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Happy Birthday, Mom!

Today, of course, we went to church. During Sacrament Lydia got a time out for misbehaving. Abe took this during her time out:

No wonder threatening time out isn't effective.
No wonder threatening time out isn’t effective.

Then we came home.

Lydia played on the couch before I headed straight back to church to wait for my temple recommend interview.
Lydia played on the couch before I headed straight back to church to wait for my temple recommend interview. 

Abe and I took turns going back to church to wait an hour each for our recommend interviews. There was a long line today, but Abe and I both came away independently impressed by the cheerful attitude of one young, newlywed couple who were waiting in line with us. Everybody else (including me) was inclined to grumble a little about how long certain interviews were taking (the one that got me going took 45 minutes, and there were six other people in line in front of me), but this one couple was nothing but smiles and cheerfulness. When Abe came home he said, “Honey, I met the coolest couple today!”

“Let me guess,” I said. “Was the wife Columbian? Do they ballroom dance? Did they meet at BYU?”

“How did you know?” he exclaimed.

I explained that they were waiting in line while I was there, too. I spent the whole drive back contemplating how I could be more cheerful like them. I’m grateful for the influence of inspiring, good people.

Then we came home and got home taught. It’s also my mom’s birthday today, so after our home teachers left we called my mom to wish her happy birthday. Happy birthday, Mother Dear!

Abe took the girls on a walk to visit his home teachees, and I stayed home and cooked dinner.

At the Copinga's house. The girls played on their swing set.
At the Copinga’s house. The girls played on their swing set. They both kept saying, “Higher! Higher!!!”
Lydia rested on their bench.
Lydia rested on their bench.

We had Jessica Felix and her daughter, Harley, over for dinner tonight. Speaking of the influence of good people, her example inspired us to no end. She was so cheerful as she told us her story. She’s been through unimaginable hardships, and right now Abe and I gathered that she is the current victim of terrible racial profiling–but she didn’t complain at all. Instead, she just cheerfully talked about her determination to press forward and make life better for her and her kids. She was baptized last Saturday and has this incredible enthusiasm for the gospel. By the time she left, Abe and I were in awe.

After she left, we cleaned, put the girls down, and called my mom again to check up on how her birthday concluded. It was a full, great Sunday.

Love you, Mom! Happy birthday!!!

massage day

We love three day weekends. I am so happy to have Abe around, although you wouldn’t know it because I sneaked off for a three hour break to use a Groupon I got–myself–for my birthday. It was for a an hour massage, an hour facial, and a twenty-five minute back scrub. They cut the facial short and the back scrub lasted maybe seven minutes, but the massage was an hour and a half, and it was the best massage I have ever gotten in my life. After all the yoga this week, it felt amazing.

While I was at the massage, Abe and the girls were home eating, building forts, and putting flowers in Mary’s hair:

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Then I came home and ate with the kids before we went swimming. After swimming we did some errands. During the course of our errands, Mary dumped two full cups of ice water on herself and Lydia dumped an entire water bottle on herself–all accidents. Lydia was trying to drown a fly that was pestering her, and Mary was just trying to drink water. When we got home, Mary made a beeline for some water on Lydia’s table and dumped that on herself too.

We had changed the girls into their pj’s after swimming so that we wouldn’t have to change them again before bedtime, but guess what? With all the water dumping, the girls got fresh pj’s once again when we got back.


4th of July recap

Happy belated 4th! We were so exhausted by the time we got home that I am just now blogging.

In the morning while I was at yoga, Abe and the girls had a flag hunt. The girls would hide flags and then go find them, over and over again. In fact, that’s what the three of them are doing now as I type:

Hide and seek with the flags. The flags are hiding and everyone else is counting. Also, the girls are still wearing their 4th of July dresses today because they slept in them last night. We may or may not change them before tomorrow--if they wear these for three straight days, they could wake up on Sunday all dressed for church!
Hide and seek with the flags. The flags are hiding and everyone else is counting. Also, the girls are still wearing their 4th of July dresses today because they slept in them last night. We may or may not change them before tomorrow–if they wear these for three straight days, they could wake up on Sunday all dressed for church!
The flag hunt yesterday morning.
The flag hunt yesterday morning.
Abe fed them breakfast.
Abe fed them breakfast.
Mary pretended to be on the phone a lot (I'm gathering, since Abe took a million photos of her in this pose).
Mary pretended to be on the phone a lot (I’m gathering, since Abe took a million photos of her in this pose).
Abe got the trunk of the car open for the first time since May (it was stuck) and retrieved my anniversary present! We forgot to take a picture of me wearing it yesterday. I'll wear it tomorrow and take a picture.
Abe got the trunk of the car open for the first time since May (it was stuck) and retrieved my anniversary present! We forgot to take a picture of me wearing it yesterday. I’ll wear it tomorrow and take a picture.

After I got home from yoga, I watched How to Train A Dragon with Lydia. Abe and I watched it Thursday night and loved it, and it was fun to watch with Lydia. Afterward, Abe gave me a massage and the girls helped. Mary loves to pound my back with her little fists. It’s really cute.

Then we went to the Darais picnic down in Provo. We picked up Balu on the way there.

On the way to Provo for the picnic.
On the way to Provo for the picnic.

At the Darais picnic, there was a lot of reposing going on.

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There was also a fair amount of rolling down hills.

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Lydia waiting to "catch" mary.
Lydia waiting to “catch” mary.
After the hill-rolling, the girls sat like this for a hile.
After the hill-rolling, the girls sat like this for a while.

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After the picnic, we headed to Sugar House Park for fireworks. We got a great view, and it was a beautiful night. By the time we got home, Lydia and I were asleep, but Mary was still as excited as could be. She was the first person to wake up this morning. I think yesterday was a happy day for her–and everyone!