Happy Thanksgiving!

One of the reasons I started a blog was to train myself to take more pictures. For years I have lived by the philosophy of “the moment is more important than the photo,” and as a result I have precious little photographic documentation of the last decade of my life. This will not do, and I am determined to change my ways before Lydia arrives.

Therefore, I was bummed yesterday evening when I realized that I had missed an entire day’s worth of fun photo opportunities. My sweet friend Amelia came down to Hyde Park and spent the day with me, and before we met up I packed my camera, resolving once again to be a better picture-taker. But alas, I had so much fun that I forgot to take a single picture until we were on our way back to the train station. The following are two pictures I took at a stoplight.

 Can’t you tell how sweet Amelia is?
We started off by making cards with some lovely, crafty people at church and then we came home and baked chocolate chip cookies.
As yummy as the cookies were, I can not overstate how fun it was to make cards. Granted, my cards were remedial compared to everyone else’s, but I had so much fun that it didn’t matter. I came home and made more cards.
 And then tonight I got carried away and made a couple more…
Abe has to inspect his client accounts until 2am, and I suffer from perpetual anxiety that he will get hit by a drunk driver while he’s driving around at all hours of the night. I discovered tonight that listening to Christmas music and making cards is a great way to calm down. I now have only two more hours to kill. Perhaps I will start on a sewing project. I have not sewn in years, but recently a kind person lent me her sewing machine and gave me a ton of fabric, so I can start making baby dresses, quilts, etc.
But first things first. I started crying when Abe had to go to work tonight. SO pathetic, I know, but pregnancy hormones + anxiety about loved ones getting killed in car crashes = ridiculously emotional scenes. Abe decided to drive me to the gym (one block away from our home), presumably in the hope that endorphins would solve my problems. I don’t know how effective the endorphins were, but I did leave the gym quite sweaty, and a shower would be advisable right now.
So the current game plan: Shower, pj’s, and sew until Abe comes home (assuming he survives the drunk drivers who are currently wreaking havoc on our roads and loved ones).
And if I get sad again, I have this picture Abe drew on my computer to cheer me up:
 Oh, and happy Thanksgiving! My heart bursts with gratitude for family and friends. I am also thankful to have discovered such pleasant ways to pass the time, and I am grateful for good music. What makes your heart sing with gratitude this Thanksgiving? I would love to hear your list!

sweet, sweet sugar

Lately I’ve had a bad sweet tooth. As in, I wake up craving cookie dough for breakfast, and then by lunch I’m ready for a milkshake. And since dessert after dinner is non-negotiable, I’m pretty much perpetually tripped out on sugar. My poor baby. Lydia literally does somersaults after each round of sugar therapy, and I’m beginning to worry that she’ll emerge a sugar addict, like her mom. But I can’t stop!

So I had this great idea. Find a recipe so sickeningly sweet that my body says, “That was soooo gross!! I give up!! No more, no more sugar, please! Just spinach and quinoa from here on out, and I’m good.”

Brilliant, right? Enter dream bars. I found this gem of a recipe in Joy of Cooking–and it even beat out the Martha Stewart cookie section entitled, “For Hedonists.”

The heading for this treacly item from Joy boasts that many copies of its cookbook have been sold on the strength of this one recipe alone.  It calls for toasted sweetened coconut, toasted nuts, lots of sugar, and a cloying lemon glaze.  I improvised and added two cups of chocolate chips for good measure. The result? Sweeeeeeeeet. After merely sampling the glaze alone, I retired moaning to the couch while Lydia did a series of flips inside my belly. When the actual pan of bars came out of the oven, I dumped the entire bowl of glaze on and escaped to another room while the sugar set. Then, once everything was cool, I sampled a bar:

It is now 20 minutes later, and Lydia is still kicking vigorously. She is only this active when I’ve OD’d on sugar. I’m still trying to figure out what that means…

Also, since we’re on the subject, Merry Christmas!! We celebrated Thanksgiving a week early, so I’ve started listening to Christmas music and putting up decorations. Mrs. Claus is happily camped out on my couch:

And when you enter our home, two very happy snowmen look quite pleased to greet you!
And the most important part, of course:
More soon. I can’t wait to get some poinsettias and a tree! (And of course, all of those Christmas cookies are just dying to be baked…I guess my strategy could use some tweaking.)

cheer up, me.

It’s one of those days. The weekend is over, Abe is at work, the sky is cloudy, and I feel melancholy. I can’t whine because I have nothing to whine about (other than the fact that I must look fat enough to deliver since today a random stranger  asked me if I was due soon and then looked shocked when I replied that the baby is actually due in March), so I’ve decided to cheer myself up by going around the house finding things that make me happy.

I know all the studies say that material goods don’t bring lasting pleasure and that, given a choice, you should spend your money on experiences that create memories instead of stuff. That philosophy appeals to me on many levels, and for the most part I am thrilled to throw away junk and focus energy on what matters (like the cake that I plan on baking when I’m done with this blog), but I am learning that there are certain objects that are valuable to me because they are attached to people and memories that I cherish.

For example, on our coffee table there is now a table runner made of fabric from the south of France. One summer my family visited my dear Auntie Sandy in Antibes, France, and I remember going to a fabric store while we were there. Sunlight streamed through the windows of the store, lighting up hundreds of breathtaking fabrics decorated with olives, flowers, and foliage. It felt like Christmas to me, and we had so much fun picking out beautiful material to take home to the States, where my grandma would turn these swaths of colorful fabric into tablecloths that we used regularly for the rest of my childhood.

There is also this part of my living room. The table is draped over with a cactus silk covering my brother sent to me while he was in Morocco, and the picture of the ship on the wall above was painted by my Uncle Steve. I love decorating with art created by family.

Here is a piece by Abe’s Aunt Andrea. In it you can see the faces of Abraham Lincoln and Abe’s grandfather, Alexander Darais. Abe’s family has always loved Abraham Lincoln (hence Abe’s name), and I have probably spent way too much time studying this painting and thinking about that connection.

Abe’s grandfather was a professor of art at BYU, and one of my favorite books in the house is a collection of his paintings and poems. It is delightful! I think Abe’s grandfather was way ahead of his time; decades before Michael Pollan and other contemporaries spotlighted the corruption of corporate agriculture, Alexander wrote poems contemplating the benefits of whole grains and painted pieces like this one, entitled, “Three Billion Served.” The photo of the picture is a little fuzzy, but if you look hard, you can make out the ghostly outlines of cows facing an open McDonald’s Big Mac carton.

Here’s the baby’s room in its current state. Obviously, it still undergoing the guest-to-baby room transformation, but I look in here at the soft colors and sunlight, and my heart feels happy.

Finally, this is a picture of the view from the toilet. I know, I know, but hey–I’m pregnant, and I spend a lot of time in the bathroom! While I’m in there, I like having interesting things to look at; otherwise, I’ll just sit there feeling sorry for myself and my over-burdened bladder. The vase was a staple accessory in my home growing up, and my mom recently gave it to me. The painting was an early lithograph of my Uncle Steve’s.

There! I think I feel better. Now off to bake a cake and listen to some Christmas music (we had an early Thanksgiving, so it’s allowed–I promise!).

painting day

This is Abe hard at work painting Lydia’s windowsills. The smile you see is forced. Because he is a textbook perfectionist, the task took him no less than nine hours. (There were a grand total of two windowsills in the room.) At hour number eight, he summoned me in the room for my opinion. To me, the windows looked great! I was anxious for him to be done so I could indulge in some of my lazier hobbies; I felt really guilty blog-stalking in bed while my husband spent his day off working hard on the baby’s room. (To my small credit, I could not help with the paint job because the paint fumes in our paint have been known to cause birth defects.) But when I expressed my enthusiasm for his good work, he interrupted me. “Oh, look!” he exclaimed, distraught. “Do you see that spot?”

“What spot?” I asked, trying hard to see what he was pointing at.

“That spot,” Abe said, pointing more specifically. I still didn’t see it.


It didn’t matter. He was already back at the window painting over imaginary spots. Did I mention I’m married to a perfectionist? Needless to say, the windows look fabulous, and Abe is now completely exhausted. He is currently winding down by playing Plants Vs. Zombies, and the sound effect of zombies saying “braaaaiins, braaaiins” makes for surprisingly soothing ambient noise as I type away.

We went to the temple this morning, and afterward Abe turned to me and told me that he’d gotten a spiritual impression to listen to General Conference while he painted today. His original plan involved watching the Utah vs. TCU game on TV, so when he got the impression to listen to General Conference instead, his heart sank just a little. But he was good and did what he felt was right–and in the end, Utah got destroyed by TCU, so Abe came out way more uplifted than if he had stuck with plan A. Yay for going to the temple and for spiritual guidance — especially when that involves eschewing sports on TV!

My husband, the rapper

When it rains, it pours. Second post today…but I can’t help myself. Abe and his brothers made up a rap using a bunch of GRE words, and his brother just finished the video. His brother did the animation, too, which is great. Also, I didn’t recognize Abe at first. I listened to it without sound and really struggled to figure out which one he was! But then I turned the volume on and could tell right away. Here it is! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvZgMDNF-ok

cute overload (as promised in a previous post)

So we found out on Thursday that we’re having a girl! I shed tears of joy upon hearing the news. All of my American Girl collection finally put into good use again! I knew there was a reason an entire closet of precious storage space is devoted to my dolls. Woo-hoo!

During the ultrasound, the technician kept pointing out all of our baby’s various body parts (the feet were exceptionally cute and exciting), but I was anxious to find out the gender. At one point, I pointed at the baby’s head and asked if that meant it was a girl. The technician got the hint (thank goodness) and switched to an image of our baby’s bottom. When she pointed out the lack of equipment between the legs, I started bawling. I spent the next couple hours envisioning myself playing dress up and dolls with my daughter [insert sigh of contentment here].

I’ve also had my daughter’s name picked out since I was in grade school. Lydia! I am named after my Aunt Lydia, but my parents used her nickname (Lily) instead of her given name. I’ve always loved my almost-name, and I determined at a young age to use it for my own offspring. And, because my mom’s middle name is Anne (and because I am a huge Anne of Green Gable fan), her middle name is Anne. So: Lydia Anne Darais. I can’t wait to meet her, especially since her current living situation is less than ideal–at least for me.

In the meantime, I continue to enjoy our calling as Sunbeams teachers. The little kids give us so much to look forward to! On Friday we hosted a Halloween party for the Sunbeams, and they were adorable.

Two of the boys are twins, and they charged into our apartment decked out as a knight and Darth Vader. The knight, Spencer, announced in a large voice that he was a very brave knight. Abe took him into a room where we had set up a “spider cave” and asked him if he thought he was brave enough to crawl through it. Spencer took one look at the cave and said in a somewhat smaller voice, “I’m not brave like that.”Abe and I have been laughing ever since.

The other sunbeam teachers, Betsy and Micah, came over and saved the day by providing spectacular food and really fun activities (including the apple faces that the kids are proudly holding up in their pictures). Betsy made a to-die-for steak chili and cut out little Halloween shapes out of cheese, and then she garnished it all with perfectly shaped, handmade ghost chips–eye holes and all. Their Fantastic Mr. and Mrs. Fox costumes were also handmade–can you believe Betsy made those tails and ears herself?

Abe and I were cookies and milk for Halloween. The picture is kind of dark, but it does a good job hiding my frizzy hair. (I hadn’t brushed it all day because I was so busy getting ready for the party.)

Speaking of party preparations, I could not have done it without my friend, Jennifer. She had originally agreed to come over to face paint for the kids, but then I ran into her around noon at CVS while I was doing some last minute party shopping. She offered to help me for the rest of the day, and for the next NINE hours she labored intensively, cleaning, decorating, creating handmade pumpkin awards for the kids, and generally ensuring I didn’t lose my mind during party prep. Thank you, Jennifer!

DMV and Beyonce’s back-up

As I pulled into the DMV parking lot, I had a nagging feeling that something wasn’t right. I glanced over at the seat next to me to go over my documents once more. Marriage license, check. New social security card, check. Passport, birth certificate, temple marriage certificate, old driver’s license, and every other official document I thought might mitigate the unpredictable turns of Chicago bureaucracy–check, check, check, check, and check. What was missing?

Then it hit me. To get a new driver’s license, I need a new picture! I glanced in the rear view mirror and recoiled in horror. I had not washed my hair in days, and the yolk colored shirt I had worn to bed the night before did nothing for my pregnancy-impaired complexion. I had left the house in my pj pants (a habit I had not indulged in since college days) because earlier that week I had literally busted through my jeans.

I was aghast. Months before when I realized I would need a new driver’s license to match my new married name, I had eagerly anticipated the opportunity to do a picture re-take. I remember resolving to spare no pains in coiffing myself for the event; I had not prepared for my last picture at all and have had to live with the aesthetically offensive consequences ever since. This was supposed to be my day to shine!

And yet, and yet. I did not want to drive all the way home. After all, it had already taken me months to getting around to the chore. I also driven out of my way to go to my favorite DMV located in the heart of the South Side. It is a gem of a place filled with bureaucrats who speak in perpetually placating tones, free parking spaces, and great people watching opportunities. Because this DMV is located in a crime-ridden and highly segregated area, it also boasts a noticeable dearth of white people. It reminds me, in pleasant ways, of my short-lived teaching career in an equally segregated school not far from the facility.

With a sigh, I heaved myself out of the car and waddled into the DMV, all the while resigned to photographic doom. Soon, however, my frustrated feelings gave way to a sense of peace. There is something about being caught in the ineluctable grasp of government inefficiency (think four counters, two hours of waiting, and ten government officials later) that lulls you into a state of quiet quiescence. As much as you would like to speed up the process, you can’t. It’s you against the Department of Motor Vehicles, and, like it or not, you will sit where they tell you to sit until, hours later, some merciful bureaucrat decides to call your name. I wasn’t the only one who decided to take my wait quietly; in fact, a sense of quiet resignation pervaded the entire facility, which, inefficient though it was, ran relatively calmly.

My only hurried movements occurred while waiting at counter number three (cashier), when I remembered that I carried earrings in my purse just for emergencies such as this. I crammed the earrings in and patted my eyebrows into place with my fingers, and then proceeded to take a seat in yet another waiting room.

It was at that moment that I spotted her. She was tall, perfectly coiffed, and arrayed in shiny black boots and an outfit that showed off her killer figure; if we weren’t both waiting to have our pictures taken, I would have thought she was on her way to preform onstage as one of Beyonce’s back-up singers. When she sat down a couple rows away, I stared. “Man,” I thought to myself, “that is the way to go. She obviously remembered that this process involves a picture, and wow is she prepared!” I looked down wistfully at my shabby appearance and realized that even if I had taken the time, the end product wouldn’t be the same. After all, how do you hide the fact that you look like a hippopotamus?

Then I heard her talking to the woman next to her, and to my delight, she started explaining why she looked so stunning. “My last picture was terrible!” she exclaimed, settling into her seat and shaking her beautiful curls vigorously. “I was pregnant and puffy, and nobody even recognizes me in the picture! I came here just to have my photo redone–I just couldn’t take it anymore.”

I rejoiced. There was hope for me, after all! At one point, this gorgeous woman had also been–in her very own words, “pregnant and puffy,” and she too had suffered the consequences in her driver’s license picture.

I zipped up my red sweater, pulled my hair out of my face, and smiled hopefully into the camera. Someday, post-pregnant me will do this again.

diplomacy and other matters

I love fresh air and have been known to keep my windows open in the dead of Chicago winters. Naturally, it did not even occur to me to close the windows this early in the game–even though the night temperatures have been doing precarious dips into the 40’s and 30’s. I have also  scrupulously turned off as many of our radiators as I can so that this quirk doesn’t turn into our condo into an energy sink.

The other morning, Abe tentatively asked me when I intended to close the windows. I responded vaguely that I’d be open to discussion sometime around February. “What about November?” he asked pleadingly. “We’ll see,” I responded. Truthfully, my strategy was to keep saying “we’ll see” all winter long and then appear open to compromise when the nice Spring air wafts invitingly into our home. (I learned the “we’ll see” trick from my mom, who almost always substitutes “no” with that more diplomatic sounding phrase.)

Last night when Abe got home from his late night inspections, he was shivering. I assumed it was because he just stepped in from the cold, but as I was puttering in the kitchen, I turned around and saw that he had donned his ski hat!

After I did my share of laughing, my heart softened, and I closed our bedroom windows. The kitchen and living room are still open to the wonderfully brisk air, though, but I figure as long as I keep feeding Abe warm food, maybe he won’t notice.

After I closed the windows, I asked for help opening a jar of saurkraut that I purchased at Hyde Park Produce yesterday. I have not had much luck with their jars; the last time I bought some jarred Borscht (Abe’s favorite food–no joke), neither of us could open it and we relegated it to food storage. Same story with the saurkraut. “Man,” Abe exclaimed, as he put down the unopenable jar, “if we ever need our food storage, people will discover our bodies next to these two jars. They’ll think we’re dead AND incompetent!”
On a completely unrelated note, I have two other pictures to post. One is of my trip to the Mexican Museum of Fine Art with my friend, Liz. We had  lot of fun wandering around looking at all of the Day of the Dead stuff. I have really enjoyed decorating for Halloween, and I was sorely tempted by all of the neat skeleton figurines in the gift shop. However, even simple decorations were going for hundreds of dollars, so I skipped the purchase and just took a picture of us instead. This one’s a little fuzzy, but the unfuzzy picture had way too good of a view of my burgeoning butt, so I’m posting this one:
My other picture is of the Salt Lake Temple. When I was out in Utah this past weekend, we had dinner with Abe’s family on the top of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, and this is the view:
Abe sent me the same shot in an email before we were dating, and he titled it, “wish you were here.” That was a great clue!

GRE practice

Tonight I accompanied Abe on his late night inspections, and we practiced his GRE words. At the end of the trip, we played a story game. We each took turns writing a sentence using at least one GRE word per turn. Here are our stories:

“The nadir of my life occurred when I was 14 years old. It was already hard being a neophyte at the nuances of high school life, but to make matters worse, Tommy Brown, the seraphic school quarterback, was oblivious to my existence. I suspect my obsequious  attempts to get his attention came across as officious behavior. For example, I offered to help him with his homework and brought him liberal helpings of homemade pie, but to no avail. Though our simple interactions must have seemed quotidian to him, a mere glance from Tommy would make the apex  of my day. Thought I was undoubtedly a nominal part of his existence, he was the reason I got up in the morning. My friends tried hard to explain his disinterest in me, but I was obstinate in my obsession. Perhaps he was turned off by my noisome odor. At the time, I didn’t even know I smelled because my nose was perpetually occluded by allergies.”
And then, we learned the word, “numismatics.” It means, “coin-collecting.” Abe pointed out that each phrase has four syllables, and the world would be just fine if we got rid of one phrase. But we made a story about it anyway.
“I love numismatics! Although others might consider my hobby jejune, I believe anyone who can’t appreciate a fine coin collection is a Philestine. In fact, coin collecting is so thrilling to me, it obviates the need for any other hobbies. I have a coterie of friends who share my passion. We are such zealots that it would be impossible for us to abjure our love of coins. I keep my coffer of coins in a hidden safe because I fear that the mendacious mendicants who hang out near my house might try to break in and steal my collection. The hermetic  seal on my safe is so effective that it would prevent those dissembling crooks from stealing my collection–even if they knew where it was.”
Yes, we are nerds.

Last night I found out the truth about my husband. It scared me.

It started out with a very pleasant dinner at the house of my mother-in-law, Karin. We were chatting easily about pets and Utah restaurants when the conversation turned to the subject of babies. I inquired about Karin’s experience with her pregnancies and children. “The pregnancies were fine,” she said, “but afterward it was really hard.” She went on to explain that two out of her three children were collicky (the chances of having a collicky baby are one in ten), and that Abe, her first child, never slept for more than twenty minutes at a time. At that point, my heart dropped.

“That first year I was insane,” she said. “He would cry and cry, and finally when he went to sleep I would start to relax, but then he would wake up twenty minutes later and start crying again. I thought I had given birth to a monster!” She was so busy trying to calm Abe down that she didn’t even notice she was pregnant with her second child until four months into her second pregnancy. She only noticed she was pregnant when a neighbor helpfully pointed out that she looked pregnant and insisted she take a test. When she went to the doctor’s, she discovered she’d already sailed through the first trimester and had less than six months to go before launch.

The good news is, her second baby, Jere, was a breeze. He obviously didn’t cause much trouble in utero, and, in the words of Abe’s youngest brother, David, Jere was “an angel” ex-utero as well. That settles it, I thought. If we have a boy, we’re going to find a way to fit “Jeremiah” into his name. I am not interested in spending a year sleeping a mere twenty minutes at a time, so hopefully our baby will disregard the fussy-baby genes he inherited from his father and opt to live up to his name instead.

When I accused Abe of being a bad baby later that night, he had nothing to say for himself. “Hey, I’ve been a stress case since the minute I left the womb,” he said. “I was probably freaked out at the lack of order in the universe and missed my warm amniotic sac. I’ve never done well with change, so I’m sure I was freaked out by earth life.” That’s true. Abe loves order and is slightly obsessed with creating systems to organize his world. Recently he took a practice GRE, and one of the passages he encountered was about how Greeks are pained by chaos and have a well-documented obsession with imposing systems of order on the universe. (That’s why they made so many mathematical discoveries.) Darais is a Greek name (Abe’s grandfather immigrated from Greece), and when Abe read that essay, he felt like he had engaged in an enlightened form of self-discovery.

But I am scared. Up until last night, I had been praying that our children would turn out just like Abe, but now I’m not so sure. Maybe I need to get more specific with God: I would like to place an order for an easy baby who sleeps for hours at a time. Any musical, artistic, or theatrical inclinations would also be a plus. Please discuss these matters soon with my future baby. Thank-you so much for your time and attention to this matter. Sincerely, one of your many freaked-out moms to be.