I promised Lydia and Mary a trip to Build-a-Bear based on some good behavior about a month ago. Today it was time for me to deliver. When we arrived at Build-a-Bear, we noticed that it closed early due to staffing shortages. Instead, Lily was satisfied to go to Claire’s.
Clarissa loved Claire’s with every fiber of her being. For ten minutes she ran around excitedly saying things like, “I want this Tiara! No wait, I want to find the thing I love the very most!” “Look at this Elsa braid! No wait, I want to find the thing I love the very most!” etc etc. She was absolutely in heaven. She had such a hard time picking her “thing she loved the very most” that she even switched out her selection when I was in line to pay. She eventually settled on a kit containing fairy wings, a wand and a tiara. She was over the moon and wore her wings immediately after purchase. They broke ten minutes later while waiting for Lily to pick us up, and she cried. When I said we would return them, she ran with great energy back to Claire’s. I was exhausted and trailed her a good 30 paces calling out to her where to turn (she had no idea where she was going).
She then picked out a different set of wings and a wand that she loved even more. It was sooooooo cute.
Lily cleaned the car while we had our adventure. Thank you Lily!