Loving Sam Harris

Lily is one of the most knowledgeable people I know, and it is because she is always pouring education into her mind. For the past several day (including today) she has been listening to Sam Harris podcasts on two-speed. She’s been sharing some with me to, and I also quite love him. We got our Covid tests today (preparatory to the trip) and listened to Sam Harris in the car to and from the tests. I focused on getting my work wrapped up by 6ish (which I did), and then Lily and I packed until late to get everything ready to go. Lily did the lion share of EVERYTHING. I mostly packed myself, cleared the car our, loaded luggage, and handled the electronics. Lily did literally everything else, and packed everyone’s clothes, got all our tickets and itinerary details together and not to mention she planned the whole trip and made all the reservations (which is a ton of work). I’m soooo grateful for all Lily has done to make this trip a reality. Thank you Lily!