Gestational Diabetes (yuck!) and cute pics of Lydia (yay!)

I just spent hours upon hours (no exaggeration) putting together a catch-up post, and WordPress lost it. So I’m giving up on the idea of a catch-up post and am just going to post some pictures I took today of Lydia.

Quick preface: This morning I took that awful glucose test to screen for gestational diabetes and…my glucose was too high. I wasn’t really surprised since my diet has mainly been chocolate chip cookies and Dairy Queen blizzards, but it was still horrible news. After going home and bawling for a while (my first cry this pregnancy, by the way!), I calmed down and tried hard not to mourn the loss of sugary treats in my life. A couple hours later, Lydia woke up and cheered me up tremendously with her cute antics. Even amid the worry about how my bad habits have affected my baby in-utero and the awful feelings that accompany excessive pregnancy weight gain (round two–ugh), this darling girl managed to make me feel better.

Lydia LOVES to floss her teeth. I actually have to hide the floss because she will pull out a whole role and just go to town on her teeth. Today we literally spent an hour sitting around while Lydia flossed happily away.

We got Lydia a potty! Since my bladder is under a little strain right now with Baby Number 2, Lydia and I spend a lot of time in the bathroom. As a result, she is obsessed with the potty and is madly in love with her new one. I could give more graphic details about her little potty enactments, but let’s just say this is a happy relationship for her. Her name for the potty is “paw-wah.”