Today was Clark and Swathi’s last day in Utah. I am so sad they are gone, especially since while they were here we had in-house babysitters all the time. Abe and I both took two hour naps today and trusted that Lydia was in the greatest possible hands while we were zonked out.
And tomorrow my mom leaves, so by tomorrow night I will feel completely bereft. We will even see less of Balu than we have over the past weekend, simply because he will be gearing up for finals. I guess I should not mourn the future and instead focus on how great this past weekend with my family has been. Today I didn’t even have to cook since Balu and Swathi cooked some amazing Indian food–and Swathi even baked a pecan pie for us all. It was delicious.
Aside from napping all day and nursing a crazy headache, I had a wonderful visit with my visiting teacher, Erica Bowen. It’s amazing how uplifted a good visit can make me feel, and her insights and experiences buoyed my faith and happiness quite a bit.
I also loved just chatting with my family after we put the girls to bed. It was so fun to do nothing but sit around and talk for two hours. I love my family.
Since my headache is not getting any better and I still have a lot to clean, let me just finish and post the pictures of the day.