I am a newcomer to panic and anxiety, but Abe is an old pro in those departments. He tells me that exercise is a great way to control your thoughts, so this morning I eased back into my treadmill routine. Heavy on the “ease.” But I did notice improvement! I didn’t feel quite so panicky.
Mainly I bounced between the piano and my felting station all day. I am making our ornaments this year, and yesterday my final package arrived in the mail. So today I set up shop and started felting away. Ever since Martha Stewart featured a little video on felting these ornaments last Christmas, I have been daydreaming about what it must feel like to do the same.
I wish I could say I enjoy felting as much as I anticipated enjoying it, but when you’ve anticipated something for a whole year, meeting those sky-high expectations becomes rather difficult. But I do enjoy making these ornaments, and I am very excited to have a child-friendly tree.
Some cute things that happened with the girls today: Lydia has been having trouble getting her hair washed recently. She has never enjoyed the process, but we do it every day and she gets through it. Lately, though, she has started screaming and trying to climb out of the tub when we try to touch her hair. Today was a loud and painful ordeal for her, and at the end, I gave her a big hug. Mary was watching and toddled over to give Lydia a big hug too. It was kind of adorable.
Here are today’s pictures: