If Ammon ever wonders whether I exercised while pregnant with him, I want him to know: Except for the month I took off when I thought I’d gotten a hernia, I have. Not that exercise has helped me at all in the weight gain department, but I hope you feel the love, Baby Boy!
Lately I have taken to swimming before Abe leaves for work, and I’ve found that this not only helps me feel healthier, but it’s a great opportunity for prayer and revelation. I’m not exactly a super-focused athletic machine…
Sadly, today the pool was so crowded that I didn’t get to pray much. A lot of the time I was focused on keeping pace in my lane of circle swimmers. Since I didn’t emerge from the pool with a hard and fast, prayed-over action plan for the day, we just let it unfold at will. Translation: We were laaaaaaazy today. This afternoon Lydia and I participated in an hours-long activity that could only be described as hanging out. Turns out four-year-olds can hang out just as well as any adolescent! We chatted in bed, at the table, and on the couch while Mary napped. While we were on the couch discussing the possibility of getting up to play a board game (didn’t happen), all of the sudden we heard a huge BANG! It sounded like a bomb had exploded in our kitchen.
I investigated and discovered that our glass food container had exploded in the sink. It hadn’t undergone any sort of severe temperature change, unless you count taking it out of the fridge half an hour earlier. I was so, so thankful that no one was hurt. I had let Lydia eat straight out of that container earlier. Also, I usually wash all of my dishes right away because, even though I’m naturally inclined to sloth, dirty dishes in the sink hang over my head like some sort of SAHM guillotine. However, today I chose sloth over SAHM guilt and let the glass sit in the sink instead of washing it right away. Turns out that decision meant I didn’t get lacerated!
Needless to say, today marked the last day glass containers are utilized in our house. The rest went straight into the trash.