Abe got his new zip code for sales today. He gets to sell in downtown Chicago! We couldn’t be happier. That means we get to visit more often! He also gets to sell in Philadelphia and downtown Manhattan. We are so grateful.
I had an OB appointment this morning, after which we went to the library. Today was a laid back summer day, and I put in three hours at the piano. Now that cooking school is over, I feel like I can make progress towards my personal goals in that arena. I was inspired by Boyd K. Packer’s life story; if he can be an apostle, raise ten kids, and still devote substantial time to his creative outlet, surely I, with my two and a half kids and nursery calling, can make space to do the same.
The kids continue to delight me with their increased independence. We baked brownies together, and I did tote them around town and go on a family walk this evening…but other than that, they played together by themselves the rest of the day. My heart is soooo grateful. It makes me more determined to be healthy so I can have another baby close on Ammon’s heals and have a ready-made play mate always on hand. (And by “determined to be healthy,” what I really mean is I feel motivated to keep up the exercise routine. Unfortunately, I can’t resist making brownies until next month’s horrible diabetes test tells me I have to live without sugar in my life…)