I was up all night last night because I thought there was someone in the house. I heard the door to the girls’ room open and close right after a car alarm went off outside, and even after I checked their room three times, I could not convince myself they were safe. Finally, I managed to wake Abe up–my first attempts to do so ended in him mumbling about bacon that he’d set out for everyone in the neighborhood–and he checked their room again. He told me he’d left their door cracked, and that between the fan and the wind, it must have opened and shut a couple of times.
Even after he assured me that everything was fine, I still lay awake and terrified for the rest of the night. Therefore, I was exhausted and non-functional until 2pm today. All I managed to do before then was feed children, bathe children, and paint children’s nails.
At 2pm, the girls’ babysitter came over so I could swim, and from then on I managed to function.