I feel successful today because Lily is sleeping and it is 9:41. I hit a wall this week because I haven’t been sleeping much, so the past couple nights Lily was particularly on her own taking care of Ammon. Today she told me she felt the worst (fatigue-wise) that she ever has since Ammon was born. I’m hoping her early bed-time will help. I’m so grateful for all she does for this family. As I was counting my blessing today, I dwelt on Lily and blessed I am to have her in my life. She has sacrificed everything to bring children into our family and to raise them in love and righteousness.
We’ve had a blast having aunt Geri and Vince in town. Lily picked up Vince from the airport yesterday and then we all went to Maria Bonita’s, our favorite Mexican place. After that, we bought a carton of ice-cream and went to Qualtrics so I could give Geri and Vince a tour. Then we hit the Qualtrics candy bar to put toppings on our icecream and we all ate desert together. While at Qualtrics, Vince and Geri got to try the massage chairs. Vince particularly liked it because it soothed his back which has been sore from his recent car crash.
Thanksgiving was really good today. It was incredibly slow paced, and Lily have been exhausted enough that that is just what the doctor ordered. Lily’s made an amazing breakfast, with smoked salmon, pop-overs, orange juice, bacon, english muffins and cuties. Then we mostly visited until Thanksgiving dinner. Dinner was great. I picked up our order from Harmons and we had stuffing, mashed potatoes, candies yams, turkey and stuffing. After dinner we continued visiting and had an early bed time. I also got to have a whole hours just to play with Lydia and Mary which made me incredibly happy since these days I ‘m so tired I can’t pull myself together to play with them. On a sad note, Vince was incredibly sick today. I can hear him coughing in his guest room as I write this. I sure hope he gets feeling better.
On a couple final notes, Lydia and Mary have been wanting to sleep in their “fort” every night. I built it out of blankets that I drape over Mary’s crib and the sleep in their together. Also, Vince and Geri were so nice to bring clothes as gifts for our children. You can see pictures of the girls trying on the new clothes and the forts below.