green smoothie day

Yesterday at the chiropractor’s I read a book about green smoothies. I made one this morning, and I have to credit it with the energy I had for the rest of the day. The Qualtrics award ceremony was today so Abe didn’t come home until after 8pm. That meant I was in the presence of one or more of my children for twelve straight hours. I made it happily through. Thanks, smoothie!  But when Abe got home I sent him and the girls out of my presence so I could binge on ice cream. Oh, well.


I took the kids to the library for the second time since Ammon was born. That’s pretty sad, but at least we made it there today!

The girls are in story time together.
The girls are in story time together.

And then I took some cute pictures of Ammon before getting him ready for bed.

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