Clarissa’s fever

Clarissa has had a fever all day and didn’t take a single nap except for a ten minute sleep in the car. Mary broke my dream of transitioning her to her bedroom when she fell asleep–for the first time ever–on the way to kindergarten. I had to wake Mary up to get out of the car, and that woke Clarissa up.

By the end of the day, poor Clarissa was exhausted and limp. I had to put her on the floor to bathe Ammon, and under normal circumstances she would scream her head off. This time she gave just one cry and then fell on the floor limp and listless until I picked her up again. It was so sad.

In the morning we visited Lydia at school to see her present her book report.

At Lydia’s harp lesson this morning I learned that Lydia’s harp recital is THIS SATURDAY. I had totally forgotten that. Oops. So we practiced a ton tonight since we have been extremely lax lately.