Got a garden. Now to grow it!

On Monday morning I rounded the kids up and drove everyone up to Bridal Veil Falls so Lydia could bike, Mary could scooter, Clarissa could snuggle in the Boba, and Ammon could run.

Lydia biked, Mary scootered, Clarissa snuggled, and Ammon…tried to pitch himself into the swollen, raging river. It was a total nightmare. I was wearing Clarissa and still crippled from plantar fasciitis and my pulled groin, but I did yell loud enough to scare Ammon back to the trail on suicide attempt #1. Then I caught him right before he threw himself off the bridge into the river on suicide attempt #2. He really resisted the rescue that time. I forced him into his stroller and placated him with goldfish for the next hour.

Even though my camera got fixed on Saturday, it never occurred to me to take a picture on this outing. I was too busy keeping Ammon alive.

Then we went straight to a doctor’s appointment for Clarissa, during which time Ammon was completely and utterly out of control.

We came home and I collapsed on the couch while Clarissa crawled around the floor. My mom watched her crawl. Thank you, Mom!

After Abe came home, we put Clarissa to bed and then went to Cook’s Greenhouse to buy fruit trees and more plants for the garden. Abe miraculously fit it all in the car!