First day in Yellowstone

On Saturday we drove up through the Tetons, set up camp and fished until dinner. It was late in the season and the fish were all at the bottom of the lakes, so we didn’t catch any. But we sure had fun trying!

Yellowstone Lake

That little white dot in the middle is Abe fishing in the creek.

Lydia snuck the phone and took a selfie.
This is a baby bison nursing. When it latched it bumped its mama off the ground. Poor mama bison.

We ate dinner at Canyon village and after admired Yellowstone Falls. This is our fifth Yellowstone trip in four years, so sightseeing felt like a bonus. Hopefully this is a yearly tradition so we can just have Yellowstone trips from now on that are just relaxed and where everything feels lucky and happy. Like this trip. I was SO happy and thankful all day long, and I think everyone else was too.