soooo proud of Lydia and Mary right now

Tonight Abe was reading scriptures with the girls while I was doing my online writing class. They happened to be on the BOM scripture about how the Lamanites’ skin turned “fair” (historically the word was “white”) when they became righteous. Lydia, alarmed, said “Should I tell Mom we read this? She’d be so mad!” Abe said she could come tell me. Gleeful at the thought of what kind of scene would ensue, she giggled and said, “I’m going to tell Mom!” That’s my girl.

Abe went on to say that this scripture was wrong but that there were other valuable passages in their reading that he liked. He re-read a verse about calling on God when you’re scared and told the girls they could find value in that one instead. At the end, he asked the girls why he reads scriptures with them. Mary responded, “So we can take away the good things!” That made Abe happy–and honestly, me too.

I am SO proud that Lydia immediately recognized that this passage was racist. It is such a relief to know she is applying critical thinking to scripture. That is something I never did when I was younger, and I am so, so proud of them for developing these mental habits.

The other notable thing about today was that we did a Trader Joe’s Thanksgiving for dinner. I tried out all of their short-cut Thanksgiving foods and had a whole Thanksgiving dinner on the table in one hour. It was so yummy, and we loved it all (except the stuffing, which was just mush.)