Fatigue and Fun Family Time

On Monday, I finally scratched the itch I’d been having to start exercising again. It has been weeks since I’ve been in an exercise routine. I ran West at first, but then started to feel like if there was anywhere to get shot in Orem, it would likely be West of the Freeway on 400S in Orem. Ok, I don’t think it is actually that dangerous, but it was an industrial area that just had a super different vibe than the beautiful residential area we live in. So I turned around, headed East, and found a good route to a nearby running track it was a glorious run.

Whether the exercise was just too much for my body, or whether I was still recovering from the late night puzzling on Saturday, or whether I was just breaking down from cumulative stresses through-out the year, the fact is, I felt awful on Monday, barely functional.

Still, I managed my way through work, had a wonderful lunch with Daniel Olsen, my new friend and Mary’s piano teacher, and enjoyed my evening with the family. I put together our new shoe rack while we watched the 2019 version of Lady and the Tramp which we all loved.

While I was at work, Lydia made a treasure hunt for Ammon and Mary. She hid blue stars around the house for them to find. Mary got a “1st Place” gold star because she won the treasure hunt. They also enjoyed caramel apples which Nelly sent to us.