Black Lives Matter

Today was a really good, even magical day. I slept in until 9:15 and felt like the rest really did me some good. I then got Clarissa, got ready for the day and helped around the house while Lily did a ton of cooking in the kitchen. She made Borscht soup, Keesh, Soufle, and a buckwheat chocolate cake. Around 12:00 I did my monthly deep meditation, and it was one of my favorites to this date. Afterwords, the kids ate and I put Clarissa down.

After Clarissa went down, Lily and I said happy birthday over Zoom to our dear friend Preethi. Ammon wandered into our room to show us he was playing dress up.

Then, I studied up on what to teach the children regarding current events and the Black Lives Matter movement. I watched this incredible Sesame Street town hall with CNN to address the topic, and I thought it was perfect for home church. Also, Lily ordered a Black Lives Matter sign the feels very loving and unifying and I love it, and I love her for ordering it!

Lily was exhausted and I’m so glad she took a nap after all that cooking. When I felt ready, I conducted home church with the kids. After discussing baptism a bit (answering some questions Mary has had) we watched the Sesame Street Town hall and discussed racism as a family. Lily joined us for the end of the lesson. Lydia gets bored or uncomfortable when Lily and I preach on a subject we feel passionate about, but we really hope our children understand that not everyone has life as good or easy as we do, and it’s a central part of being a good person to listen to, care for, and do something about people who are suffering, oppressed, marginalized, and/or vulnerable. Home church was a perfect place to talk about this, but Jesus was an incredible example of standing with the oppressed. We say Black Lives Matter right now instead of All Lives Matter, because white people are affirmed every day in a million ways by the institutions in our society, by the ways that stereotyping plays out, by narratives of history, by who has the most power and money in society, and just simply by being the majority. This is one moment, an especially important moment to affirm and stand with our black brothers and sisters, and perhaps most importantly to just listen and learn about why they are hurting, and how we can help be a part of the solution. #BlackLivesMatter.

Then we had the sacrament and wrapped up. We’ve been using the “Hymns2” soundtrack by Voicemale for music accompaniment.

Then went to our room to rest some more, and work on a project to review some of her friends poetry which she committed to them she would do. I was reflecting today that I love my job, especially on Monday, but by Friday I feel burnt out and like I need to get away from it. Our family is Lily’s job, I’m so glad when she can have a moment to step a way. She had that tonight and I was so grateful for it. She’s been clicking on all cylinders during the week, cooking, cleaning, reading to kids, playing with kids, teaching kids, correcting kids, giving, giving, giving. So so so glad she got some time tonight.

And while she was getting some time, we were enjoying the fruits of all her cooking. Dinner was SO good. She made a blended borscht that tasted delicious and complex. Her mushroom quiche was unbelievable and we also had fresh strawberries as a side. But what really stole the show was the buckwheat chocolate cake she made. I made a berry sauce from fresh strawberries, raspberry jam and a frozen berry medley (added some sugar) and put it on the cake and added ice cream and whipped cream. IT WAS SOOOO GOOOD.

After dinner I finished watching “Harriet” with the children. Honestly, it might be one of the best movies I have ever seen. Harriet Tubman just made my top 5 list of heroes, right up there with Jesus, Mr. Rogers, and Abe Lincoln. I was so inspired by her her faith and commitment to working righteousness, not just for slaves, but later in her life for woman’s rights and caring for the Elderly. What an incredible woman. Her fight for what was right was often at the risk of her own life. Not many people fight the fight for justice at that level. She did, and I’m amazed. She continued to risk her life for others after she had her freedom. I’m blown away. Such a good movie. Her courage, her faith. I can’t say enough about her.

During the movie, Ammon and Clarissa played wonderfully together in the background. They were such good play pals. Here are some pictures of them horsing around together earlier today. I forgot exactly when I took these: