art classes

The girls made forts in their room today.

This morning I biked almost an hour, roasted some sweet potatoes, did preschool with Ammon, helped Mary practice the piano, roasted onions, eggplant, and peppers, made veggie enchiladas, and visited with Andrea when she came to get her phone. It was a nice visit after yesterday’s gut wrenching conversation!

She offered to do art with the girls and me once a month, which is incredible because she used to teach art at BYU and is a professional artist. Since Mary does art every day for hours upon hours (she probably averages three or four hours a day just coloring and drawing!)–this is a great opportunity for Mary especially. Andrea took a great interest in her art yesterday and I was so touched that today she offered to help guide Mary’s artistic progress.

Mary said something adorable during the dinner conversation on Sunday. When Andrea asked her about her process, Mary responded that she has to think about her art before she creates it because “otherwise it will be a big flop.” We all about died laughing. Mary is so, so over the top insanely cute!!

Today Ammon and I did preschool activities and books for the letter “f.” We watered flowers, blew out a candle (fire!) by making the “f” sound, and read books.

watering flowers!

Ammon also spent most of the day just playing with his magna tiles, laying out his Zingo cards around the house to make a path for his toy witches, and playing with his toy dragons and dinosaurs. He and Clarissa also spent a lot of time together.

Lydia spent the entire day reading Life of Pi start to finish. I put it on her summer reading shelf and totally forgot about the gruesome ending until she was already into it and addicted. Hopefully she doesn’t get nightmares.

Lydia reading Life of Pi while I research Europe.

Abe had a great day at work even though he is so tired. We are going to try to get to bed early tonight and fix that situation. But for being so tired, he still got out of bed early and went running before work, helped Mary do her eye exercises, and right now he’s cleaning the kitchen (the fourth time it’s been cleaned today!!).

My mom had a bad spell today but was great for most of the day. She has been doing much better ever since Sunday when she requested a blessing from the bishop. We’re all so glad she’s been feeling overall so much better.

The flowers in our front yard. Aren’t they pretty?