Black Friday and Christmas Whirlwind

I slept in super late today, which was an incredible gift she gave to me. While I was sleeping, Lily got out all of the Christmas decor and started on her Black-Friday deal finding. That is a huge process for her, and it took most of her day. She’s such a deal-finder and does such a good job making sure the home is beautiful, organized and the family is well clothed for the most affordable price. Lily’s head was in a fog at the end of the day from all the decisions she made, but I’m so grateful for how she takes care of us!

Aside from Lily’s Black Friday shopping, we spent the entire day cleaning the house (and removing fall, Thanksgiving and other home decor) and putting up all our Christmas decorations. The kids and I also went to buy our tree. Lydia and Mary picked out this one. After bringing it home, Lily mentioned that she had suggested a small tree, which apparently, I had completely forgotten, haha. Fortunately, everyone loves this tree.

The pictures below are from Saturday, and include some additional decorations Lily got from one of her favorite decor shops Sun Garden.

It was a huge lift of shopping, cleaning, organizing and decorating today, and after it all, Lily and I decompressed watching “The Good Place” on Netflix, which is so so so good.