Today I biked in the morning before going slowly throughout the day. I did vacuum, read to the kids, give Ammon a reading lesson, sit through a small part of Lydia’s harp practice (per her request), teach Mary a new piece on the piano, study art history with Mary, play dolls with Clarissa, do some laundry, clean the kitchen multiple times, walk with Abe, and play a long game of Apples to Apples with Abe and the girls (and Ammon for part of it), but other than that I lay on the couch. For hours, probably. Christmas was so fun, but I am still tired!

Lydia did her harp practice and read two Artemis Fowl books. Mary taught Clarissa how to paint, built Clarissa an elaborate marble run for Clarissa to knock over, practiced her piano, studied art history with me, and took her new stuffed pig all around the house all day on a leash she made herself. Ammon was inspired and made his stuffed snake a leash, but instead of lovingly dragging the snake everywhere, he left the snake to fend for itself in front of the fireplace.

Abe also took a lot of naps because work is really stressful and overwhelming right now. He is basically an inch away from promoting two quarters earlier than expected, but his team has maxed out everything they can bill and unless some crazy fluke happens, the quarter will end with him barely missing that. So he’s tired and stressed, but still pleasant and helpful as always. Right now he is passed out next to me while we try to figure out if we want to watch tv or go to bed early. I am assuming it will be the latter since he appears to be almost sound asleep.

*note a day later: Abe did wake up and we took a walk around our block several times before bed. It was freezing but nice to do something besides lie around some more.