Happy Inauguration Day

Congratulations, America, on surviving the last four years! I hope we can fully heal in the next four years. I hope we can see each other as people first and members of political parties last. It’s so hard to do, but so important if we want to preserve peace and democracy for our kids. I know I can do a lot more to really see the people around me instead of fear them, and one of my resolutions today is to focus on love rather than fear.

Today was a pretty normal day except for watching the inauguration, during which I teared up and Lydia kept exclaiming over how great Biden’s speech was. At one point she said, “Mom, I didn’t used to be able to appreciate a good speech, but now I can and I really love this one!” She looked so beautiful, is so smart, and is such a good-to-the-core human, and my heart just overflowed with pride in her intelligence and discernment today.

Mary memorized another times table and both girls had good practices and good music lessons. Ammon had a long play date with a neighbor and preschool friend, Casey, and Clarissa spent a lot of time singing me songs and telling me stories. She is so, so cute. I feel bad I didn’t get her stories recorded, but she’s on a roll so hopefully tomorrow.

Mary and Ammon assembled our dinner lasagna today.
Clarissa helped make the salad.
Lydia drew a beautiful self-portrait yesterday and today.

Other than that, I went on a walk with Abe, did some laundry, made some meals, cleaned the kitchen, tidied the house, and googled puppies today. I hope to get a workout in before bed, so fingers crossed I can catch up on the blog before then.

Here is a video of Clarissa telling a story