Work Marathon and Alexander’s Birthday Party

Today was one of the most crazy work days I have had in a while. I was working by about 7:30 and I had 13 or so straight meetings (with no breaks except the occasional bathroom or food run that made me late for my next meeting). I barely pulled away in time for Alexander’s Birthday party (leaving around 5PM), but even then I took a meeting or two in the car on my drive down. Lily stayed home because she was feeling strained and needed to recover for a bit.

Once I arrived, the party was so much fun. It was so fun to see Andrea, my dad, Suzanne, Christian and his daughter, Isabella and Ali, Ed, and especially Alexander, the birthday boy. It had been a while since I had connected with him and we had a great time catching up. I learned that he is pretty plugged into the rap community and even had a renowned rap writer (Kocaine) write a song about him. But the most fun part for me was playing basketball with Alexander, my dad and Christian. We played horse and pig. For the most part, my dad and I got whipped by Alexander and Christian who are by far the best shots of the bunch. But one game, I was shooting really well and had a chance to win everything. I made it to the point of being just me against Alexander, and I was ahead! I did a trick shot where I was sitting on a cement wall, from three-point range or close to it, and I shot the ball while remaining sitting. The ball went in and I was sure I won the game. But I couldn’t believe it when Alexander matched my shot and then proceeded to hit an even harder trick shot over power-lines from very far away and I couldn’t match it, so I lost. It was very, very fun.

I also at 6 or so slices of pizza. The kids had an amazing time too. Isabella chased Ammon around and showed Lydia and Mary her guinea pigs. Clarissa liked playing in all the plants in the garden area. It was very fun to connect with everyone. I wish I would have got a picture of the birthday boy, but I did manage to take this picture before leaving:

Ed was in very high spirits today and said he has just been feeling grateful

Andrea drove home with us and it was very fun talking with her.

At home, I collapsed on the couch and woke up around 11PM, a couple of hours later, and then transferred myself to the bed. I was very, very, very tired.