Family visits (and history) and Colorado Springs

Today, we woke up and to breakfast at Village Inn with my Grandma, Doris Edmondson. She told stories about her husband, Grandpa Bob, who recently passed away. I caught a few tidbits in the clips below (I hope they work!):

She also shared some cute pictures with us. Everyone agreed he loved little children and was very good with them.

Grandpa Bob with Jere, September1986
David, February, 1989
Brittany, Rachel and David, Show Biz Pizza, Feb 1989
My mom and me, Show Biz Pizza 1989
Thanksgiving 1984, Jason Aaron holding Abe Darais
Jere 1989, Show Biz Pizza
David 3.5 months

Then we visited with my Grandma Forsyth who is having a birthday tomorrow. They still weren’t allowing visitors in the building due to Covid, so I visited with her outside with Jere and my mom.

Then we drove to Colorado Springs and went to Garden of The Gods. It was AMAZING. We started with the visitor’s center, which included a movie, and then we saw the amazing scenery outside:

For Dinner, we went to Chop Shop Casual Urban Eatery, which was very yummy, especially the pies we had for desert (I had Key Lime!).