brunch with Camey and Amy and play date with the Easton-Flakes

On Monday morning I had Camey and Amy over for brunch. They are in the same branch of teaching at BYU but had never met. It was fun to have a little brunch where they could meet–even if my popovers did burn. Abe sailed in with ingredients from Harmon’s so we could have avocado toast instead. Thank you, Abe!

Then in the afternoon had a play date with the Easton Flakes which we loved, as usual. Clarissa and Hawthorne had a cute little play prepared. It turned out to be Clarissa’s dance routine, which she has worked on since September. She expected Hawthorne to automatically know all of the choreography from ballroom and appeared distressed when things didn’t go according to plan. They were both too cute for words.