arcade with the Easton-Flakes and clogging our arteries

After I fell down the driveway at the beginning of the week my shoulders and arms have been really sore. So after dropping the kids off, doing all the laundry, tidying every room, and wrapping half of the Christmas presents, I drove myself to the spa and got an 80 minute massage. It felt like a huge relief in the moment, although right now everything still feels sore. I hope it’s better in the morning.

Amy invited us to join her kids to celebrate their full vaccination at the arcade, so we did that after school. I conscripted Abe to come along to help keep track of the little kids. He miraculously finished his work in time to be completely done by the time we left! I don’t know if Abe or Ammon had more fun, but Ammon was the only one who pouted and cried when it was time to leave.

One of the arcade games was a Ninja Turtle game. Pizza was a big feature of the game and it made Abe and me crave pizza, so we took he kids to Via 313 after. It’s a new pizza place in Orem, and wow. It’s our new favorite.

After eating delicious pizza (and, to be fair, quite a bit of beet salad, roasted broccoli and cauliflower, and baked artichokes) we decided to give our bodies an extra whammy by driving through Krispy Kreme. Here’s to heart attacks before we turn 70! It was very yummy.

Now the kids are all listening to Abe read Harry Potter while I blog. Some people in the ward just caroled at our door, and I have a mug of reishi hot cocoa next to me while I snuggle in my holiday gnome sheets. It was a good, calorie laden day. I really hope my arm gets better so I can work off some of these calories tomorrow.