Today was the quarterly QBR and annual kickoff meetings I’ve been planning for a month. My two Raleigh reps flew into town so we could all be together (we do it once per quarter). Unfortunately, our Nanny Lexy had a migraine and was not able to help today. With Ammon still sick, I stayed home and joined the meetings remotely. Even though I would have definitely preferred to be there in person, the meetings, content and discussion all went very well. I feel my team is very aligned on a vision (of focusing on $100k+ deals) and very enabled to go do our job this year. The important stuff got done and I was very satisfied with the meetings.
Suzanne came at 3:30 so she could pick all the kids up from school while I was still in meetings and then she stayed to play with the kids, make sure they did music practice, tend to the kids, clean and help with dinner. After dinner she helped me clean up the kitchen. She was so cheerful and helpful and it was so needed because I was exhausted after my day of meetings and also I was getting very behind, but I was able to work while she babysat, which was a life-saver! She left right as I was putting kids down. Once she left, I got the kids down and then had some time to myself……or so I thought. I then heard running water, only to find that one of the kids had left a faucet on in the bathroom and closed the drain. The backup drain was overwhelmed and there was water spilling all over the floor and into the vanity. After cleaning the water off the floor, I removed almost everything from the vanity so I could dry every single drawer and cabinet inside because water had spilled in. After that was sorted, I worked more.
Wednesday night continued to be a rough night. While I was working, Lydia couldn’t sleep because she was having scary thoughts because of a story her friend told her about an evil doll that killed people. She was afraid of her dolls and would repeatedly call me from the Alexa and she also asked me to go up stairs from the basement to make sure that her dolls and stuffed animals weren’t going to kill her. It was a relatively small ask, but I was tired and stressed and unsympathetic. I did check her room, but I mostly got upset with her for keeping my cortisol up until midnight (it only really truly drops when all the kids are peacefully asleep). I feel bad about that.
I fell asleep around midnight and 30 minutes later Clarissa came into my room asking to sleep in my bed. I was so tired that I agreed, but then she said she couldn’t because she had a wet pull-up. I said I didn’t care and that she could just jump in. She protested and said she couldn’t come in because she pee’d her pull up. We did a couple rounds of this until I realized she had actually taken her pull-up off, and was naked from the waste down while we were having this conversation. She picked an incredible night to ask for a new pull-up because she had just been put in the last clean pull-up in the entire house. So at 12:30 at night I was going all through the house, the garage, the car looking for a clean pullup. I finally said she’d need to wear a wet one and she she complied and joined me in bed. It took a bit for me to fall asleep since I had already slept some before waking, but I did fall asleep around 1. Then Ammon came into my room around 4, not realizing what time it was and asking to watch his Kindle or something like that. I not longer remember if he joined me in bed or went back in his own bed, but then I slept another couple hours and woke up around 6:30.
Here are some pictures from Lily’s day with Jenn including an awesome time at Graceland!