Catch-up Day

This morning I woke up with grad designs for getting caught up on life and for the most part my plans came to fruition.

After I woke up, I spent 3 hours blogging. Clarissa was with me coloring at times. She is so cute!

After blogging, I did my 500 workout, but I’m still only at doing 6 rounds of everything instead of 10. Still, it was such an amazing feeling to workout. I then fed the kids. Then, after showering, eating and getting ready for the day, I worked on the budget for an hour or so.

Lunch for the kids

While I worked on the budget, Lydia made cupcakes. The frosting didn’t turn out exactly how she wanted because we don’t have powdered sugar, but the cake part was perfect, and they looked so pretty!

By then, it was 4:00 or so and I started cleaning the basement, folding clothes and vacuuming. After that I worked on cleaning and organizing the main floor and upstairs for 20 minutes. The kids were awesome and all helped get the house tidy during that period of time. Then we all had dinner and continued enjoying the cupcakes Lydia made earlier in the day.

Here is Basil, happy, after tearing off the head of his favorite duck and scattering the stuffing across the floor.
Lydia and Mary got a kick out of realizing that Ammon was under a blanket on his kindle next to them when they had no idea he was under the blanket. They thought there was just a blanket on the couch next to them. You can see why. In this picture, Ammon is under the blanket.

I had the kids all down at a great time and then I watched a couple hours of TV before doing the dishes and closing up the house.

Lily is having a great time in the DC/Baltimore area. Here are some pictures and captions she sent to me:

Dinner with Ashley – sooooo fun

Lily was so excited to get to see Louie, Ginny and family!

Pho with Louie Ginny Clara and Bea
Lily got this email and forwarded it to me saying, “I can not make fun of you any more! I didn’t realize I have more Neanderthal than you!!” to which I replied, “Hooray! We are cave people! No wonder we fell in love!”

Lily comes home!

Today was a great day. I had a nice face time call with Lily first thing in the morning and then I spent a bunch of time cleaning and getting the house looking nice for Lily’s return. Then the kids and I attended the kids session of church. It was a wonderful anti-racism lesson, and all the kids in the class gave great comments (including Clarissa who introduced herself by saying she liked purple and pink and unicorns).

Then I attended the adult session of church. We talked about the principle of faithful disagreement in the Community of Christ. It is a beautiful principle, and it is outlined at this link. I felt so nourished from church. I planned to multi-task and work on the house, but I became so absorbed in the lesson that I didn’t get any of those extra things done!

After church, I cleaned the kitchen, and folded a bunch of laundry (thank you Lydia and Mary for helping!). At this point of the day I was all, but insisting that people stay on screens so the house could stay nice. We also had lunch and did karaoke before heading off to………..Pick up Lily!

It was so great to see Lily! She was sick, tired, and hungry, but yet glowing from her trip. It was so fun to catch up, and I can tell being with Jenn, having so many new experiences, and having a break from the day-to-day was good for her soul. And it was so good to have her back!

We went to Spitz for dinner and then went home and watched Lydia’s 5th grade patriotic program (see below) before all going to bed.

Spitz has chalkboard walls and chalk that Ammon and Clarissa particularly had fun with.