On Wednesday I went to the 9am bikram yoga in Lehi. I always dread the commute but never regret having done that for my body after.

Then I came home, did a bunch of laundry, tidied the house, showered, and went to my therapy appointment. Vhari did internal family systems therapy with me and I felt like we made huge progress. I am such a fan of Vhari.

Then I did some groceries, picked the kids up, and took them to the park since the weather was beautiful! After the park we went to the Orem library to check out the Martha Hughes Cannon exhibit I’d seen an email about. I told the older girls to study the exhibit and tell me at least three facts about it while the little ones ran around.

After I read them all a book and then drove through Burger King for impossible whoppers for dinner. When we got home every child made it through their required instrument practice and I helped Ammon do an hour and a half of homework.

Our tree guy and his sons also planted a TON of trees. I was trying to point out where to plant them and stepped in poop. That is one thing I do not enjoy about dog ownership.

Abe came home late because his boss is in town and they had a work dinner at Block. Honestly, if I had to choose between an impossible whopper and a Block dinner, I’d actually hesitate a long time–before probably choosing Block. But those impossible whoppers are so good!