Ballroom burnout and Clarissa’s encore

Today was another ballroom competition. Legacy has been a great studio, but we are all burnt out on dance including the kids. They are probably burnt out on us as well because with all of the things that we have going on, we don’t always come to practice. Even today we were 25 minutes early for Lydia’s first performance, but we barely missed it because today they were running almost 30 minutes ahead of schedule. Apparently we were supposed to show up two hours early, which we were not willing to do with four kids. We showed up two hours early last time and it turned out to not be at all necessary that time. Needless to say, it’s been a great (although stressful) experience, but we are ready to be done.

driving to the ballroom competition

The highlight of the day was Clarissa’s encore. I cannot believe I didn’t get a video or even see it! Lily told me all about it. Apparently at the end of the Charleston dance (video below), all the kids exited the stage. And then Clarissa came back on stage all by herself and danced for everybody to the sheer delight of the crowd. When I saw everyone exit, I turned off the video and turned around to walk back to where Lily was, missing everything. Still though, I can picture it in my head and the thought of it give me a good laugh.